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Cycle Croatia & the Balkans

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 15
14 Tage
von 14 bis 99

ab € 3.974,– p.P.

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  • Entdecke drei faszinierende Länder mit dem Fahrrad
  • Radle durch weiß getünchte Dörfer und bewundere das erhabene saphirblaue Wasser der Adria
  • Besuche die größte Insel Dalmatiens mit ihren Zypressenwäldern, Orangen- und Olivenbäumen und leuchtend weißen Kieselstränden
  • Mit duftendem Lavendel, Kiefern, Obstplantagen und einem hoch aufragenden Kalksteinkamm ist Hvar wirklich atemberaubend
  • Genieße ein Gelato oder nimm ein erfrischendes Bad im Meer im sonnigen Korcula
  • Steige auf den Gipfel des Srd Hil und genieße die Aussicht auf das alte Dubrovnik, seinen Hafen und die Adria.
  • Werde Zeuge, wie sich Mostars berühmte Brückentaucher von den Steinen einer Brücke stürzen, die hier seit Jahrhunderten den Fluss überspannt


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.974,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Dobro Dosli! Welcome to Croatia. Today is arrival day and there are no activities planned for today until a welcome meeting at 6 pm. After this meeting you have the option of heading out for a meal with your group. Perhaps grab a drink at a bar on the gorgeous Riva Promenade. As this tour will spend a limited time in Split, arriving early is recommended to fully enjoy all that this city has to offer. Explore the impressive ruins of Diocletian's Palace, see the original and fantastically preserved basements under the city, or simply unwind with a walk along the waterfront.
  2. Tag 2

    Brac Island

    It’s an early start today catching the ferry (approximately 1 hour) from Split to Supetar on the island of Brac. There is a bike fitting for the group followed by a short test ride to ensure everything is working properly. From here, begin your first 'real' ride in Croatia, cycling from Supetar along the coastal road to the beautiful seaside village of Pucisca. Along the way, take a short detour to the tiny village of Dol, passing well-maintained vineyards, fig trees and olive groves. After a quick stop for refreshments in Pucisca, encounter your first real climb up to Praznica – it is a pretty steep climb (7kms at an average of 7.5%) but you’ll be rewarded with sweeping views over the Adriatic Sea. Have a rest at the top then cycle across the relatively flat centre to a descent down to the town of Bol. Bol is famous for the Zlatni Rat (Golden Cape) – one of the Adriatic’s most beautiful beaches. Take a quick swim at this stunning beach and perhaps enjoy an optional visit to the famous Stina Winery for a tasting before returning (by vehicle) to Supetar. Put your feet up and perhaps try some amazingly fresh seafood for dinner.
  3. Tag 3

    Hvar Island

    It's another early morning as you take the ferry to Stari Grad via Split (approximately 4.5 hours). Have lunch in Split and spend time looking around before boarding the second ferry. Set in a beautiful protected bay, Stari Grad is one of Europe’s oldest towns, settled by Neolithic tribes as far back as 3500BC. Today the old stone houses, narrow streets and small squares still retain a deeply historic feel. There's plenty to see and do, including the Dominican Monastery and Tvrdalj Fortress. Leaving Stari Grad behind, ride up to the scenic heart of Hvar Island, via a less-trafficked old road, passing viewpoints and old taverns along the way before stopping for a break. Afterwards, descend through the old village of Brusje and down into the vibrant Hvar Town, with its historic charm and ancient city walls (approximately 21 kms). The streets of Hvar are a traffic-free zone, giving you freedom to stroll the pjaca (piazza) and soak in the views of St Stephen's Cathedral, the Arsenal, and the myriad palaces that flank the square.
  4. Tag 4

    Korcula Island

    Enjoy a free morning with a quiet sleep in, or spend some more time savouring the ambience of Hvar Town. For options for your free day, perhaps check out the Hvar Spanjola fortress for views, go on a boat tour, or ask your tour leader for suggestions for a hike to Velo Grablje village. This afternoon, catch a catamaran across to the island of Korcula, arriving late in the evening into Korcula Town – a Venetian Renaissance-inspired walled city full of narrow streets, medieval towers and the reputed birthplace of Marco Polo. Perhaps head out for a late dinner and a bar with a view of the Adriatic.
  5. Tag 5

    Korcula Island

    Prepare for a big day on the road through the heart of Korcula, past vineyards, olive groves and forests – this is a long one but worth the effort! Starting early, drive up to the hamlet of Pupnat – avoiding a nasty 10km/6 mile climb on the bikes – for a homemade breakfast with local hosts. The position of Pupnat and steepness of the approach is no accident. It was designed to help keep Pupnat safe from pirates through the ages. Pupnat is Korcula ‘as it used to be’ – a picture perfect farming village with stone buildings and a laidback atmosphere. Enjoy a descent down to Pupnatska Luka – a beautiful bay with a pebble beach, following the coastline through Smokvica and its vineyards before tackling the final climb to Blato, and descending down to the port town of Vela Luka. You’ll have time to walk around, have a quick coffee then board your vehicle to drive back across the island towards Korcula Town, stopping enroute for an included dinner at a local restaurant. The rest of the evening is free to explore this fascinating coastal town.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


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  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (10 Nächte), Apartment (3 Nächte)
  • 12x Frühstück
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Brac Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Hvar Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Korcula Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Dubrovnik - Stadtmauern
  • Pelješac Halbinsel Geführtes & Fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Bucht von Kotor Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Region Niksic Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Region Pluzine Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Region Mostar/Ciro Trail Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren
  • Ciro Trail Geführtes Radfahren
  • Sarajevo Region Geführtes & Fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Split, Croatia
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Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Partner durchgeführt

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