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Walk the Camino de Santiago

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
7 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.148,– p.P.

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  • Wandere die letzten 100 km des berühmten Jakobsweges mit einem einheimischen Führer, der dir den geschichtlichen Kontext und ein tieferes Verständnis für deine Entdeckungen vermittelt.
  • Entdecke Szenen des echten Galiciens, während du durch traditionelle Landschaften, malerische Dörfer, alte Brücken, römische Ruinen und wunderschön erhaltene Horreos auf Stelzen wanderst.
  • Genieße auf deiner Reise einzigartige galicische Spezialitäten wie den traditionellen Tintenfisch Polbo a Feira in Melide und den weltberühmten Käse in Arzua.
  • Nimm eine Last ab - buchstäblich! Dein Gepäck wird jeden Tag zwischen deinen Unterkünften hin und her transportiert, sodass du nur einen Tagesrucksack mitnehmen musst und dein Gepäck in deinem Hotel auf dich wartet.
  • Nimm einen Schluck aus der keltischen Geschichte Galiciens, während dein Führer dir zeigt, wie man das traditionelle und mythische Getränk Queimada zubereitet - mach dich auf eine feurige Show gefasst!
  • Wenn du deine Reise in der faszinierenden alten Stadt Santiago de Compostela beendest und dein Camino-Zertifikat in Empfang nimmst, hast du ein unschlagbares Gefühl der Erfüllung.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, erfährst du etwas über unseren Intrepid Foundation Partner, Open Arms. Spenden helfen ihnen, die körperliche Unversehrtheit und die Rechte von Migranten zu schützen, die sich in unmittelbarer Gefahr befinden und aus ihrer Heimat über das Mittelmeer geflohen sind. Intrepid wird die Wirkung verdoppeln, indem alle Spenden, die nach der Reise an die Intrepid Foundation gehen, verdoppelt werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.148,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Spain! Your adventure begins in Sarria in the Galicia region of northwest Spain. This autonomous corner of the country has its own language, cuisine and culture, distinct from the rest of Spain, but is perhaps most famous for being the home of Santiago de Compostela, the finishing point of the Camino de Santiago. Over the next week you will be walking the final 100km of this iconic and world-renowned pilgrimage. A meeting will take place at 6pm this evening where you’ll meet up with your local leader and small group of fellow travellers joining you on your journey. After your meeting you may like to head out to a local restaurant for your first foray into the exciting world of Galician cuisine.
  2. Tag 2

    Camino de Santiago (Sarria to Portomarin)

    Today is a gentle introduction to the Camino de Santiago – it’s all about finding your feet, so be sure to take your time and pause to enjoy your scenic surroundings. Have your pilgrim passport handy as you will be getting this stamped at least twice a day throughout your journey. Kicking off from Sarria, walk a mostly asphalt path through beautiful countryside, passing forests of chestnut and oak trees, small farms, villages and wheat fields. You may like to stop for a breather at the Santiago de Barbadelo or the church of San Fiz de Reimondez – your leader will be on hand to share historical facts and interesting tidbits about the highlights you pass on your journey. Some of the little farms you pass will be selling lovely fresh produce like jams, bread and cheeses – perfect snacks to keep you going! After around 4.5 hours of walking (excluding stops) finish up for the day in the delightful town of Portomarin. An excellent spot to recharge your batteries, the town features an inviting array of restaurants and lovely views of the Embalse de Belesar lake. When the town was flooded by the creation of the Belesar reservoir, they dismantled the town’s historic buildings and rebuilt them on higher ground, so they can still be admired today.
  3. Tag 3

    Camino de Santiago (Portomarin to Palas de Rei)

    Starting from Portomarin, much of today’s route is along a gravel path alongside the road with little traffic, often cutting through gorgeous Galician forests and fields. Walk through the rural Monterroso region and pass by the little villages of Gonzar, Ligonde and Castromaior – a slight detour from the latter will take you to the impressive Roman ruins of Castro de Castromaior. There will be stalls along the way selling fruit, snacks and cold drinks, plus plenty of places to stop for a sit-down meal or a coffee. Around halfway, climb a gradual hill to Sierra de Ligonde, followed by a gentle descent. Today’s walk wraps up in Palas de Rei, an interesting town dotted with historical buildings and Romanesque architecture. This evening, prepare for a real treat as you get up close and personal with one of Galicia’s most mystical and celebrated specialties. The Queimada, or “fire drink” has its roots in Galicia’s Celtic past, and is made with the liqueur oruju, lemon, and coffee beans, which is then set alight and said to ward off evil spirits. Not only is the result delicious, watching it come together is quite the show! Your leader will make this exciting drink for the group tonight, ensuring you won’t be bothered by any evil spirits for the rest of your journey!
  4. Tag 4

    Camino de Santiago (Palas de Rei to Arzua)

    Get ready for your longest day on this stretch of the Camino de Santiago, covering the distance from Palas de Rei to Arzua. Today’s terrain is undulating asphalt, so prepare for some ups and downs. First, walk to the town of Melide – home to around 9000 people, this is one of the most populated spots on your journey. Melide is renowned for its fantastic food, specialising in polbo a feira, a flavoursome octopus dish. You and your group will gather together in Melide to tuck into a traditional polbo a feira lunch, which you may like to follow up with some melindres, mini glazed donuts popular in Melide. For those who wish to give their legs a rest, you’ll have the option to catch a taxi to Arzua, otherwise hit the road and continue the final stretch of today’s journey, crossing the Iso River and navigating a series of short but steep slopes. On arrival in Arzua, be sure to ask your leader about the revered cheese made in this region – definitely a must-try while here!
  5. Tag 5

    Camino de Santiago (Arzua to O Pedrouzo)

    Depart Arzua and reach a split in the path, where the right follows the main road, and the left cuts through shady forest. As the saying goes, the road less travelled is often the most rewarding, so veer left and enjoy a day of peaceful strolling, mostly through endearing forests and past little villages and farms – this is some of the most wonderful scenery on the whole Camino de Santiago. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants along the way to stop and fuel up. As you draw closer to O Pedrouzo, your base for evening, pass by the Fountain of Santa Irene, the water from which was said to cure diseases of crops and illnesses of children.
  6. Tag 6

    Camino de Santiago (O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela)

  7. Tag 7

    Santiago de Compostela

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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (5 Nächte), Pension (1 Nacht)
  • 6x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Santiago de Compostela - Sammlung der Pilgerpässe
  • Jakobsweg - Sarria nach Portomarin geführte Wanderung
  • Jakobsweg - Geführte Wanderung von Portomarin nach Palas de Rei
  • Castromaior - Besuch der römischen Ruinen von Castro de Castromaior
  • Palas de Rei - Zubereitung und Verkostung des Queimada-Getränks
  • Geführte Wanderung auf dem Jakobsweg - Palas de Rei nach Arzúa
  • Geführte Wanderung auf dem Jakobsweg - Arzúa nach O Pedrouzo
  • Camino de Santiago - O Pedrouzo nach Santiago de Compostela geführte Wanderung
  • Santiago de Compostela - Besuch des Pilgermuseums


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Preise gelten ab/bis Sarria, Spain
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