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Western Balkans Uncovered

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
12 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.434,– p.P.

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  • Segle über das blaue Wasser des Ohridsees - einem der ältesten Seen Europas. Kein Wunder, dass sich Nordmazedonien und Albanien diese wunderschöne Attraktion teilen - wer würde sie schon aufgeben wollen?
  • Bewundere die zum Weltkulturerbe gehörende Architektur von Dubrovnik (bekannt aus Game of Thrones) und Kotor in Montenegro, während du entlang der alten Stadtmauern spazierst.
  • Setz dich in Fishte in der albanischen Mittagssonne zu einem frischen Mittagessen vom Bauernhof auf den Tisch. Genieße einheimische Produkte, wilden Fisch und Bio-Fleisch, die alle vor Ort mit den frischesten Zutaten zubereitet werden.
  • Genieße Wanderungen mit einheimischen Führern, die über Insiderwissen in Prizren, Berat und Tirana verfügen.
  • Mach dich auf den Weg zum Matka Canyon, einer tiefen Schlucht, die der Treska-Fluss in die Suva-Berge geschnitten hat, und erkunde dieses wunderschöne Naturgebiet zu Fuß oder mit dem Boot.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Humana Zagreb. Die Spenden helfen dabei, Arbeitsmöglichkeiten und Ausbildungsprogramme im Bereich nachhaltige Mode und Textilien für Menschen mit Behinderungen anzubieten.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.434,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Sei der Star deines eigenen historischen Epos, wenn du in Dubrovnik entlang der Stadtmauern aus "Game of Thrones" spazierst, die zum Weltkulturerbe gehörende Architektur von Kotor in Montenegro erkundest und durch versteckte Gassen schlenderst, die es schon seit der Antike gibt. Dieses Abenteuer kombiniert die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Balkanregion mit den weniger bekannten Schönheiten Nordmazedoniens und Albaniens zu einer perfekten Mischung aus Alt und Neu. Besuche einige der stimmungsvollsten und weniger bekannten Altstädte Europas, fahre auf dem Ohridsee und erkunde die Boutiquen in Tirana. Auf dieser 12-tägigen Reise lernst du die regionalen Hot Spots kennen und erlebst eine ordentliche Portion kulturelle Gastfreundschaft.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Skopje. If you arrive early in North Macedonia's capital city perhaps venture out and discover the myriads of statues and grand monuments for which this city has become famous for (aimed to bolster national pride), first and foremost the massive statue of Alexander the Great on horseback right in the centre of Macedonia Square. Walk past Byzantine domes, Turkish baths, and also newly built neo-classical buildings, sampling gozleme and tasty baklava along the way. The 30 mosques, innumerable caravanserais and hamams that fill its winding streets are a testament to Skopje’s Ottoman past. Take a step back to those times with a visit to the Daut Pasha Hamam, or journey through the humbling Holocaust Museum to learn how Macedonia suffered during this tragic chapter of history.
  2. Tag 2

    Matka Canyon / Skopje

    Venture out to Matka Canyon, a deep ravine cut into the Suva mountains by the Treska River, 15 kilometres southwest of the city. This area is home to several medieval monasteries, caves, and over 70 species of endemic butterflies. There is the option to explore the canyon's sights by boat. One of the monasteries worth exploring is St Andrew's Monastery, which contains many superb frescoes of great artistic importance. There is also Vrelo cavern, a water-filled cave with incredible stalagmites and unchartered depths – it's speculated to be the deepest underwater cave in the world. Alternatively, you can take one of the many nature walks in the canyon, or up to tracks that hug the ridge high above the valley. Upon arrival back into Skopje this afternoon, there is time to get lost in the narrow lanes of Caršija, Skopje's most atmospheric neighbourhood, or take in the stone bridge over the river Vardar – an iconic sight that acts as a handy connection between Macedonia Square and the Old Bazaar. Perhaps visit the Museum of the City of Skopje, housed in the old Railway Station, which is itself a unique piece of history. Its unusual, part-ruined exterior is a result of the 1963 earthquake. The large clock on the outside of the building is frozen at 5:17, the moment the earthquake shook the city.
  3. Tag 3

    Prizren / Skopje

    Enjoy a day trip to historic Prizren, Kosovo’s second biggest, and arguably most beautiful city (approx. 2.5 hours). Here you’ll find traditional handicraft shops and Ottoman charm. Located at the foot of the Sar Mountains, this city was first inhabited by the Romans in the second century AD, while the Ottomans and the Byzantines also left their mark in the architecture of the cityscape. Luckily, it was spared destruction during the 1999 conflict. On arrival, head out an orientation walk of Prizren, walking alongside the Bistrica river, taking in the cobbled Shadervan square and the Old Stone Bridge, all of which will help you get your bearings of the city. Explore the city’s famous mosques and contrast it with abandoned Serbian Orthodox churches that stand as sombre reminders of the ethnic divisions that still simmer just under the surface. Wander the bazaar or admire some of the traditional jewellery in the many filigree shops before returning to Skopje (approx. 2.5 hours).
  4. Tag 4

    Lake Ohrid

    In the morning board our private transport to Lake Ohrid (approx. 3.5 hours). Europe’s oldest lake, and one of the oldest human settlements in the world, Ohrid has a wealth of historic sites and religious monuments to discover. Ohrid is an eternal town, a magical hill whose primordial pulsation links ancient and modern times forever. The town is said to have once been home to 365 churches, one for each day of the year, earning it the nickname “the Macedonian Jerusalem”, while historical excavations date back to Neolithic times. Despite being a World Heritage site for over 30 years, the town remains under the radar of visitors. Get your bearings on an orientation walk around Ohrid'd old bazaar area (old town).
  5. Tag 5

    Lake Ohrid

    Embark on a scenic cruise on the turquoise waters of Lake Ohrid, ringed by mountains, attractive villages and beaches, and take in the views of the town and the surrounding scenery while afloat. At 34 kilometres long, 14 kilometres wide, and over 300 meters deep, all shared between Albania and North Macedonia, there’s plenty of vast Lake Ohrid to explore. The afternoon is free for you to discover the area. There are many churches and monasteries to visit, but one of the most popular is the Macedonian Orthodox Church of Sveti Jovana Kaneo, situated on a rocky outcrop above the town, overlooking the lake. Past the church you can wander around to the back of town, exploring the old walls and fortress, and admiring the views of the lake. The Sveti Naum Monastery is also a great option, lying on the shores of the lake south of town, with well-kept grounds that are home to peacocks. The ancient Tast Samoil’s Fortress stands on the top of Ohrid Hill and looks across the town, while a 2,000-year-old Roman theatre was uncovered near the Upper Gate – in summer it’s again being used for concerts and performances.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8

    Kruja / Tirana

  9. Tag 9

    Shkoder / Kotor

  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (11 Nächte)
  • 11x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Matka-Schlucht - Bootsfahrt
  • Prizren - Spaziergang mit einem lokalen Führer
  • Ohrid - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Ohrid - Bootsfahrt auf dem Ohridsee
  • Berat - Burgbesuch
  • Berat - Wandertour mit einem lokalen Guide
  • Tirana - Spaziergang mit einem lokalen Führer
  • Kruja - Festungsbesuch
  • Mrizi I Zanave - Abendessen vom Bauernhof zum Tisch
  • Dubrovnik - Dubrovnik Card (1 Tag Nahverkehr und Eintritt zu Sehenswürdigkeiten)
  • Dubrovnik - Spaziergang durch die Stadtmauern


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Skopje, Macedonia, Republic Of
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