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Dubrovnik to Athens

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
15 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.111,– p.P.

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  • Bewundere die zum Weltkulturerbe gehörende Architektur von Dubrovnik und Kotor in Montenegro und klettere entlang der alten Stadtmauern.
  • Verliere dich in Tirana, Albaniens farbenfroher Hauptstadt, und nimm an der Lieblingsbeschäftigung der Einheimischen teil: Kaffee trinken und Leute beobachten.
  • Segle über das blaue Wasser des Ohridsees - einem der ältesten Seen Europas. Kein Wunder, dass Nordmazedonien und Albanien sich diese wunderschöne Attraktion teilen; niemand würde sie aus der Hand geben wollen!
  • Erkunde die endemische Flora und Fauna auf einer leichten Wanderung im Pelister: Nordmazedoniens ältester Nationalpark.
  • Wandere an den Hängen des Olymps, dem antiken Sitz der 12 griechischen Götter. Der Mythologie zufolge schoss Zeus seine Blitze von einem der Gipfel des Olymps ab.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.111,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Dobro Dosli! Welcome to Croatia – a place of sunshine, azure waters and charming cobblestone towns. The undisputed jewel of the Dalmatian Coast, Dubrovnik old town is a beautiful white stone town surrounded entirely by city walls, easily covered on foot. Although it experienced devastation during the war in the early 1990s, the restored old town remains as charming as ever. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. As there is not much time in Dubrovnik on this trip, you may want to consider arriving one or two days earlier. If you do have time beforehand, why not head out to one of the Elafiti Islands? There's Lopud, a quiet island with lovely hikes, clean beaches and a ruined castle. Kolocep is a sleepy enclave that boasts walks for every fitness level, while Sipan is the most populated of the isles and has the most hospitable locals. There are also many monuments to explore in the city proper, including the 15th century Rector's Palace, monasteries with cloistered gardens, and fine baroque churches with copper domes.
  2. Tag 2


    Leave Dubrovnik behind and take a private transfer to Kotor on the coast of Montenegro (approximately 3 hours). This 5th-century World Heritage-listed city is set on a secluded bay, with towering peaks surrounding a rocky coastline dotted with pretty waterside towns. In its crooked alleyways, get lost and mingle with the locals. When you arrive, why not check out the 12th-century Cathedral, the South Gates, and the Armoury Square? Later, perhaps take a cruise on the Kotor Fjord – the longest fjord south of Scandinavia – and visit an island with a church that's almost as big as the island itself! In the evening the city walls are prettily lit up to provide a unique night-time perspective.
  3. Tag 3


    After breakfast, drive across the border into Albania. A unique mixture of cultures and customs, Tirana is filled with craziness, from its traffic to its nightlife, but on its doorstep are mosques, citadels, Ottoman architecture, and a stunning dose of the medieval Balkans. The real surprise of Albania is the people. Their warmth to strangers is infectious and you’re bound to find yourself swapping stories over a glass of raki or three. Our first stop is the city of Shkoder (approximately 3 hours’ drive from Kotor). Here you will have time to explore Rozafa Castle. The site was occupied by a fortress since Illyrian times, however most of what can be seen today is of Venetian origin. Depending on road conditions and volume of traffic it will be another 2 hours to Tirana. On arrival, take an orientation walk to get your bearings. Tirana is the capital of Albania and its biggest city, but it's still small and compact, with architectural influences from Italy and Turkey. Recently many buildings have been painted to alleviate the Soviet bloc feeling that pervaded. Many upgrades have been made all over town, such as new parks and wide pavements.
  4. Tag 4

    Kruja / Tirana

    Today, take a half-day trip to the mountain village and former Albanian capital of Kruja. Kruja was the last stronghold of Skanderbeg's (the national hero of Albania) army until the Ottomans took over the entire country. There is plenty of time to explore the citadel and the famous bazaar area. Perhaps pay a visit to the excellent ethnographical museum housed inside the fortress. You’ll then return to Tirana after lunch. Tirana is dotted with many museums. You can't miss the National History Museum – just look for the gargantuan mosaic on the facade that represents the development of Albania's history. The main sight in Tirana is the Et'hem Bey Mosque, which sits right on the city's main square. Closed under communist rule, the mosque resumed as a place of worship in 1991. Ten thousand people attended the reopening and the event was considered a milestone in the rebirth of religious freedom in Albania. The mosque is currently undertaking extensive renovation works, but you can still take a look at the frescoes outside and in the portico that depict trees, waterfalls and bridges – motifs rarely seen in Islamic art.
  5. Tag 5


    Travel by public bus to Berat, the town of a thousand windows, and one of the few towns of Albania that escaped being razed to the ground to make way for apartment blocks. The old Mangalemi district has recently been inscribed on UNESCO's world heritage list. Enjoy an afternoon guided tour of the town and the looming fortress, the kala, built during the 13th century and still inhabited. The walk to the castle is steep and slippery so better bring some proper footwear with you. The views from the top across Berat and the Osum river valley are well worth the effort though.
  6. Tag 6

    Lake Ohrid

  7. Tag 7

    Lake Ohrid

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    Matka Canyon / Skopje

  10. Tag 10

    Pelister National Park / Bitola

  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13

    Mt Olympus National Park / Litochoro

  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (10 Nächte), Gästehaus (2 Nächte), Gastfamilie (1 Nacht), Herberge mit eigenem Bad (1 Nacht)
  • 14x Frühstück
  • Shkoder - Burg Rozafa
  • Kruja - Tagesausflug
  • Kruja - Skanderbeg Museum
  • Kruja - Festungsbesuch
  • Berat - Wandertour mit einem lokalen Guide
  • Berat - Burgbesuch
  • Ohrid - Bootsfahrt auf dem Ohridsee
  • Skopje - Besuch der Matka-Schlucht und Bootsfahrt
  • Pelister National Park - Wanderung im Pelister National Park
  • Mt. Olympus National Park - Orlias Wasserfall-Wanderung


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Preise gelten ab/bis Dubrovnik, Croatia
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