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Cycle Northern Vietnam

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 981,– p.P.

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  • Radle durch Vietnams tierreiche Naturlandschaften, kleine Dörfer und alte Ruinen - die beste Art, das Land kennenzulernen, ist mit dem Fahrrad!
  • Reite durch die spektakulär üppigen Landschaften von Pu Luong und weiter zum Cuc Phuong Nationalpark (eines der wichtigsten Naturschutzgebiete des Landes) - entlang der Reisfelder fährst du an einheimischen Bauern, Kalksteinkarsts und einer vielfältigen Flora und Fauna vorbei.
  • Nachdem du die Altstadt von Hanoi auf zwei Beinen und zwei Rädern erkundet hast, kannst du den Abend damit verbringen, die köstlichen lokalen und regionalen Gerichte zu probieren (z.B. Bahn mi, Bun Cha und Pho).
  • Verbringe eine Nacht an Bord eines kleinen Bootes in der UNESCO-Welterbestätte Ha Long Bay - ein Muss bei jedem Vietnambesuch! Segle zwischen den Kalksteinspitzen hindurch, halte an einer der abgelegenen Inseln an und wandere durch die Treppen der Surprise Cave.
  • Lerne die Einheimischen bei einem Besuch in einer Gastfamilie im Dorf Poom Coong besser kennen. In einem traditionellen Stelzenhaus kochen deine Gastgeber für dich das Abendessen und vielleicht bekommst du sogar etwas von dem lokalen Reiswein zu trinken.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, World Bicycle Relief. Mit den Spenden erhalten Schulkinder, Gesundheitshelfer und Bauern in entlegenen Gebieten Fahrräder, die ihnen Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Einkommen verschaffen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 981,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Mehr als 30 Millionen Vietnamesen können sich nicht irren - in Lenkerhöhe hast du den besten Blick auf Vietnam! Auf dieser siebentägigen Radreise durch den Norden triffst du Einheimische und erlebst ihre Kultur auf eine Weise, die sonst nicht möglich wäre. Du startest im quirligen Hanoi, wo du die "36 Straßen" des alten Viertels erkunden und dich an mehreren Bahnhöfen stärken kannst, und fährst dann über Landstraßen und durch spektakuläre Berglandschaften zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Ha Long Bay. Du übernachtest in einer traditionellen Gastfamilie bei freundlichen Gastgebern, fährst durch die wunderschönen Landschaften des Pu Luong- und Cuc Phuong-Nationalparks und verbringst eine Nacht an einem ruhigen Gewässer unter dem Sternenhimmel.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Xin chao! Welcome to Vietnam. Your adventure officially begins with a welcome meeting at 6pm tonight. You can arrive at any time during the day, as there are no activities planned until this important meeting. Please look for a note in the hotel lobby or ask the hotel reception where it will take place. We'll be collecting your insurance details and next of kin information at this meeting, so please ensure you have all these details to provide to your leader. If you are bringing your own bicycle with you on the trip, you need to assemble it to check for any damage in transit before the welcome meeting. If you have arranged for the hire of a bicycle, your leader will assist you in preparing the bike before your first cycling activity. If you arrive with some time to spare then work your legs with a walk around Hanoi’s charming shaded boulevards and a squat on a short street-corner stools for a bia hoi (freshly brewed draught beer) in the Old Quarter. Notes: If you can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time, you may wish to arrive a day early so you're able to attend. We are happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability). If you're going to be late, please inform the hotel reception or your travel agent in advance. Riding distance: none
  2. Tag 2


    This morning you’ll get the chance to explore the Vietnamese capital by bike on a guided ride through the city (approx. 22kms). Hanoi is made for exploration by bike, so this is the perfect place to get to grips with Vietnamese street life and traffic. You’ll ride through parks, around lakes, and down tree-lined boulevards and visit iconic sights such as the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum complex, which includes the Buddhist temple One Pillar Pagoda and the former residence of Vietnam’s most famous revolutionary, Ho Chi Minh. There’s also time to explore the vibrant Old Quarter, an architectural museum where blocks of ochre buildings give off the air of a 1930s provincial French town. In these ancient ’36 Streets’ discover an amazing selection of shops that sell everything from souvenirs to exquisite silk clothing, jewellery, beautifully embroidered tablecloths, wood carvings and lacquerware - it's a bargain hunter's paradise. You’ll have some free time this afternoon. Perhaps take a walk around the beautiful Hoan Kiem Lake, with the reflection of modern office buildings, old Buddhist temples and the tangle of ancient streets in its still surface, or maybe dive into culture at the Vietnam Fine Art Museum or The Vietnamese Women’s Museum. Top off the day with a steaming bowl of fresh Pho from a hole-the-wall eatery – the street food in Hanoi is not to be missed! Riding distance: approx. 22kms/14 miles, mostly flat with approx. 40m/130ft of elevation gain, well paved roads
  3. Tag 3

    Mai Chau

    Saddle up this morning as your cycling adventure kicks into first gear. Leave Hanoi behind and travel by bus to Hoa Binh (approx. 2 hrs). When you arrive you’ll jump on your bike and cycle 40 kms to Cao Phong, through small ethnic Thai villages, enjoying the tranquility of the paddy fields and interacting with the local people. Limestone peaks climb in the background and banks of green line the road, and you’ll take regular stops to admire the view across the lush valleys. After arriving you’ll take a short 30-minute bus ride for the next section, stopping for lunch at Man Duc. After you fuel up, the bus will take you to the Da River Reservoir. Stretch your legs again cycling along the Da River, passing spectacular karst cliffs, through paddy fields, and admiring the lush panorama of the Mai Chau valley on the way (approx. 20 kms). The peaceful town of Mai Chau is situated in a stunningly beautiful valley surrounded by verdant green mountains and is famed for its breathtaking scenery and friendly hilltribe peoples. Tonight you’ll enjoy local hospitality in a simple stilt-house homestay in the village of Poom Coong. Your amicable hosts will cook up a fabulous meal, and there may even be a chance to sample some of the local rice wine produced in the region. Riding distances: Ride 1 - approx. 38kms/24 miles, uphill with approx. 330m/1080ft of elevation gain. Ride 2 - approx. 19kms/12 miles, mostly downhill with approx. 80m/260ft of elevation gain
  4. Tag 4

    Pu Luong National Park

    This morning you farewell your homestay hosts and cycle from Mai Chau to Mai Hai, and then on to Pu Luong National Park (approx 46kms). You’ll ride through more paddy fields and test you riding skills (or suspension) with the shallow potholes that can be found on the road. Pass pineapple farms and farmers riding atop their load drawn by lumbering water buffalo. Ride through small towns and wave to friendly locals on your way through picture-perfect Vietnam – lush green fields, towering limestone mountains, tranquil waterways and charming historic sites. This is a wonderful chance to see everyday rural life in action as well as take in the beautiful countryside. Riding distance: approx. 46 kms/29 miles, flat for the first 20kms/12 miles then a gradual climb for 17kms/10 miles, with approx. 540m/1770ft of elevation gain
  5. Tag 5

    Cuc Phuong National Park/Tam Coc

    Today - over 2 rides - you’ll cycle from Pu Luong to Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam’s first and largest national park, opened by Ho Chi Minh himself, one of the most important conservation sites in the country, and home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Today’s riding is beautiful as you cycle through some of Vietnam’s most spectacular views, riding in between limestone karst peaks thrusting out of serene rice paddies. If the weather is good there is an option to visit the famed Hang Múa caves/viewpoint. Cycle approx. 20kms then board the support vehicle to miss the busiest of the traffic before it's back on the bikes for another 28km leg to a well-earned lunch. From there we reboard the support vehicle and cruise all the way to Tam Coc. Todays riding is undulating but definitely worth the effort. Riding distances: Ride 1 - approx. 21kms/13 miles, downhill for 10kms, then mostly, approx. 70m/230ft of elevation gain. Ride 2 - approx. 28kms/17 miles, flat, approx. 10m/30ft of elevation gain.
  6. Tag 6

    Cat Ba Island/Halong Bay

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (4 Nächte), Gastfamilie (2 Nächte), Bootsübernachtung (1 Nacht)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Geführte Fahrradtour durch die Stadt Hanoi
  • Hanoi - Hoa Lo, das "Hanoi Hilton"-Gefängnis
  • Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren in Mai Chau
  • Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren im Pu Luong National Park
  • Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren im Cuc Phuong National Park
  • Geführtes und fahrzeuggestütztes Radfahren in der Nähe von Ninh Binh
  • Halong-Bucht - Bootsfahrt mit Übernachtung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Hanoi, Vietnam
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