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New Zealand Uncovered (Southbound)

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 6 / max. 16
20 Tage
von 18 bis 99

ab € 5.350,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Entdecke die Vielfalt Rotoruas, von der unglaublichen geothermischen Aktivität bis zur reichen Maori-Kultur. Besuche ein Maori-Dorf für ein Hangi-Dinner und eine traditionelle Haka-Vorführung.
  • Bewundere die außergewöhnlichen Landschaften des Tongariro Nationalparks, von smaragdgrünen Seen bis hin zu aufragenden Vulkangipfeln. Wenn du dich der Herausforderung stellen willst, kannst du die berühmte Tongariro Crossing bezwingen.
  • Lerne die kreative und kosmopolitische Hauptstadt Neuseelands, Wellington, kennen. Dein örtlicher Reiseleiter zeigt dir das Beste der Stadt, darunter auch den Weta Workshop, der durch Herr der Ringe berühmt wurde.
  • Erlebe das Abenteuer in der Welthauptstadt des Abenteuers, Queenstown. Egal, ob du Lust auf Bungy Jumping, Jetboat fahren, Reiten oder eine Weinprobe hast, hier gibt es für jeden etwas zu entdecken.
  • Du bist auf dem Weg zu einer der landschaftlich schönsten Zugreisen der Welt - überquere die spektakulären Südalpen mit dem berühmten TranzAlpine von der Westküste nach Christchurch.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 5.350,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to the land of the long white cloud, Aotearoa (New Zealand). Your North Island adventure begins in Auckland, New Zealand’s biggest, busiest and buzziest city. If you get here with time to spare, perhaps check out the beach down at Mission Bay or take a stroll along the restaurant-lined waterfront. Meet your local leader and new travel buddies at your accommodation at 6pm for a welcome meeting, then the rest of the evening is yours. If you’d like to take a dip into Auckland’s nightlife, your leader will have tips on the best places to grab a drink or a bite to eat.
  2. Tag 2

    Coromandel Peninsula

    Leave the bright lights of Auckland City in the rear-view mirror as you jump in your vehicle and drive on the Coromandel Peninsula – the journey is a highlight in itself, following the extraordinary coastline and watching clear blue water stream past the window. A land of white sand beaches and lush rainforests, the Coromandel Peninsula feels a world away from where your journey began. Make a stop at Hot Water Beach, named after the famous warm waters found beneath its golden sand. If the tide allows, dig a hole on the beach and enjoy your own natural hot tub – absolute bliss! Arrive in Whitianga in the afternoon – your local leader will show you around this relaxed town known for beaches, surfing and a mellow atmosphere.
  3. Tag 3


    Hit the road and make a scenic drive to Raglan, passing tree-clad hills and dramatic valleys. The journey will be broken up with photo-worthy stops, including a visit to the magical 55-metre cascade of the Bridal Veil Falls. Widely considered to be New Zealand’s premier surf spot, Raglan is the ideal place to catch some waves, whether you’re a beginner or a pro. If surfing isn’t your thing, the chilled-out town offers a wealth of awesome activities. Check out creative local cafes, shops and galleries, stretch out on the beach and enjoy the view or head out on a hiking trail to get a better look at the landscape. Tonight is set to be one to remember – get on the water for a sunset boat cruise around Raglan Harbour, and tuck into a tasty fish and chips feast while you’re at it – a true Kiwi experience!
  4. Tag 4

    Waitomo / Rotorua

    This morning’s adventure takes you underground during a visit to the Waitomo Caves, a subterranean system of caverns and passageways illuminated by thousands of ethereal glow worms. You may like to join a walking tour to hear the story of the caves’ history, geology and connection to Maori mythology. If you’d rather stay on the surface, the Ruakuri Forest walk is a must, cutting through dense rainforest and taking in views of verdant gorges and limestone arches. Continue your journey towards Rotorua, known for its Maori heritage, hotbed of geothermal activity and distinctive sulphur smell (you’ll get used to it!). To get your first look at Rotorua’s impressive scenery, take a treetop walk through an ancient redwood forest over a network of suspension bridges, reaching 12 metres at the highest point.
  5. Tag 5


    Spend the day discovering the natural and cultural wonders of Rotorua – this unique destination is really like nowhere else in the world. Tucked into the rolling green hills of Matamata you’ll find Hobbiton, the set where part of the Lord of the Rings films were shot and a must-visit for any fans. The geothermal activity in the area is also second to none – simmering mud pools, dramatic geysers and fluorescent lakes must be seen to be believed. If you’ve got a head for heights, ziplining through Rotorua’s ancient forests is an unbeatable way to take it all in. This evening you’ll get a true taste of Maori culture during a visit to a local village. Here you’ll enjoy a hangi dinner, a traditional meal cooked underground, giving it a delicious earthy flavour. Members of the village will also give combat demonstrations and perform a soul-stirring haka. While here you’ll have the chance to witness New Zealand’s largest geyser in action, and if you’re really lucky, you may spot some nocturnal kiwi birds.
  6. Tag 6

    Rotorua / Taupo / Tongariro National Park

  7. Tag 7

    Tongariro National Park

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10

    Wellington / Marlborough / Kaikoura

  11. Tag 11

    Kaikoura / Christchurch

  12. Tag 12

    Christchurch / Lake Tekapo / Ohau

  13. Tag 13

    Mackenzie Country / Queenstown

  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15

    Queenstown / Wanaka

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  17. Tag 17

    Wanaka / Franz Josef

  18. Tag 18

    Franz Josef

  19. Tag 19

    Hokitika / Greymouth / Christchurch

  20. Tag 20


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel/Motel (19 Nächte)
  • 19x Frühstück
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Coromandel Peninsula - Cathedral Cove
  • Coromandel Peninsula - Hot Water Beach
  • Raglan - Fish & Chips Abendessen
  • Raglan - Bootsfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Waitomo - Ruakuri Bush Walk
  • Rotorua - Redwood Forest Canopy Walk
  • Rotorua - Hobbiton Filmset Tour
  • Rotorua - Pohutu Geysir
  • Rotorua - Hangi Dinner & Haka Tanz
  • Taupo - Huka Wasserfälle
  • Wellington - Zealandia Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Marlborough - Weinverkostung
  • Lake Tekapo - Mt John Aussichtspunkt
  • Wanaka - Mou Waho Island Cruise & Guided Nature Walk
  • Franz Josef - Grünstein-Anhänger Schnitzerei
  • Greymouth - Tranz Alpine Zugfahrt
  • Hokitika - Mountain Jade Grünsteinfabrik


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Preise gelten ab/bis Auckland, New Zealand
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