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Classic Spain

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
22 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 5.200,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Es ist schon etwas Besonderes, an einem Strand im andalusischen Spanien zu entspannen, wenn man weiß, dass Nordafrika gleich auf der anderen Seite des Wassers liegt. Erkunde die malerische Costa de la Luz und entspanne dich bei Tapas und Sangria in Tarifa.
  • Erlebe einen spektakulären spanischen Sonnenuntergang an einem Strand in Valencia, während du eine Schüssel der besten Paella der Welt isst.
  • Die kosmopolitische Stadt Barcelona pulsiert voller Kultur, Kunst und einer herausragenden Gastronomie-Szene. Entdecke die exzentrische Architektur von Gaudi, der Barcelona zu seiner künstlerischen Spielwiese gemacht hat - das unvollendete Meisterwerk La Sagrada Familia ist besonders atemberaubend.
  • Logrono ist voll von köstlichen lokalen Produkten und Weinen, die nur darauf warten, bei einer Tapas-Tour genossen zu werden. Köstlich!
  • Mach eine lange Siesta an den goldenen Stränden von San Sebastian, einem der schönsten Küstenziele Spaniens. Wenn die Sonne untergeht, kannst du dich unter die Menschenmassen mischen und das aufregende Nachtleben der Stadt genießen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 5.200,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Hola! Welcome to Madrid! This sassy Spanish capital is known for its elegant boulevards and expansive, manicured parks, but it also pulsates with energy. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at either 6 or 7 pm, depending on common area availability. After the welcome meeting, and optional dinner, perhaps get into the mind of a Madrileno with some tapas and Rioja, or head to the Gran Via hotspots to dance the night away with your new friends.
  2. Tag 2


    Take a bus to Granada today (approximately 5 hours). Located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Granada is packed with Moorish architecture, great tapas bars and natural beauty. Take a walk around the old Arab quarter of the Albaicin, a labyrinth of crooked alleys, fountains, plazas and whitewashed houses, or the 'Alcaiceria' (old silk market area) and observe the craftworks on sale that include ceramics, marquetry and leather goods. If you're feeling energetic, climb the steep streets up to the Mirador de San Nicolas for sunset views over the famous Alhambra. If you have time, perhaps check out the historic Renaissance Cathedral and Capilla Real. Granada is the kind of city to leave your guidebook behind and trust your intuition (and your leader, of course).
  3. Tag 3


    Today make a visit to Granada's impressive Alhambra Palace. An entrance ticket is included in the trip and grants you the visit of the Palace and the Gardens. Discover this 11th-century marvel and its dominating red fortress towers, palace decor, architectural styles, and magnificent gardens. It's all set against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains. With fountains, impeccably maintained hedges and pools, centuries-old defensive walls, turrets, and views overlooking Granada, this renowned palace will not disappoint. Make sure you allow enough time as the Alhambra is made up of three parts: the Alcazaba, the 11th-century Muslim wing which features spectacular views from its towers; the Palacio Nazaries, the centre of the complex; and Generalife, the summer palace of the sultans. After your visit ask your leader to take you deeper into Granada’s Moorish Albaicin quarter and to the area of traditional tea houses. The view from this area across to the Alhambra Palace is not to be missed. Tonight, perhaps meet up again with the group for dinner.
  4. Tag 4


    Leave Granada behind and travel by train to the Andalucian hills and the whitewashed town of Ronda. A landscape of green forests and white limestone mountains, Ronda is the birthplace of bullfighting in Spain and was a favourite of Hemmingway and Orson Welles. The highlight of the town is the spectacular Puente Nuevo (New Bridge), one of the most photographed structures in the country. Built in 1751, it bridges the 100-metre deep gorge that splits the town in two. You can walk across it, stopping to peer over a vertiginous drop from one of its balconies. Check out the old Moorish town on one side, home to many historic buildings including the House of the Moorish King, and the newer El Mercadillo on the other side. East of the town are well-preserved Arab Baths and, of course, the famous Plaza de Toros. In the evening, find a spot from which you could enjoy a scenic sunset; this won’t be a problem in Ronda. 
  5. Tag 5


    Take a walk through Los Molinos, the beautiful valley surrounding Ronda. You can head down into El Tajo, the gorge that separates the old and new town, and get a view of the bridge and town from below. The rest of the day is free to explore town. The Plaza de Toros is one of the oldest bullfighting rings in the country, and adjoining the bullring is the Bullfighting Museum, which displays relics of Ronda's bullfighting history. The gardens behind offer panoramic views over the surrounding mountains, which have a long history of sheltering bandits and smugglers. Visit the Museum of Bandits for an entertaining insight into their history, or check out the prize-winning wineries and beautiful national parks that surround the town.
  6. Tag 6

    Costa de la Luz / Tarifa

  7. Tag 7

    Costa de la Luz / Tarifa

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    San Sebastian

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    San Sebastian

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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (17 Nächte), Herberge/Gästehaus (4 Nächte)
  • 11x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Granada - Geführter Besuch des Alhambra Palastes und der Gärten
  • Ronda - Los Molinos (Windmühlental) Wanderung
  • Sevilla - Abendliche Flamenco-Aufführung
  • Cordoba - Besuch der Mezquita (Moschee-Kathedrale)
  • Valencia - Fahrradtour durch die Stadt
  • Valencia - Picknick
  • Barcelona - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Barcelona - Besuch der Kathedrale La Sagrada Familia
  • Pamplona - Geführte Wanderung
  • San Sebastian - Standseilbahn Monte Igueldo (Igeldo Funikularra)
  • Logrono - Txikiteo der Pintxos (Tapas Crawl)
  • Logrono - Kellereibesichtigung & Weinverkostung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Madrid, Spain
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