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New Zealand Southern Pioneer

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 6 / max. 16
10 Tage
von 15

ab € 2.705,– p.P.

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  • Die Reise beginnt und endet in der Stadt Christchurch. Dein lokaler Reiseleiter zeigt dir, wie innovativ und kreativ die Stadt nach dem verheerenden Erdbeben 2011 wieder aufgebaut wird.
  • Erlebe das Abenteuer in der Welthauptstadt des Abenteuers, Queenstown. Egal, ob du Lust auf Bungy Jumping, Jetboat fahren, Reiten oder eine Weinprobe hast, hier gibt es für jeden etwas zu entdecken.
  • Lerne Wanaka kennen, eine der schönsten Städte Neuseelands (und das will schon was heißen!). Begleite deinen Reiseleiter auf einer E-Bike-Tour vorbei an glitzernden Seen und herrlichen Gipfeln.
  • Besuche eine lokale Galerie in Franz Josef und schnitze einen Anhänger aus Pounamu, während du etwas über die Bedeutung des Edelsteins für die Maori-Kultur erfährst.
  • Du bist auf dem Weg zu einer der landschaftlich schönsten Zugreisen der Welt - überquere die spektakulären Südalpen mit dem berühmten TranzAlpine von der Westküste nach Christchurch.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.705,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Aotearoa (New Zealand). Sparsely populated and spectacularly beautiful, the South Island is a paradise for lovers of nature, wildlife and the great outdoors. Your adventure begins in Christchurch – a welcome meeting will take place at your hotel at 6pm this evening where you’ll meet your local leader and fellow travellers. If you arrive early, you may like to take a pleasant stroll through the Christchurch Botanic Gardens to admire the collection of native plants, or stop by the Canterbury Museum to learn about the region’s cultural heritage. After your welcome meeting, you may like to get to know your group over dinner, or perhaps rest up for an exciting day ahead tomorrow.
  2. Tag 2

    Christchurch / Lake Tekapo / Ohau

    Christchurch is not just a pretty city – it’s also remarkably resilient. After a devasting earthquake destroyed much of the downtown area in 2011, the city has begun to rebuild in innovative and creative ways. Head out with your leader this morning to see this for yourself. Stop by the Christchurch Cathedral, which stood as symbol of the city before collapsing in the earthquake, and has now been replaced with an architecturally striking and quake-proof structure made out of cardboard. After a morning of exploring, say goodbye to Christchurch and drive inland to Lake Tekapo. An eye-catching combination of purple lupins, turquoise waters and snow-dusted peaks makes this one of the most photo-worthy spots in the country. The Church of the Good Shepherd sits on the shores of the lakes and attracts couples from all over the world shooting their wedding pictures. It’s easy to see why – backdrops don’t get much better than this! Continue to Lake Ohau where you’ll spend the night.
  3. Tag 3

    Mackenzie Country / Queenstown

    Hit the road this morning for a journey to remember – watch out the window as you pass the sprawling grasslands of the Mackenzie Basin and showstopping peaks of the Southern Alps. Your drive will be broken up with plenty of scenic stops, including a visit to Kawarau Gorge, a popular spot for bungy jumping. If you’re feeling adventurous, get involved and jump off the suspension bridge crossing the gorge, or just stand back and watch brave jumpers take the plunge. Continue on to Queenstown, known as the adventure capital of the world, and rightfully so! Aside from its high-adrenaline attractions, Queenstown has a booming culinary scene, produces some of the worlds best wine and boasts unbelievable scenery at every turn.
  4. Tag 4


    The day is all yours to discover the varied delights of Queenstown. There are loads of options to get your heartrate up, whether you fancy shooting down the river on a jet boat, river kayaking, flying above the town in a gondola or horseback riding through landscapes of Lord of the Rings fame. If you’d like to take things a little slower, perhaps head to the Gibbston Valley to taste wines only topped by the inspiring scenery. A walk around the stunning Lake Wakatipu will give you a good dose of fresh air and epic views. There’s no shortage of dining options to tempt your tastebuds – if you’re willing to wait, a famous Fergburger is hard to beat!
  5. Tag 5

    Queenstown / Wanaka

    Take the chance this morning to cross off any Queenstown activities you didn’t have time for yesterday – be sure to speak to your leader for tips on the best way to spend a morning here. In the afternoon, get back on the road for a seriously scenic 1-hour drive to Wanaka through the Crown Range Mountains. Stop off along the way in Arrowtown, a little goldrush town with big personality. Take a walk along the tree-lined high street where historic buildings nod to the town’s glory days. Arrive in Wanaka in the afternoon and embrace the vibe of this laidback and beautiful town. With Lake Wanaka as its glittering centrepiece and dramatic mountains as its backdrop, the town is undoubtedly one of New Zealand’s most bewitching. This afternoon you may like to head out on a hike or just stretch out on the shores of the lake and take it all in.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    Wanaka / Franz Josef

  8. Tag 8

    Franz Josef

  9. Tag 9

    Hokitika / Greymouth / Christchurch

  10. Tag 10


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel/Motel (9 Nächte)
  • 9x Frühstück
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Lake Tekapo - Mt John Aussichtspunkt
  • Wanaka - Mou Waho Island Cruise & Guided Nature Walk
  • Franz Josef - Grünstein-Anhänger Schnitzerei
  • Greymouth - Tranz Alpine Zugfahrt
  • Hokitika - Mountain Jade Grünsteinfabrik


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Christchurch, New Zealand
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Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Partner durchgeführt

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