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Chiang Mai Temples, Bikes & Whitewater Rafting

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
4 Tage
von 12 bis 99

ab € 620,– p.P.

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  • Erklimme den Gipfel des Doi Suthep Tempels und genieße die hypnotische Atmosphäre der singenden buddhistischen Mönche und den weiten Blick über die Stadt.
  • Entdecke den ländlichen Charme Thailands beim Wandern und Radfahren durch malerische Bergstämme, Reisfelder und üppige Dschungellandschaften.
  • Radle abseits der Hauptstraßen und erkunde das Herz und die Seele von Chaing Mai auf einer Fahrradtour durch die ländlichen Gebiete.
  • Mach eine Wildwasser-Rafting-Tour über die rauen Stromschnellen des Mae Taeng Flusses, die zu den besten in ganz Asien gehören sollen.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Intrepid Foundation Partner, die EcoThailand Foundation. Die Spenden helfen dabei, Schulkinder über wichtige Umweltthemen wie Klimawandel, Naturverständnis, Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeit aufzuklären.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 620,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Reise nach Thailand und erlebe eine faszinierende Mischung aus alten Tempeln, Regenwaldpfaden und pulsierenden Nachtmärkten in Chiang Mai. Dies ist ein aktives Kurzurlaubsabenteuer, das das Beste von Thailands Norden zeigt. Bezwinge die weltberühmten Stromschnellen des Mae Taeng River bei einem Rafting-Ausflug, wandere durch einheimische Dörfer und den gemäßigten Regenwald, radle durch Obstplantagen und einen 700 Jahre alten Tempel auf dem Land und erklimme die antike Treppe zum Gipfel des Doi Suthep. Dies ist ein actionreiches, authentisches Erlebnis und die perfekte Möglichkeit, in nur vier Tagen verschiedene Seiten von Chiang Mai kennenzulernen.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Chiang Mai

    Sa-wat dee! Welcome to Thailand. The most vibrant city in northern Thailand, Chiang Mai has many famous temples and an interesting old city area. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting today at 7pm. If you arrive early, take a hotel business card with you and head out to explore charming Chiang Mai or just laze by the pool. The friendliness of the people, the vibrant Night Bazaar, the interesting old town bound by moats, and the many fascinating temples enthral travellers from around the world. After your welcome meeting you will have free time tonight to do as you wish. Make sure to sample some delicious traditional northern Thai food tonight. The signature dish is kao soy, yellow wheat noodles in a curry broth, traditionally served with chicken or beef. Your guide can give you recommendations on where to go for dinner..
  2. Tag 2

    Doi Suthep Temple/Cycling

    After breakfast, head off to explore the famous temple complex of Doi Suthep. Pick up time is between 8.30-9am. A short drive (approximately 45 minutes) along a scenic and winding mountain road brings you to an impressive 300-step Naga-guarded stairway. The rewards justify the ascent to the top, with one of the most beautiful temples in Thailand on display, not to mention the fantastic panoramic views of the city! You’ll then return to your hotel at around 11am for a short break. At about 1.30pm, after a safety briefing and bicycle fitting, saddle up for a cycling adventure into the streets of Chiang Mai and beyond. Journey south through pleasant green fields, following the Ping River downstream. Make a stop at a former leper colony turned rehabilitation centre, where you’ll get to know some of the daily life of the missionaries who worked here over a hundred years ago. The trip continues along various fruit orchards, and cycling down small country roads, meandering around the villages on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, where you’ll encounter the Thai way of life and the real rural Thailand. Explore the temple ruins of Wiang Kum Kam, the former capital of Lanna, before you cycle back to Chiang Mai. Perhaps reward yourself with an authentic Thai massage tonight. Notes: The cycling distance is around 25-30km along flat ground, with 1.5km along unsealed road. The cycling time will be approximately 4.5 hours with frequent stops. Helmets and comfort bicycles (adapted mountain bike), with 24 gears and front suspension, are provided.
  3. Tag 3

    Hiking and Rafting

    Get set for an action packed day exploring the hill tribe areas north of the city. After breakfast, around 8am, drive north to the Mae Tang area where your adventure begins. Get on two wheels again to mountain bike through scenic landscapes along local roads (approximately 8 kilometres) to the starting point of a trek to a waterfall (approximately 1.5-2 hours). Make your way through the forest scenery on a hike to Huay Sathan Waterfall, where you can relax, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and dip into the cooling waters. After completing the trekking loop, drive up to the river camp. In the afternoon, prepare for a thrilling whitewater rafting session. Get outfitted with helmets and life jackets, and take a safety brief to get acquainted with the paddling commands, the correct way to sit in the raft, and the necessary precautions on river safety. Then, the rapid Mae Taeng River and its 14 gorges along a 10 kilometre stretch await. The difficulty level on the Mae Taeng River ranges from grade 3 to 5. It has been praised by travellers as some of the best whitewater rafting in Asia. This awesome rafting trip takes approximately 2 hours and finishes at the downstream camp, where you can rest and change into dry clothes. Enjoy some hot and cold drinks or fresh fruits before returning to your Chiang Mai accommodation. On your last night, soak up the atmosphere of the vibrant night markets.
  4. Tag 4

    Chiang Mai

    There are no activities planned for today and you are free to depart at any time. Check out time from the hotel is at 12 noon. If you are departing later, you can arrange luggage storage at the hotel. A departure airport transfer is included to Chiang Mai airport.
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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (3 Nächte)
  • 3x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Wat Umong und Royal Flora Park auf der Nebenstraße
  • Chiang Mai - Besuch des Doi Suthep Tempels
  • Chiang Mai - Wildwasser-Rafting
  • Wanderung zum Wasserfall


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Preise gelten ab/bis Chiang Mai, Thailand
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