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Best of Thailand & Malaysia

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
22 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 3.495,– p.P.

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  • Unterstütze eine wichtige Tierschutzinitiative und komm den unglaublichen Tieren im Chang Chill Elephant Park nahe.
  • Erlebe auf einer Fahrradtour durch das Dorf deiner Gastfamilie, wie die Einheimischen leben. Fahre an den Reisfeldern vorbei und atme die frische Landluft ein, mit wunderschönen Bergen in der Ferne.
  • Entdecke eine andere Seite von Kuala Lumpur - abseits der Wolkenkratzer - auf einer halbtägigen Street Food Tour durch die Gassen und entdecke Geschmacksrichtungen, für die du ein Einheimischer sein musst.
  • Tauche im Khao Sok Nationalpark in ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber ein und erkunde, wandere, entspanne und fahre mit dem Longtailboot auf einem von Kalksteinfelsen umgebenen See.
  • Bei einer Kajaktour durch die atemberaubenden Buchten, Höhlen und versteckten Lagunen der Mangrovenwälder von Ao Thalane findest du ein Stück vom Paradies.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.495,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2026

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Sa-wat dee! Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand's bustling capital. Bangkok is famous for its tuk tuks, khlong boats and street vendors serving up delicious Thai food. With no planned activities until your important welcome meeting at 6 pm, why not head out and explore. You could take a riverboat to Chinatown and explore the crowded streets, uncover the magnificent Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, wander down the tourist mecca of Khao San Road, or indulge in a Thai massage. After the meeting tonight, perhaps gather your fellow travellers together and tuck into some into world famous street food.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning, leave the current capital of Thailand and head north by train (approx 6 hours) and private mini van (approx 1 hour) to one of the first ancient capitals of Siam, Sukhothai. Located on a fertile plain, Sukhothai was established in the 13th century, and the name means the 'Dawn of Happiness'. It’s now famous for its World Heritage-listed historic park that celebrates the Golden Age of Thai civilisation. Tonight, be sure to head to the fascinating local night market and try the local dishes, like Sukhothai noodles.
  3. Tag 3


    Head out to the historical ruins of Old Sukhothai, set amid beautiful lakes and gardens. The religious art and architecture of the Sukhothai era are considered to be the most classic of Thai styles, and the Sukhothai Historical Park contains the remains of 21 historic sites, with awe-inspiring Buddha images and four large ponds often filled with stunning lotus flowers in full bloom. Upon arrival at the park, hire bicycles and enjoy a few leisurely hours feeling the breeze in your hair and learning about the history of this fascinating place. Enjoy a home-cooked picnic lunch somewhere along the way, and if you have enough free time, visit a local ceramics factory.
  4. Tag 4

    Village Homestay

    Travel by private minivan from Sukothai (approx 4 hours) to the warm and welcoming home of Intrepid's long-time friends in a small Thai village where you’ll spend the night. Accommodation at the homestay is multishare and basic (there will be fold-out mattresses on the floor and shared bathrooms), but there is no better way to better understand a country and its people. In the evening, you’ll be treated to a traditional northern Thai khantok dinner, accompanied by live music and dancing.
  5. Tag 5

    Village Homestay - Chiang Mai

    In the morning, jump on some bikes and cruise around the homestay village. This is a great opportunity to see how the locals live, and you’ll make a few stops along the way to see small country industries in the area. Cycling past the rice fields and breathing in the fresh country air, with beautiful mountains in the distance, makes this morning a picture-postcard experience. Say goodbye to your new friends and travel on to Chiang Mai (approximately 45 minutes). The most vibrant city in northern Thailand, Chiang Mai has many famous temples and an interesting old city area. Renowned for dazzling beauty and extremely welcoming locals, the ‘Rose of the North’ will leave you spellbound. Chances are, you won’t want to leave. Swing by the Free Bird Cafe, a branch of the Thai Freedom House social enterprise that offers education and training to Burmese migrants and refugees. The cafe is used to train students from Thai Freedom House in the hospitality industry, and profits from the cafe feed straight back to the enterprise. Enjoy a tasty meal here while hearing more about their story. Tonight, why not head to the famous vibrant night markets!
  6. Tag 6

    Chiang Mai

  7. Tag 7

    Chiang Mai

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  9. Tag 9

    Bangkok - Overnight train

  10. Tag 10

    Khao Sok

  11. Tag 11

    Khao Sok

  12. Tag 12

    Ao Nang

  13. Tag 13

    Ao Nang

  14. Tag 14

    Ao Nang

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  16. Tag 16


  17. Tag 17

    Kuala Lumpur

  18. Tag 18

    Kuala Lumpur

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  21. Tag 21


  22. Tag 22


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Leistungen 2026

  • Resort (5 Nächte), Hotel (14 Nächte), Mehrbettzimmer (1 Nacht), Nachtzug (1 Nacht)
  • 13x Frühstück
  • 6x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Sukhothai - Nachtmarkt
  • Sukhothai - Historischer Park Fahrradtour
  • Sukhothai - Selbstgekochtes Picknick-Mittagessen
  • Village Homestay - Kulturelle Darbietung
  • Dorfgasthaus - Khantok Abendessen
  • Dorfgasthaus - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen
  • Dorfgasthaus - Radtour
  • Chiang Mai - Besuch des Frischwarenmarktes
  • Chiang Mai - ChangChill Elephant Sanctuary
  • Bangkok - Khlong-Boot-Kanaltour
  • Bangkok - Wat Pho
  • Khao Sok - Cheow Lan See Tour
  • Khao Sok - Rafthouse Mittagessen
  • Ao Nang - Baan Bor Tor Seekajakfahren
  • Ao Nang - Mittagessen im Seekajak
  • Trang - Mod Tanoy Dorf Wanderung
  • Aktivitäten der Dorfgemeinschaft Trang - Mod Tanoy
  • Trang - Mod Tanoy Dorfgemeinschaft Mittagessen
  • Penang - Hawker Food Erlebnis
  • Penang - Spaziergang, einschließlich Clan Jetty und Kek Lok Si-Tempel
  • Kuala Lumpur - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Melaka - Trishaw Sightseeing Tour


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Bangkok, Thailand
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