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The Kokoda Track

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
min. 1 / max. 12
10 Tage
von 18 bis 99

ab € 3.128,– p.P.

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  • Erwandere den berühmten Kokoda Track auf die ethische Art. Wir arbeiten mit einer lokalen Kooperative zusammen, die sicherstellt, dass die lokalen Gemeinden direkt von deinem Besuch profitieren.
  • Höre unglaubliche Geschichten über den Mut im Krieg von einem lokalen Historiker in Brigade Hill
  • Wandere die trockenen Bergspitzen hinauf und durch Täler mit üppigem Regenwald und halte unterwegs an, um dich in unberührten Flüssen abzukühlen.
  • Triff die Menschen, die in dieser Region leben, lerne die lokale Kultur kennen und leiste einen Beitrag zu diesen kleinen und abgelegenen Gemeinden.
  • Du wanderst auf Schritt und Tritt mit einem persönlichen Träger, einem Trekkingleiter und einer Crew - alles Einheimische - um sicherzustellen, dass du die bestmögliche Erfahrung machst und gleichzeitig Arbeitsplätze in der Region unterstützt.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.128,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Port Moresby

    Your adventure begins in the capital of Port Moresby with a welcome meeting tonight. An airport arrival transfer is included in the price of this tour. Please speak to your booking agent to organise this no later than 14 days before your tour begins. Attend the pre-trip briefing this evening at 6 pm to meet your fellow travellers and trek leader.
  2. Tag 2

    Port Moresby / Kokoda Track

    This morning take a short, spectacularly scenic chartered flight over the jungle canopies and craggy peaks of the Owen Stanley Range to the landing strip of Kokoda station (approximately 35 minutes). Arrive and meet your trekking team, including your your personal and food porters. Kokoda, situated at 340 metres above sea level, is a hot and humid place, but there’s a nearby river to cool off in if you need. There is free time explore and visit the Kokoda Memorial and War Museum this morning before the trek begins, where you’ll learn a little more about Kokoda station. This spot held importance during WWII due to having the only airfield along the track, and the opening stages of the Kokoda Track campaign saw two battles take place in and around the village. Australian forces reoccupied Kokoda in November 1942 as the Japanese retreated to the north coast. After lunch, lace up and set off for the village of Deniki (4–5 hours). Begin with a flat walk through rows of palm oil and rubber tree plantations, passing through Kovelo and Hoi villages before the first steep ascent up the Owen Stanley Range. Deniki village is a historically significant location where the 39th Battalion first regrouped when Japanese forces occupied Kokoda. At 900 metres above sea level, you’ll be greeted with incredible views across the Kokoda Valley upon arrival, giving you the chance to pause and reflect on all that occurred here.
  3. Tag 3

    Kokoda Track

    Commence the first full-day trek with an early start towards Isurava village. Pass through choko gardens planted by local villagers and by water holes where you can fill up your bottle. Your trek leader or porters will let you know the best fill-up points. Arrive at Isurava (1350 metres), a village relocated several times since WWII which now sits in a tranquil location with good access to water and sunshine. Continue to the famous Isurava battlefield and stop for a break to learn about the significance of the site. A powerful memorial built by the Australian Government features four pillars, reading ‘Courage, Sacrifice, Mateship and Endurance’, words you are sure to carry with you for the rest of your journey. Hear the story of the heroic Private Kingsbury, a real estate agent from Melbourne enlisted to fight in New Guinea. Kingsbury gallantly volunteered to clear a path through the enemy, allowing the Australian troops to regain their control, only to lose his life to a sniper’s bullet. Private Kingsbury’s courage earned him a posthumous Victoria Cross, and is one of many stories of unbelievable tragedy and bravery you will encounter on your journey. Continue to the village of Alola (at 1400 metres), which overlooks the Iora Valley and Auberi village, which is where you will spend the night.
  4. Tag 4

    Kokoda Track

    The trek to Templeton’s Crossing begins with a walk through lush rainforest and past creeks and rivers that feed directly out of mountain springs. Follow the hilly trail to Eora Creek, where the tranquil landscapes are in stark contrast to the two brutal battles that took place in 1942, resulting in the loss of many Australian lives. Take a break here to learn about the battles and perhaps freshen up in the river before continuing along the track. Three more hours of hiking will lead you to Templeton’s Crossing, the location of the Australian supply and storage facility during the war. Templeton’s Crossing also served as a burial ground for Australian soldiers lost during the Battle of Eora, and while the bodies were relocated at the end of the war, symbolic iron rods remain in the place of each soldier once buried at the site. Tonight will be spent at a cooperative guesthouse in Lokobo (at 1900 metres altitude).
  5. Tag 5

    Kokoda Track

    Get set for a tough day of trekking as you climb to a 2200-metre-high point on the flank of Mt Bellamy, also known as the Gap. Be sure to stay close to your personal porter while navigating the ascent. Take in some spectacular views across the Owen Stanley Ranges and descend a few hundred metres to your accommodation at Digger’s Camp. Set among lush rainforest, the village guesthouse is still around 2000 metres above sea level, so it can get very cold. Take a quick walk to the flat grasslands and creeks of Myola, a location that played a pivotal role in WWII, being used for supply drops and to tend to the sick and injured. You could once find the scattered remains of old aircrafts around Myola, however these have since been salvaged by locals for scrap metal. Head back to Diggers' Camp and enjoy a dip in the river before dinner.
  6. Tag 6

    Kokoda Track

  7. Tag 7

    Kokoda Track

  8. Tag 8

    Kokoda Track

  9. Tag 9

    Kokoda Track / Port Moresby

  10. Tag 10

    Port Moresby

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (2 Nächte), Hütte der Dorfgemeinschaft oder Camping (8 Nächte)
  • 9x Frühstück
  • 8x Mittagessen
  • 7x Abendessen
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Gedenkstätte
  • Kokoda - Kokoda War Museum
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger
  • Port Moresby - Bomana War Cemetary
  • Kokoda - Kokoda Track Trek mit persönlichem Gepäckträger


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
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