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One Week in Thailand: Kayaking and Hilltribes

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 18 bis 35

ab € 421,– p.P.

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  • Wandere durch die buddhistischen Tempel von Ayutthaya und entdecke die vergangene Ära des Königreichs Siam.
  • Im quirligen Bangkok kannst du dich mit Street Food verwöhnen und einige der leckersten Gerichte in ganz Asien probieren. Hat jemand "Mango Sticky Rice" gesagt? Ja, bitte!
  • Mach dich auf ins Nachtleben im angesagten Chiang Mai, wo es im Viertel Nimman von Hipster-Bars und supercoolen Lounges nur so wimmelt.
  • Trekke tief - sehr tief - in das nördliche thailändische Hinterland und übernachte in einem traditionellen Bergstammdorf, wo du mit den Einheimischen essen und lachen kannst.
  • Erlerne die Kunst des Muay Thai in einem Kurs in Chiang Mai. Bringe dein Herz in Schwung und erlerne gleichzeitig ein paar neue Fähigkeiten.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Intrepid Foundation Partner, die EcoThailand Foundation. Die Spenden helfen dabei, Schulkinder über wichtige Umweltthemen wie Klimawandel, Naturverständnis, Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeit aufzuklären.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 421,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Auf diesem achttägigen Abenteuer in Nordthailand geht es in die Berge und hoch hinaus. Durchquere das pulsierende Zentrum der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok und nimm dir die Zeit, die Nachtmärkte und Bars zu besuchen, die es wert sind. Wandere durch die Bergdörfer außerhalb von Chiang Mai, bevor du die Stadt und ihr buntes Nachtleben erkundest. Entdecke Wasserfälle, Elefanten und deine neue Lieblingsbeschäftigung (Kajakfahren?) und genieße die herrliche Natur, die du sonst nur von den Bergdörfern aus siehst. Diese Reise führt dich durch Tempel, Dschungel, Märkte und Berge und lässt dein Herz höher schlagen und deine Geschmacksnerven höher schlagen.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand. There’s a welcome meeting at around 6 pm tonight. If you do arrive early, perhaps take a walk around Chinatown and explore the crowded streets, or head to the magnificent Grand Palace. Once you’ve had your important meeting, it’s definitely time for food. Bangkok is known for its street food, so be sure to check out some roadside stalls for a delicious coconut curry, tom yum goong or pad thai. Later on, get wild in Bangkok’s nightlife and head out. Ask your guide for directions or grab your new travel mates and attempt to navigate the MRT subway train.
  2. Tag 2

    Ayutthaya - Overnight Train

    Good morning! Time for an adventure. Take a train from Bangkok to Ayutthaya in the morning. Ayutthaya was the capital in the Kingdom of Siam, but now the ruins of this old city form the Historical Park: an archaeological site that contains palaces, Buddhist temples, monasteries and statues. Take local tuk tuks on a visit to the Ayutthaya temple site, stopping by Wat Panan Choeng (adorned with a huge 19 metre Buddha image), Wat Yai Chai Mong Kol (with its 62 metre Victory Pagoda), and the famous Wat Maha That (the Buddhist temple with a striking figure head swallowed by tree roots). You’ll have the chance to buy some of Ayutthaya's famous Boat Noodles’ soup – trust us, they’re delicious. After your day exploring, hop on an overnight train up to Chiang Mai. You’ll have a few day-use rooms to share in Ayutthaya to freshen up before your train ride.
  3. Tag 3

    Chiang Mai

    Arrive in Chiang Mai in the morning and transfer to your hostel. Even though check-in is at 2 pm, you’ll still be able to use the facilities, if you’d like. Chiang Mai is the perfect entrance to the Thai highlands, with misty mountains and colourful hillside villages awaiting you to explore. This will be your base for the next few days, as you’ll return here after your hillside trek. Today, spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing and exploring the city, then at night, why not get a group of you together and visit some of the trending bars in the happening Nimman area? You are on holiday, after all.
  4. Tag 4

    Chiang Mai - Hilltribe Trek

    This morning at around 8 am, leave Chiang Mai in a songthaew (approximately 2 hours). Head to Wachirathan Waterfall, then on the way up to the mountain, visit Hmong Hilltribe Market at Baan Khun Klang. Lunch will be provided at a local restaurant. After lunch, start trekking at Doi Pha Tang, trekking for 2-3 hours along a relatively smooth trail, mostly walking downhill through the natural forest. On the trail, you will pass the Mai Phai waterfall which is a great spot to take a break. After a bit more of a hike, arrive at a Karen hilltribe village called Baan Tin Tok, where you’ll be staying for the night. Around 20 Christian families of Karen people live in this village. Enjoy dinner cooked by your host, then take a walk around the village to chat with the locals, perhaps checking out their art of naturally dyed clothes. You’ll stay in a wooden house, surrounded by an organic vegetable farm, with shared facilities. This is special.
  5. Tag 5

    Hilltribe Trek - Chiang Mai

    The best thing about being deep in the jungle in the morning is to enjoy the natural wake-up sounds of wildlife calls to stir your sleep. After a hearty breakfast (you’ll need it!), get back on board for today’s hike. It’s a pretty easy walk through local agricultural practice and farmland for a couple of hours, before arriving at Mae Ya Waterfalls, the biggest waterfall in Doi Inthanont National Park. Lunch will be provided today as well – yeah! Then, you will also have time to visit Wat Phradhatu Sri Chom Tong Voravihara, which is highly respected because of the sacred Buddha relic that is enshrined here. The Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong was constructed halfway through the 15th century located where the Buddha relic was found. The oldest structure is the chedi, which was built around 1450. The chedi is a large golden structure with a square base and a spire on top of that. Afterwards, continue back to Chiang Mai (approximately 2 hours), arriving around 4 pm and checking into your accommodation. The rest of the day is free to relax and explore the city.
  6. Tag 6

    Chiang Mai

  7. Tag 7

    Chiang Mai - Overnight sleeper train

  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (3 Nächte), Schlafwagenübernachtung (2 Nächte), Hilltribe Village House (Mehrbettzimmer) (2 Nächte)
  • 4x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Bangkok - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Chiang Mai - Nachtbasar & Anusarn Markt
  • Chiang Mai - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Huey Nam Dang - Hilltribe Trek - 2 Tage
  • Hilltribe Trek - Mae Malai Marktbesuch
  • Hilltribe Village - Selbstgekochtes Abendessen
  • Hilltribe Trek - Mok Fah Wasserfall
  • Huey Nam Dang - Hilltribe Trek - 2 Tage
  • Sop Kai Village - Kajakfahren auf dem Fluss


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Preise gelten ab/bis Bangkok, Thailand
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