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South Africa Family Safari with Teenagers

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
12 Tage
von 10 bis 99

ab € 1.611,– p.P.

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  • Auf dieser Reise besuchst du eine Vielzahl von Wildreservaten im südlichen Afrika, sodass du und deine Familie mitten unter den mächtigen "Big Five" Afrikas sind.
  • Zelte im Krüger-Nationalpark unter dem afrikanischen Nachthimmel. Erlebe den Anblick und die Geräusche der Wildnis, vielleicht das Brüllen eines Löwen, während du und deine Familie in den Schlaf gleiten
  • Eine Zulu-Dorftour führt dich und deine Familie in eine faszinierende Stammeskultur ein. Du kannst alles über die Herstellung von Speeren, das Werfen von Knochen, Tanzen und Korbflechten lernen.
  • Dein geräumiger Campingplatz im Hlane-Nationalpark ist nur einen Katzensprung von einem beleuchteten Wasserloch entfernt, das von Elefanten und Nashörnern besucht wird.
  • Genieße eine geführte Wanderung im Blyde River Canyon, wo die spektakulären Farben und Schattierungen der Bourke's Luck Potholes ein Traum für Fotografen sind


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.611,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Reise durch Südafrika und Eswatini (Swasiland) und kombiniere kulturelle und tierische Erlebnisse. Die Tour beginnt mit einer Einführung in Südafrikas berühmtestes Township, Soweto, bevor es in die Wildnis geht. Unterwegs hältst du in einem Zulu-Dorf und erlebst Aktivitäten wie Wandern und Kajakfahren, bevor du im Krüger-Nationalpark ankommst und unglaubliche Wildtiere beobachten kannst.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Sawubona! Welcome to South Africa. Your trip begins with a welcome meeting at 12 noon. Afterwards, head out on a 2 hour cycling tour of Soweto – an exciting opportunity to get an insight into contemporary life in South Africa. You will cycle to some of the most interesting historical sites around Soweto. Visit the formal migrant workers’ hostel and be introduced to conditions of male mine workers and meet the families that live here today. Cycle through the vibrant community of Meadowlands, and continue to the Hector Pieterson Memorial, the historical landmark of the 1976 student's uprising, proceed to the famous Vilakazi street where Nelson Mandela used to live. There will be the chance along the way to visit a market or shop to stock up on any supplies you might need for the next few days. There's WiFi available at your accommodation (the first 30 minutes are free). Note: If you do any exploring on your own today, be sure to get local advice on where it is and isn't safe to walk, especially in the evening. The level of crime here may be higher than what you're used to, and doing a bit of homework can significantly reduce the risk.
  2. Tag 2

    Hluhluwe Game Reserve

    Today is a travelling day. Depart Johannesburg early this morning and travel into the heart of KwaZulu Natal (560km/350miles - approximately 9 hours). Here you will camp at an eco-lodge just 20 kilometres from Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park. The park is home to some amazing wildlife, including lions, elephants, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes and wild dogs. At our camp, you'll have access to a fully stocked communal kitchen, gas stoves, kitchen utensils, a fridge and freezer, a braai (for grilling) and a campfire area. Camping guests are more than welcome to use the swimming pool, bar and restaurant in the lodge. There are also showers, wash basins and toilets available. With the group's assistance, your crew will prepare meals, and the group will help with washing up. The tents are 2 x 2 metres across and 1.7 metres high. Tomorrow we head out on a game drive.
  3. Tag 3

    Hluhluwe–iMfolozi Park

    Embark on an adventure through the oldest proclaimed game reserve in South Africa. While you're here, you'll have the chance to see some of the 'Big Five' game –  African elephant, black rhinoceros, Cape buffalo, African lion and African leopard. There will also be a good chance of spotting the white rhino, as Hluhluwe-Imfolozi has the largest population of these near-threatened creatures in the world. A series of conservation efforts has saved them from extinction and their population is once again on the rise. The park also boasts some 400 species of birds, including the African finfoot, bat hawk and white-backed night heron. It is approximately a 40km drive from our overnight camp to the gate of the park. Leaving just after breakfast we spend the whole day in the park. With a picnic lunch along the way, the day will be full of animal watching.
  4. Tag 4

    Kosi Bay

    Depart the game reserve in the morning and visit a Zulu village with a local community guide. Then, travelling northeast to the coast, visit the beautiful Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (160km/100miles - approximately 5 hours including time spent at activities). The location of the bay is amazing. On the one hand there is picturesque jungle with wild figa and monkey orange trees, and a grazing area for hippos; on the other, a mangrove and coral reef that's teeming with aquatic life. Your accommodation, Kosi Bay Lodge, will be in comfortable log chalets. Enjoy a night under the stars as you relax around the campfire.
  5. Tag 5

    Kosi bay

    We have a full day ahead as we explore Kosi Bay by kayak. Kosi Bay is one of very few places on earth where five different species of mangrove trees are found in one area. It is particularly famous for the traditional Tsonga fish traps built to trap fish moving in and out of the estuary with the tide. The Tsonga people, who have made this land their home for more than 1,000 years, are experts in fish traps and the construction of fishkraal. There is also the opportunity to snorkel over the coral reef in search of some colourful fish.
  6. Tag 6

    Hlane National Park

  7. Tag 7

    Hlane National Park

  8. Tag 8

    Kruger National Park

  9. Tag 9

    Kruger National Park

  10. Tag 10

    Blyde River Canyon

  11. Tag 11

    Blyde River Canyon

  12. Tag 12


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (1 Nacht), Camping mit einfacher Ausstattung (6 Nächte), Chalet Lodge (4 Nächte)
  • 11x Frühstück
  • 7x Mittagessen
  • 10x Abendessen
  • Soweto - Radtour
  • Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park - Pirschfahrten
  • Besuch im Zulu-Dorf
  • Kosi Bay - Kajakfahren
  • Hlane Royal National Park - Geführter 4x4 Sunset Game Drive
  • Krüger-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Krüger-Nationalpark - Ganztägige Pirschfahrt
  • Panorama Route - Bourkes Glück Schlaglöcher
  • Panorama Route - Drei Rondavels


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Johannesburg, South Africa
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