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The Balkans Real Food Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
9 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.631,– p.P.

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  • Erlebe einen authentischen Geschmack des Balkans und einen Einblick in das lokale Leben, wenn du in Familienhäusern in Ohrid, am Prespasee und in Dihovo speist.
  • Nimm an einer Kochvorführung im Dorf Dolno Dupeni teil und lass dir die hausgemachte nordmakedonische Küche schmecken.
  • Wirf einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der lokalen Produktion, wenn du eine jahrhundertealte Räucherei, eine Olivenmühle und eine Apfelfarm besuchst und einen örtlichen Imker bei einer Honigverkostung triffst.
  • Erkunde die atemberaubenden Landschaften und charmanten Städte der Region, entdecke die legendäre Festung Rozafa und nimm an geführten Touren durch Prizren und Skopje teil.
  • Probiere die kultigsten Lebensmittel Kroatiens, Mazedoniens, Montenegros und des Kosovo, darunter geräuchertes und gegrilltes Fleisch, Käse, Honig, Äpfel und lokal produzierten Wein.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Humana Zagreb. Die Spenden helfen dabei, Arbeitsmöglichkeiten und Ausbildungsprogramme im Bereich nachhaltige Mode und Textilien für Menschen mit Behinderungen anzubieten.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.631,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Verwöhne deinen Gaumen mit den kulinarischen Highlights des Balkans auf dieser neuntägigen Feinschmeckerreise. Iss hausgemachte Gerichte und tausche dich mit deinen Gastgebern in Nordmazedonien aus, triff die Hersteller des berühmten Njegusi-Schinkens in Montenegro und probiere die Charcuterie in Kroatien. Bei geführten Wanderungen in Prizren und Skopje erkundest du die Städte, in denen die Balkanküche zum Leben erwacht, und hast genügend Freizeit, um lokale Märkte und Basare zu entdecken. Mit einem fachkundigen örtlichen Reiseleiter, der dir alle Restaurants empfiehlt, die du dir wünschen kannst, wird dein Balkan-Abenteuer dich nicht hungrig zurücklassen!

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Dobro Dosli! Welcome to Dubrovnik – a beautiful stone town surrounded entirely by fortifications. Although it experienced devastation in the early 1990s, the restored Old Town remains as charming as ever. With the sparkling water of the Adriatic in the background, Dubrovnik is picturesque, full of character and easily covered on foot. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6.30 pm today, but if you happen to arrive early, why not walk inside the city walls, or head further afield to one of the Elafiti Islands. There's Lopud – a quiet island with lovely hikes, clean beaches and castle ruins, sleepy Kolocep that has walks for every fitness level, and Sipan with its renowned wine and laidback vibes. After your important meeting, head on an included dinner with your group. Croatian cuisine varies between regions, but an unwavering favourite is the charcuterie. Traditionally created with pork, charcuterie involves using a lot of specially prepared meats, all of which showcase flavours specific to their preservation process. If the option’s there, definitely give it a try.
  2. Tag 2


    After breakfast, head to the Peljesac peninsula, stopping along the way. Take some time to explore the long city walls of Ston before watching the production of sea salt at the local salt panels, then continue on your panoramic drive along the bay. Spend some time passing the local vineyards before reaching the small village of Brijesta. Enjoy a visit to a local agriturismo to learn more about regional production and harvesting techniques before eating lunch. Today’s meal at the konoba includes traditional seafood dishes (fresh oyster tasting), olive oil and local home-made wine.Transfer to Kotor later on, where you’ll spend the evening.
  3. Tag 3


    This morning, visit the town of Njegusi – known around the country for its famous smoke-dried hams and cheeses. Stop at a smokehouse, where the trip leader will explain their production process, dating back for centuries, and will also take you for a tasting of their famous Njegui smoked hams, cheeses and grape brandy. Afterwards, visit an olive farm in the village of Tici, located in the Lustica Bay area near Kotor. Discover the art of olive pressing as your hosts share their second-generation organic olive oil production techniques. Wander through the beautiful olive groves before arriving at an ancient stone olive mill, where olives were once milled by hand. A guided tasting will give you an insight into what makes for good oil. Back in Kotor, with free time later in the day, consider getting lost in the town’s crooked walkways, or perhaps climbing the hills behind the city to experience Kotor’s ruined fortification walls. A 1.5-hour hike up the stone steps, to the Fortress of Sveti Ivan at the top rewards you with views across the Bay of Kotor. With a free night, why not have an optional dinner at a Kotor wine bar?
  4. Tag 4


    Say goodbye to Montenegro and head to Kosovo. The first stop on the journey is Rozafa Fortress, Albania – one of the last strongholds of the allied Christian forces against invading Ottomans in the 15th century. In the afternoon, arrive in Prizren – the second largest city in Kosovo. This picturesque location remains as the most culturally and ethnically diverse in all of Kosovo. The abundance of orange rooftops makes for an interesting sight, as do the impressive mosques and churches in the city. Pass by the sights, smells and sounds of the bazaar, with a whole range of specialties on offer, including stuffed peppers, which are a big hit. After visiting the bazaar, you are free to explore Prizren at your own pace. A guided sightseeing tour is on the cards with your group, and you can choose to continue wandering through the streets on your own as the sun goes down and Prizren’s nightlife takes charge.
  5. Tag 5


    Continue onwards to Pristina today – Kosovo’s capital and largest city. Take some time to explore the historic Gracanica settlement, which serves as the home of one of the few dominantly Serbian populations in Kosovo. A special experience awaits with a delicious Kosovo-Serb barbecue, prepared by the local hosts who serve sausages and other pork delicacies from their personal smokehouse. Afterwards, round out a big meal by taking a short trip to the World Heritage-listed Gracanica Monastery – built upon the ruins of a sixth-century Christian basilica by Serbian king Stefan Milutin in 1321. Return back to Prizren for another night at leisure.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10

    Skopje / Tikves

  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (8 Nächte)
  • 4x Frühstück
  • 5x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Lustica - Besuch einer Olivenölfarm
  • Njegusi - Besuch einer Räucherei & Verkostung
  • Shkoder - Besuch der Festung Rozafa
  • Prizren - Stadtrundfahrt mit Führer
  • Pristina - Serbisches Mittagessen vom Grill
  • Pristina - Stadtrundfahrt mit Führer
  • Pristina - Besuch des Klosters Gracanica
  • Debar - Besuch des Klosters St. Jovan Bigorski
  • Kuratica - Hausgekochtes Abendessen
  • Ohrid - Grüner Markt
  • Prespa - Agriturismo Besuch & Verkostung
  • Prespa - Hausmannskost-Vorführung
  • Dihovo - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen
  • Dihovo - Besuch einer Imkerfarm
  • Tikves - Weinverkostung
  • Stobi - Archäologische Stätte Stobi
  • Skopje - Geführter Rundgang mit traditionellen Süßigkeiten


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Preise gelten ab/bis Dubrovnik, Croatia
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