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Premium Spain & Morocco

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
18 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 5.430,– p.P.

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  • Probiere das Beste der spanischen Küche bei den Exklusive Erlebnisse - besuche die Märkte von Barcelona, probiere Olivenöl auf einem Familienbetrieb in Andalusien und probiere köstliches Marzipan in Toledo.
  • Besuche den bezaubernden Alhambra-Palast in Granada bei Nacht mit einem fachkundigen Führer, ein exklusives Premium-Erlebnis. Vermeide die Menschenmassen, während du einen besonderen Einblick in die faszinierende Geschichte des Komplexes erhältst.
  • Erlebe unglaubliche Schönheit und erstklassige Gastfreundschaft bei deinen Aufenthalten im Riad Salam, einer ruhigen Oase im Herzen der Medina von Fes, und in einem eleganten Herrenhaus aus dem 18.
  • Entdecke die beeindruckendsten römischen Ruinen in Marokko bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis in der Weltkulturerbestätte Volubilis, wo du ein Picknick mit Zutaten aus der Region genießen kannst.
  • Erfahre mehr über die marokkanische Kultur und Küche, wenn du im Haus einer einheimischen Familie in Fes willkommen bist. Bei diesem exklusiven Erlebnis tauscht ihr Geschichten aus und es gibt ein traditionelles Pastilla-Essen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 5.430,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Beinvenido – welcome to Spain! Your adventure begins in Barcelona, a city overflowing with iconic architecture and superb cuisine. You will be collected from the airport on arrival and transferred to your hotel, where you will meet your leader and small group for a 7pm welcome meeting. If you arrive early, you may like to visit Sagrada Familia, one of Gaudi's masterpieces and a wonderful icon of the city, or venture into the narrow medieval streets of the Gothic Quarter. Barcelona is known for a diverse and creative food scene utilising the freshest market ingredients. Tonight you’ll head to a wonderful local restaurant away from the tourist trail and taste some of the city’s best dishes. Perhaps try some la bombas, tasty potato croquettes, or esqueixada, a salad made with salted cod.
  2. Tag 2

    Barcelona / Valencia

    It's all about food this morning, so loosen that belt and venture forth to the morning markets with your leader who will have the best tips on all things food related. They'll talk you through both traditional Iberian foods and the new trends, then have you tasting some of the most delicious things on the planet: three types of olives, pickled garlic, lomo Iberico de Belotta, manchego cheese and olive oil. Enjoy some time out for lunch then bid farewell to Barcelona and travel to Valencia, your base for the next two nights. Spain’s third largest city, Valencia has a unique cultural identity and a wonderful old town centre that dates back 2000 years. On arrival, you’re free to explore the city and discover the harmonious mix of Roman, Muslim and Christian influences in its buildings, monuments and magnificent gardens.
  3. Tag 3

    Albufera Lake / Valencia

    Start the day with a short drive south of Valencia to discover Albufera Lake, an important ecological site of the region. The lake is surrounded by beach, dunes, lagoons, wetlands and Mediterranean forest, and is home to six small islands. You will visit the island of El Palmar and discover its typical ‘barraca’ houses. Travel by boat to the middle of the lake and learn about the important agricultural crop of the area, namely the local rice. Finish off with an included lunch of the most famous Valencian dish – paella. The rest of the day is yours to explore Valencia. You may like to visit the city's major landmark – the City of Arts and Science, a large and futuristic museum complex designed by Calatrava. Or perhaps head out to a local cafe to enjoy the treats that Valencia has to offer – from horchata to artisan chocolates, the city is a gastronomical heaven.
  4. Tag 4

    Elche / Granada

    Depart Valencia and travel to Granada. Along the way you will travel through the distinctive countryside of the region and pass through Elche, capital of the region of Bajo Vinalopó. The historic quarter of Elche preserves part of its Muslim past and Baroque splendour. Walk around palm tree grove, one of the largest and the only one in Europe. Your leader will explain how the grove was established by the Phoenicians and expanded by the Arabs in the 8th and 9th centuries. The palmeral consists of several parts spreading across downtown. Then it's on to the city of Granada, one of the jewels of Andalucia.
  5. Tag 5


    This morning you will get acquainted with Granada during an orientation walk with your leader. Learn the fascinating history of the city and discover Islamic architecture and Arab influences at every turn. Enjoy some time for your own explorations of the city – perhaps head to a local teahouse to sample some Moorish pastries. The evening will be spent exploring Granada’s impressive Alhambra Palace, the former home to Granada’s Nasrid emirs and one of the world’s great architectural masterpieces. Dating back to the 11th century, Alhambra represents Muslim art in its final European stages. First, meet with an expert local guide and tour the palace’s perfectly manicured gardens. Take a break and enjoy dinner at a nearby restaurant, then return to the palace for an evening tour with your local guide – by now the crowds have dispersed and you will be free to explore the site in all its glory. Your guide will bring history to life and provide expert insight as you explore the dominating red fortress towers, opulent palace décor and a multitude of architectural styles. With ancient defensive walls, turrets and fountains set against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains, touring this magnificent site by night is an experience that will stick with you.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10

    Toledo / Madrid

  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15

    Bin el Ouidane

  16. Tag 16


  17. Tag 17


  18. Tag 18


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Leistungen 2025

  • Komfortables Hotel (10 Nächte), Feature Stay (4 Nächte), Riad (3 Nächte)
  • 16x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 6x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Madrid - (Tapas) Willkommensessen
  • Toledo - Marzipanverkostung
  • Toledo - Tagesausflug
  • Sevilla - Abendliche Flamenco-Show
  • Sevilla - Alcazar Besuch
  • Sevilla - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Córdoba - Stadtrundgang durch die Mezquita & Córdoba mit lokalem Guide
  • Andalusien - Besuch einer Olivenölmühle & Verkostung
  • Granada - Alhambra Alcazaba und Generalife Gärten Tour
  • Albufera-See - Bootstour & Barraca-Besuch
  • Valencia - Paella Mittagessen
  • Barcelona - Rundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Abendessen im Restaurant - Barcelona
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Casablanca - Willkommensessen
  • Casablanca - Hassan II Moschee
  • Meknes - Medina Rundgang
  • Volubilis - Eintritt und geführte Tour
  • Volubilis - Picknick Mittagessen
  • Fes - Selbstgekochte Pastilla Abendessen
  • Fes - Funduk Nejjarine
  • Fes - Medersa El Attarine
  • Fes - Teepause
  • Khenifra - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen
  • Khenifra - Demonstration der Teezubereitung
  • Bine el Ouidane - Bootsfahrt mit Picknick-Mittagessen
  • Ouzoud - Ouzoud-Fälle
  • Marrakesch - Palais Bahia
  • Marrakesch - Djemaa El Fna Verkostungsspaziergang
  • Marrakech - Medina Rundgang


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Madrid, Spain
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