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Portugal & the Azores

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
14 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 3.700,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Bei einem Spaziergang durch die idyllische Küstenstadt Porto erfährst du, warum die Geburtsstätte des Festungsweins für ihre engen Gassen, charmanten Gebäude und köstliche Küche bekannt ist.
  • Erkunde die älteste Universität des Landes, wenn du die historische Stadt Coimbra am Fluss erkundest, die einst die Hauptstadt Portugals war.
  • Wandere durch die abgelegenen Schieferdörfer, die sich zwischen den Berghängen verstecken, und nimm an einem authentischen Kochkurs teil, der von Einheimischen geleitet wird.
  • Entdecke die Wunder von Sao Miguel bei einer Tagestour über die Insel, von Tee- und Ananasplantagen bis hin zu einem aktiven Vulkan und einigen wirklich unvergesslichen Aussichtspunkten.
  • Wandere durch die UNESCO-geschützten Weinberge und über schwarze Vulkanerde auf der Insel Pico und belohne dich anschließend für deine Mühen mit einer Verkostung in einem fantastischen lokalen Weingut.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.700,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Portugal! Stretching along the banks of the River Douro, Porto is one of Portugal's most romantic cities. Known for majestic bridges, medieval riverside district with its cobbled streets, merchants’ houses and cafes, Porto is also well known for one more thing; surprise surprise – Porto is the birthplace of the fortified wine, port. Today, there’s an important welcome meeting at 6 pm where you’ll meet your group leader and fellow travellers. After your meeting, why not get the crew together and head out to an optional dinner – your group leader will know of some great spots to go.
  2. Tag 2


    Take a leader-led orientation walk with your group this morning to get your bearings. Otherwise, the day is free to do as you please. The city's World Heritage-listed Ribeira district is packed with twisting alleys, staircases, and baroque churches, and is great to explore on foot. Sao Francisco church is known for its lavish interior with ornate gilded carvings. The palatial 19th-century Palacio de Bolsa, formerly a stock market, was built to impress potential European investors. Make sure you also visit Mercado do Bolhao, Porto's market, one of the city's institutions since 1914. For a sensational view of the whole town head to the Torre dos Clerigos (Clerigos Tower), or head down Allies Avenue to see the French-inspired buildings. Late afternoon, meet your leader and the rest of the group again to test out Portugal’s famed wine on an included port tasting. Oh, and in the evening, why not book yourself on a Rio Duoro cruise on one of the historic 'rabelo' boats to see the city from the water.
  3. Tag 3

    Porto / Coimbra

    The morning is free for you to explore Porto at your own pace. As you’ll be traveling over to Coimbra in the late afternoon or early evening, there will be a place to store your luggage for the day. If you’d like, you could head out of the city into the Duoro Valley, where the river weaves around hilly landscapes and past vineyards and small villages. There are a number of ways to discover the valley, including by boat or train, but make sure to check in with your leader to organise a trip that gets you back in time for the train to Coimbra. With a late arrival at your hotel, have a relaxing night in Coimbra.
  4. Tag 4


    Enjoy an easy day in Coimbra at your leisure. Sitting dignified on the banks of the River Mondego, Coimbra was once the capital of the country, and its royal heritage can be felt in its historic streets and buildings. Join your group leader on a wander through the lanes and squares of the Old Quarter and be sure to pass by the University of Coimbra – the oldest in Portugal. The afternoon is free for you to enjoy as you please before meeting with your group again for an evening Fado show. Coimbra's version of the fado is linked to the academic traditions of its university and musicians wear the traditional academic outfit: dark robes and capes. The music is characterized by sombre tunes and lyrics, often about the life of the poor, and inspired by mourning and melancholia.
  5. Tag 5

    Schist Villages

    Travel to the so-called Schist Villages, an amazing part of Portugal, yet a well kept secret, with friendly locals eager to welcome you to their villages. The area consist of 26 villages nestled between the hills and riverbanks, seamlessly merging into the surroundings due to the stone used to build them, schist, a metamorphic rock. The villages experienced abandonment during the 20th century, as people left to look for better life opportunities in the cities. Thanks to a government project aimed at boosting the local economy through sustainable tourism they are experiencing a renaissance. Once arrived, enjoy a beautiful walk in the hills surrounding the village you will be staying at. In the afternoon, consider joining a traditional cooking class and dinner. It will take place in one of the villages and is a perfect way to discover the local cuisine. Prepare a full meal using products grown locally, and you’ll get shown the ropes by local people. After the class, take a seat, have a glass of wine and enjoy the fruits of your own labour.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8

    Sao Miguel Island / Ponta Delgada

  9. Tag 9

    Sao Miguel Island / Ponta Delgada

  10. Tag 10

    Sao Jorge Island / Velas

  11. Tag 11

    Sao Jorge Island / Velas

  12. Tag 12

    Faial Island / Horta

  13. Tag 13

    Pico Island / Faial Island / Horta

  14. Tag 14

    Faial Island / Horta

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (10 Nächte), Gästehaus (3 Nächte)
  • 13x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • Porto - Portweinverkostung
  • Coimbra - Abendliche Fado-Aufführung
  • Schieferdörfer - Dorfspaziergang
  • Lissabon - Getränke und lokale Köstlichkeiten
  • Sao Miguel - Insel Tagestour
  • Sao Miguel - Arrudas Ananasplantage in Faja de Baixo
  • Sao Miguel - Cozido das Furnas Mittagessen
  • Sao Miguel - Besuch einer Teeplantage und Verkostung
  • Sao Miguel - Miradouro do Pico do Ferro & Miradouro de Santa Iria
  • Sao Jorge - Wanderung zur Caldeira do Santo Cristo mit Picknick-Mittagessen
  • Sao Jorge - Besuch einer Bäckerei oder eines lokalen Marktes
  • Faial - Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre
  • Pico Island - Tagesausflug
  • Pico Island - Likörverkostung
  • Insel Pico - Criacao Velha Vineyards UNESCO-Welterbe
  • Insel Pico - Arcos do Cachorro (Lavatunnel)


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Preise gelten ab/bis Porto, Portugal
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