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Cape Town & Winelands

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 6
5 Tage
von 5 bis 99

ab € 1.580,– p.P.

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  • Bei einem Rundgang durch Kapstadt erfährst du mehr über die Härten der Sklaverei, das koloniale Leben am Kap und die Tragödie der Apartheid.
  • Entspanne dich in der College-Stadt Stellenbosch bei einem Glas Wein nach einer erhellenden Stadtrundfahrt.
  • Genieße die Schönheit der Küste Kapstadts, während du entlang der Kaphalbinsel durch das Cape Point Nature Reserve und das Kap der Guten Hoffnung fährst.
  • Besuche einige der besten Weingüter der Region und genieße Weinverkostungen, Schokoladenverkostungen und handwerklich hergestellten Käse.
  • Genieße einen freien Tag in Kapstadt, um Orte wie Robben Island, den Tafelberg und/oder die Atmosphäre der Victoria and Alfred Waterfront zu erkunden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.580,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Wandere, mampfe und trinke deinen Weg durch Kapstadt und die Cape Winelands. Mit den besten Weinen Südafrikas reist du entlang der atemberaubenden Kaphalbinsel nach Stellenbosch und machst einen Schritt zurück in die Geschichte. Von der Kolonialisierung und Sklaverei bis zur Abschaffung des Apartheidregimes erfährst du, wie dieses Land seine turbulente Vergangenheit überwunden hat, um zu der modernen und fröhlichen Gesellschaft zu werden, die es heute ist.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Cape Town

    Sawubona! Welcome to South Africa. On arrival in Cape Town, you’ll be met by our local operator who’ll transfer you to your hotel. With its stunning coastline, dominating mountain and modern cityscape, Cape Town is one of Africa's most appealing cities. With vineyards on its doorstep, adventure activities around every other corner and plenty of restaurants and cafes to while away the time, Cape Town is a very easy city to spend some extra time in. If you have extra time, Cape Town, with its internationally recognised beaches, is a great place to kick back and relax. If you'd rather get active, hop inside the revolving cable car and set off on one of hundreds of hiking trails that criss cross Table Mountain to its summit, stopping off the admire the views of Camps Bay below. If you've got energy left perhaps strap on a harness and abseil down. Other attractions worth a visit include the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, Robben Island, and the Cape Point Nature Reserve.
  2. Tag 2

    Cape Town - Walking Tour & Cape Point Peninsula

    Today retrace 350 years of Cape Town’s dramatic history on a three-hour walking tour. The route will take in historical sights such as the Castle of Good Hope, Grand Parade, and significant historic slavery sites such as the Slave Lodge and Slave Tree. Stop out the front of the Parliament Building and District Six Museum, learn about apartheid and gain valuable insight into the effects of racism and discrimination on the lives of ordinary South Africans. Follow the Footsteps to Freedom tour guides in Government Avenue and hear about Cape Town’s three Nobel Peace Prize-winners: Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem De Klerk. Then visit the building where the apartheid laws were passed, and where they were later repealed after De Klerk’s dramatic speech at the opening of Parliament in February 1990. After the tour, perhaps soak up the modern-day energy of the city in Greenmarket Square or St George's Mall. In the afternoon, travel down the spectacular coast to rugged Cape Peninsula. Some of the highlights including Clifton Beach, Camps Bay, Cape Point Nature Reserve, the Cape of Good Hope and the Boulders Beach Penguins. Don't forget to bring a camera!
  3. Tag 3

    Cape Town - Winelands

    Spend a full day travelling the beautiful Cape Winelands, visiting both colonial and more recent estates for a taste of the region’s best wines. The Winelands region features almost 100 different estates, of which the group will visit three today. Start off with a cellar tour and a wine tasting at Hidden Valley Estate in the Stellenbosch area. There is also the option of adding a chocolate and wine pairing experience for an additional fee. After learning more about the region’s wine, visit the college town of Stellenbosch. Take an hour to wander the boulevards and town center, then head to the hills and visit Franschhoek. The view of the valley from here, which is lined with manicured rows of vineyards, is spectacular. Soak up the scenery and enjoy a fine wine from La Cabriere Estate. While here, perhaps take the opportunity to lunch at the estate’s gourmet restaurant, or choose to dine at one of the village’s many cafés instead. In the afternoon, enjoy a relaxing drive to Paarl, driving past the Groot Drakenstein Prison, where Nelson Mandela was released in February 1990. Arrive at Fairview Estate for more wine and cheese tastings before returning Cape Town.
  4. Tag 4

    Cape Town

    Today you have free time to discover everything that Cape Town has to offer. You can admire the view from the top of Table Mountain, head off to Robben Island - where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, take in the atmosphere of the V & A Waterfront or experience the Hop-on-hop-off sightseeing tour around Cape Town. The choice is yours!
  5. Tag 5

    Cape Town

    Our adventure comes to an end today. There are no activities planned for the final day and you are able to depart the accommodation at any time. Additional accommodation can be booked if you’d like to extend your time in Cape Town.
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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (4 Nächte)
  • 4x Frühstück
  • Kapstadt - Historischer Rundgang am Morgen
  • Kapstadt - Kap-Halbinsel-Tour am Nachmittag
  • Cape Winelands Tour - Stellenbosch, Franschoek und Paarl


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Preise gelten ab/bis Cape Town, South Africa
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