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Mekong Delta Farmstay

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
min. 1 / max. 16
2 Tage
von 12 bis 99

ab € 220,– p.P.

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  • Eine Gastfamilie im Mekong-Delta ist eine tolle Möglichkeit, freundliche Einheimische kennenzulernen und den Alltag in Vietnam zu erleben.
  • Verstehe das tägliche Leben am Lebensnerv Vietnams mit Besuchen auf den Inseln und kleineren Handwerksbetrieben, die die Region am Leben erhalten
  • Erlebe die Gastfreundschaft des Deltas aus erster Hand mit einem herzlichen Empfang und einer hausgemachten Mahlzeit bei deinen Gastgebern
  • Fahre mit dem Fahrrad entlang der örtlichen Wege zum bunten Markt und plaudere mit den Einheimischen, während du Vorräte für das Mittagessen sammelst.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 220,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Ho Chi Minh City / Mekong Delta Homestay

    Xin chao! Welcome to Vietnam. Escape the city for a tour of the Mekong Delta, where you'll see what life is like beyond the urban centre of the south. This morning, please make your way to the Opera House (Intersection of Dong Khoi street and Le Loi street, District 1) to meet your Intrepid representative at 8.00am before setting off for the Mekong Delta. Please bring with you an overnight bag ready for the one night homestay. Your main luggage can be stored at your hotel. About 2.5 hours away is the city of My Tho, a former naval base that is now a bustling port city in the Mekong Delta. The area is the final destination of the mighty Mekong River, which winds its way from Tibet, through China, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and finally into Vietnam. An incredibly fertile region, the Mekong Delta's prime industry is food production, producing approximately half of Vietnam's total agricultural output. Local life for villages in the area revolves around the rivers and canals that make up the delta, so much so that people are more likely to transport by river than road. Upon arrival into My Tho, board a private boat for a cruise on the Mekong River. Your first stop is Unicorn island where we'll visit an island with lush tropical gardens where we have a chance to sample tropical fruit. Continuing to another island in the Mekong Delta, you'll learn more about another cottage industry, coconut candy. Your local guide will take you to a factory and explain the process of making the sweet. As you meander down the Mekong, you will have a chance to visit local villages in the area and learn more about the traditional lifestyles, culture, and customs of people who call the Delta their home. Next, travel by Xe Loi (motorised cart), and visit a bee farm, from where you will transfer to a smaller rowing boat to delve into the smaller canals of the Delta. For lunch, hit up Vuon Dau restaurant, where your local guide will provide you with some advice on the finer points of local cuisine and assist with ordering some of these delicacies. Sometimes you may transfer to the homestay by tuk-tuk. Towards the end of the day you will arrive at the home of a local family, where you’ll stay in dormitory-style accommodation. The pleasant surroundings consist of a 2 hectare garden with seasonal tropical fruits such as longan, durian, mangosteen, banana and grapefruit. The local owners will be your welcoming hosts for the evening and can tell you more about life in the Delta
  2. Tag 2

    Mekong Delta / Ho Chi Minh City

    Rising early to the sounds on the Delta enjoy an authentic breakfast before jumping on a bicycle to visit the local market nearby, then back to homestay to help our host prepare lunch. After lunch, we say goodbye to our friendly hosts and return to Ho Chi Minh City. This tour ends upon arrival in Ho Chi Minh City at your hotel around 5pm. No accommodation is included tonight.
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Leistungen 2024

  • Gastfamilie (1 Nacht)
  • 1x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Ho Chi Minh Stadt - Mekong Discovery Urban Adventure
  • Mekong Delta - Lokales Abendessen
  • Mekong Delta - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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