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Spain, Portugal & Morocco

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 16
24 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 3.120,– p.P.

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  • Erlebe eine unvergessliche Fado-Aufführung in Coimbra - eine emotionale Form der portugiesischen Musik, die die harten Realitäten des täglichen Lebens ausdrückt und sowohl Resignation als auch Hoffnung ausbalanciert.
  • Genieße die Sonne an den traumhaften Stränden der portugiesischen Küste entlang der Algarve, wandere über felsige Klippen, erkunde abgelegene Buchten und genieße mit deiner kleinen Gruppe den Sonnenuntergang über dem Atlantischen Ozean.
  • Erlebe die glorreiche mittelalterliche Vergangenheit in den labyrinthischen Straßen von Fes und entdecke die Kulturhauptstadt Marrakesch durch ihre Menschen - Trommler, Tänzer, Wahrsager, Gaukler und Medizinmänner.
  • Erklimme das Hohe Atlasgebirge und wandere durch malerische Berberdörfer. Verbringe eine Nacht in einer traditionellen Berberunterkunft, um einen echten Eindruck vom marokkanischen Landleben zu bekommen.
  • Reist im Kamelkonvoi durch die Sahara, schlaft unter der Decke der nordafrikanischen Sterne und genießt einen Abend am Lagerfeuer, während ihr traditionellen Beduinengeschichten lauscht.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.120,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Madrid! The sassy central capital is known for its elegant boulevards and expansive, manicured parks, but it also pulsates with energy, and is without doubt a vibrant city. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at either 6 or 7 pm, depending on common area availability. After the meeting we will head out for an optional group dinner where you can get to know your fellow travellers. As there's limited time for sightseeing in Madrid, consider flying in a few days early to explore. Perhaps while away the hours along the Paseo del Arte, or Art Walk, for an expansive history of Western art. Start with the Museo del Prado, then discover modern Spanish masters, including Picasso and Dali, in the Museo Reina Sofia. Finish at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, which displays eight centuries of European painting. After your meeting, perhaps get into the mind of a Madrileno with some tapas and Rioja.
  2. Tag 2


    Say farewell to Madrid this morning and head north-west by public transport to the historical university town of Salamanca (approximately 3 hours). Situated among beautiful pastures and rolling green hills on Spain's northern plateau, the rose-hued medieval town of Salamanca is great to explore on foot. Your leader will take you on an orientation walk on arrival, where you can explore the central Plaza Mayor and discover the beautiful Renaissance and Baroque architecture the city is known for. Plaza Mayor is a true centre of local life, perhaps the most perfect city square in Spain. Not only is it architecturally unique, but it also thrives with activity as locals meet and take coffee, tapas or cocktails on the square. The rest of your afternoon and evening is then free. You can admire the intricate detail of the Casa de Las Conchas, or ‘House of the Shells’, see the contrasting Old and New Cathedrals, and climb to the top to get a view across the terracotta-coloured rooftops. Thanks to the large student population the town has a vibrant nightlife, so maybe soak up the buzzing vibe tonight.
  3. Tag 3


    Head further west by private bus today and cross the border into Portugal to the laidback city of Coimbra (approximately 4 hours). Coimbra will be your base for next two nights. Sitting dignified on the banks of the River Mondego, Coimbra was once the capital of the county, and its royal heritage can be felt in its ancient streets and buildings. On arrival, your leader will escort you on a walk to help you orientate yourself in the maze of alleyways of this riverfront city. Half the fun of Coimbra is wandering and exploring, so use your free time getting to know the city. Coimbra features typical white stone buildings with several excellent examples of colourful azulejos tiling. Some of the historical structures were originally built in the 12th century (like the Cathedral Se Velha), and you can find some of the Portugal's best examples of Romanesque churches and elegant museums here. The University of Coimbra – the oldest in Portugal – and the famous baroque library, the Biblioteca Joanina, with its 18th-century bell tower, are highlights.
  4. Tag 4


    Enjoy a free day of exploration in Coimbra before witnessing a traditional Fado performance. Fado songs must follow a particular structure, and though this traditional music can really be about anything, it popularly features mournful tunes with lyrics about the sea or the life of the poor. In Coimbra, male university students would often serenade their sweethearts with this music, with songs here tending to be literary translations or follow themes students can relate to. In your free time, perhaps head out into the countryside in search of ancient Roman ruins, which takes around 30 minutes by bus. The ruins of Conimbriga are rich in well-preserved mosaics and offer a great insight into ancient Roman life. There are several options to return, including a three kilometre walk through the countryside to the unspoiled rural town of Condeixa (optional). If you have time, you can take a short boat tour to take in the view of Coimbra from a different angle.
  5. Tag 5


    Today, jump on a bus through the countryside of central Portugal to Lisbon (approximately 3.5 hours). As one of Europe's most pleasant and affordable capital cities, Lisbon combines the best elements of Portuguese life, offering fantastic architecture, a multicultural population, delicious seafood and non-stop nightlife. On arrival to the city, head out on an orientation walk of Lisbon, city located on the banks of the Tagus (Tejo) River. Much of Lisbon’s character and charm lies in its beautiful renovated buildings, grand boulevards and impressive castles and churches. Visit the medieval citadel in the city centre, the Citadel of Sao Jorge Castle, which dates back to Moorish times and sits on the highest point of the Old Town. Look down on a city swarming with endless angular white houses and buildings with distinct red terracotta rooftops. Your afternoon and evening is free, so perhaps head to the grand Naval Museum for an insight into the history of Portuguese navigation. Or maybe you'd prefer to roam through charming narrow streets of local neighbourhoods and see local life play out. If you want to sample some Portugese nightlife, Barrio Alto is the place to head this evening. 
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    The Algarve / Olhao

  8. Tag 8

    The Algarve / Olhao

  9. Tag 9

    Seville / Tarifa

  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


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  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16


  17. Tag 17

    Ait Benhaddou

  18. Tag 18

    Ouarzazate - Zagora

  19. Tag 19

    Tamegroute - Erg Chigaga

  20. Tag 20

    Oulad Berhil

  21. Tag 21

    Taroudant - Essaouira

  22. Tag 22


  23. Tag 23


  24. Tag 24


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Leistungen 2024

  • Zeltplatz (1 Nacht), Gite (1 Nacht), Hotel (18 Nächte), Riad (3 Nächte)
  • 19x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Coimbra - Abendliche Fado-Aufführung
  • Lissabon - Burg Sao Jorge
  • Algarve - Culatra Insel Tagesausflug mit dem Boot
  • Chefchaouen - Wandertour mit lokalem Guide
  • Fes - Medina Rundgang
  • Aroumd - Hohe Atlas Berge geführte Wanderung
  • Ait Benhaddou - Geführte Ksar-Wanderung
  • Tamegroute - Antike Bibliothek
  • Tamegroute - Führung durch die unterirdische Kasbah
  • Tamegroute - Medfouna Mittagessen (Amazigh-Pizza)
  • Wüste Sahara - Kamelritt bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Taroudant - Besuch der Arganöl-Frauenkooperative
  • Essaouira - Geführter Rundgang
  • Essaouira - Besuch bei einem lokalen Fischer


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Madrid, Spain
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