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Slovenia to Macedonia Real Food Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
21 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 5.472,– p.P.

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  • Erlebe einen authentischen Geschmack dieser Region und einen Einblick in das Leben vor Ort, wenn du in Familienhäusern in Rakovica, Ohrid, am Prespasee und in Dihovo speist.
  • Wirf einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der lokalen Produktion, wenn du die örtlichen Bauernhöfe, eine jahrhundertealte Räucherei, eine Olivenmühle und ein Benediktinerinnenkloster besuchst und einen örtlichen Imker zu einer Honigverkostung triffst.
  • Mache einen Tagesausflug auf die Insel Brac und genieße feinste Bio-Olivenöle aus dem größten Olivenhain Kroatiens, gefolgt von einem gezuckerten Walnusskuchen, der zum "geschützten immateriellen Kulturerbe" geworden ist!
  • Probiere die kultigsten Lebensmittel Sloweniens, Kroatiens, Mazedoniens, Montenegros und des Kosovo, darunter geräuchertes und gegrilltes Fleisch, Käse, Honig, Äpfel und lokal produzierten Wein.
  • In einer kroatischen Konoba lernst du, wie man handgeformte Nudeln herstellt, in Split lernst du von Experten, wie man den mit Grünzeug gefüllten Soparnik zubereitet, und in Dolno Dupeni lernst du den farbenfrohen und aromatischen Ajvar.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Humana Zagreb. Die Spenden helfen dabei, Arbeitsmöglichkeiten und Ausbildungsprogramme im Bereich nachhaltige Mode und Textilien für Menschen mit Behinderungen anzubieten.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 5.472,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Wenn du ein Feinschmeckerfest willst, dann bekommst du auch ein Feinschmeckerfest! Auf dieser kulinarisch inspirierten Reise durch den Balkan besuchst du Salzpfannen, eine Trüffelfarm, Weinkellereien, Wasserfälle, Nationalparks, Fischerdörfer und vieles mehr. Entdecke, warum Istrien als einer der weltweit führenden Produzenten von hochwertigem Olivenöl gilt, iss auf dalmatinische Art unter einer Metallglocke, trinke mit deiner kleinen Gruppe ein Glas slowenischen Wein oder Pflaumenschnaps und rufe "zivjeli!" zu der einfachen, hausgemachten Küche, für die diese Region berühmt ist. Genieße ein traditionelles Grillfest im Kosovo, speise im privaten Garten einer Dihovo-Familie und besuche eine jahrhundertealte Olivenpresse außerhalb von Kotor. Erlebe Gastfreundschaft auf höchstem Niveau auf dieser unvergesslichen kulinarischen Odyssee.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Zivjo! Welcome to Slovenia. Known as ‘Europe in Miniature’, tiny Slovenia has a huge heart and a wealth of diversity. Best known for hearty, alpine stews, goulash and sauerkraut, Slovenia also boasts wonderful cakes and strudels, not to mention the culinary treasures found in the coastal Karst region, including teran (wine), prsut (air-dried ham) and sensational olive oils. Picturesque Ljubljana is perfect for starting a food odyssey, with a surprisingly diverse food scene that– great local eateries, progressive modern restaurants, street food, cafes and cake shops. After an important welcome meeting at 6 pm, perhaps toast to your trip with a glass of Slovenia's national drink: schnapps (zganje in Slovene). This fruit-based liqueur comes in a variety of flavours, with the local favourite being viljamoka – flavoured with Williams pear. Your leader can then suggest a great place in the heart of the city to sample some delicious traditional dishes.
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    Bled / Ljubljana

    This morning, take a public bus to Bled (approximately 1 hour). Situated on stunning Lake Bled at the edge of the Julian Alps, this is a postcard location straight out of a fairytale. You will have a large part of the day here but be sure to taste one thing in particular – a delicious cream cake called kremna rezina (kremsnita to the locals). It’s thought to have been invented in the kitchens of Hotel Park in 1953 by Istvan Lukacevic – chef of the hotel's confectionery store. Since its invention, more than ten million kremsnita have been baked at the hotel's patisserie. Tuck into your own slice to find out what all the fuss is about. Afterwards, perhaps hike up to Bled Castle or visit the 17th century baroque Church of the Assumption, or simply take a stroll around the lake. Return to Ljubljana in the early afternoon. In the evening, head over to a Slovenian culinary workshop in the evening to pick up some tips for creating some traditional Slovenian fare at home, followed by a hearty meal. Your hosts will provide a tasting of typical Slovenian cold starters, so you won't get hungry as you cook!
  3. Tag 3

    Piran / Motovun

    Travel by public bus to Piran this morning (approximately 2 hours). Piran is a coastal town, located near the border of Italy and Croatia. The region is renowned for its production of quality olive oils, wine (especially the distinctive teran and refosk), as well as a cured ham called prsut. This is air-dried in the cold dry wind (known as the bura), which sweeps down to the coast from inland. Take a tasting tour of the township, then venture into a family-owned konoba (restaurant) for lunch and a wine tasting. Everything you eat is grown and prepared on the property. Next, head to the nearby salt pans of Piran where salt is still manually harvested with traditional tools according to a seven centuries' old process. Cross the border into Croatia. Croatia has long piqued the interest of curious travellers searching for sunshine, sand and scenery, with charming cobblestone towns and World Heritage sites. Recently it has gained recognition as an exciting food and wine destination, with the region of Istria leading the charge as the culinary capital of the country. Arrive at your final destination, the Istrian town of Motovun, by early evening. The evening is free for your own food adventures.
  4. Tag 4


    Motovun is one of the best preserved medieval Istrian towns in Croatia, with houses scattered all over the hill and a spectacular view of Mirna River Valley. Motovun Forest is the best place for hunting the famous Istrian truffle, and the nearby village of Livade is considered the truffle capital of Istria. Take a walk through the woods with an experienced truffle hunter and learn about this intriguing vocation. Perhaps sniff out a truffle of your own! Then enjoy a tasting of regional specialties including olives, honey and (of course) truffles. Arrive to the romantic Croatian town of Rovinj, one of the best-kept towns on the Adriatic Coast (approximately 1 hour). Among Rovinj's qualities is the beautiful, architecturally intact old town centre, with a relaxed Mediterranean feel. Through the centuries, Rovinj’s character has enchanted many an artist or writer, including Jules Verne. Take an orientation walk through the old town. For fans of oysters, a cruise on Lim Bay is highly recommended. Stop into an oyster farm and taste freshly shucked bivalves straight from the ocean. Spend the evening at your leisure and perhaps seek out a local Mediterranean restaurant.
  5. Tag 5

    Plitvice National Park / Rakovica

    Take a private transfer to the stunning World Heritage-listed Plitvice Lakes National Park (approximately 4 hours). It’s the largest national park in Croatia and known to be one of the oldest in southeast Europe – full of waterfalls and spectral blue lakes. The waters tumble from a high, tree-lined ridge down through the valley before skirting dense forests of beech, spruce and pine. The Upper Lakes are in the dolomite cliffs, where rushing water weaves in and out of the karst before dropping dramatically down to the forest, grottoes and steep cliffs of the Lower Lakes. After taking in this unique landscape, head onwards to Rakovica village where you’ll stay the night. Dinner includes a delicious home cooked meal provided by your hosts – a hearty serving of traditional Croatian kotlovina. This mixed meat dish consists mainly of pork schnitzels and sausages, traditionally made in a cauldron (which translates to kotlovina) for large groups of people, feasts, holiday celebrations or just parties. The hosts will let you witness firsthand how the meal is prepared before you tuck in, enjoying the robust flavours and hints of spice.
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    Pag Island to Zadar

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    Skopje / Tikves

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (16 Nächte), Apartment (3 Nächte), Gästehaus (1 Nacht)
  • 12x Frühstück
  • 10x Mittagessen
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Bled - Kremsnita Verkostung
  • Smartno - Weinverkostung
  • Trebese - Besuch eines Bio-Bauernhofs und Picknick-Mittagessen
  • Motovun - Trüffeljagd und Brunch
  • Rovinj - Tagesausflug
  • Motovun - Stadtmauern
  • Rakovica - Selbstgekochtes Essen
  • Plitvicer Seen - Besuch des Nationalparks
  • Zadar - Nonnenkloster & Bauernhofbesuch
  • Zadar - Besuch des lokalen Marktes
  • Split - Kochvorführung im Dorf
  • Brac - Olivenöl-Museum
  • Brac - Hrapoćuša Kuchenverkostung
  • Split - Altstadt Märkte & Kultur Tour
  • Zrnovo - Kochkurs
  • Peljesac - Weinverkostung
  • Ston - Austernverkostung
  • Lustica - Besuch einer Olivenölfarm
  • Njegusi - Besuch einer Räucherei & Verkostung
  • Shkoder - Besuch der Festung Rozafa
  • Prizren - Stadtrundfahrt mit Führer
  • Pristina - Serbisches Mittagessen vom Grill
  • Pristina - Stadtrundfahrt mit Führer
  • Pristina - Besuch des Klosters Gracanica
  • Debar - Besuch des Klosters St. Jovan Bigorski
  • Kuratica - Hausgekochtes Abendessen
  • Ohrid - Grüner Markt
  • Prespa - Agriturismo Besuch & Verkostung
  • Prespa - Hausmannskost-Vorführung
  • Dihovo - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen
  • Dihovo - Besuch einer Imkerfarm
  • Tikves - Weinverkostung
  • Stobi - Archäologische Stätte Stobi
  • Skopje - Geführter Rundgang mit traditionellen Süßigkeiten


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Preise gelten ab/bis Ljubljana, Slovenia
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