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Borneo Family Holiday

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
9 Tage
von 5 bis 99

ab € 1.395,– p.P.

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  • Nimm an einer geführten Wanderung durch die üppigen unteren Pfade des Kinabalu Nationalparks teil und erlebe den Mt Kinabalu in seiner ganzen Pracht in der Morgendämmerung.
  • Übernachte im Kinabatangan Eco Camp inmitten der Vögel und Tiere des Dschungels, direkt neben einem Altwassersee.
  • Besuche das Sepilok Orang-Utan Rehabilitationszentrum und beobachte mit etwas Glück, wie Orang-Utan-Babys in einem speziellen Gehege das Schwingen lernen.
  • Genieße die besondere Gelegenheit, geschützte Schildkrötenbrut zu beobachten, die sich im Schutz der Nacht über den Strand zum Wasser verstreut.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.395,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Reise auf einem 9-tägigen Familienabenteuer nach Borneo und entdecke die kuriose Tierwelt und die spektakulären Landschaften der Region. Erfahre, wie verwaiste Orang-Utans wieder ausgewildert werden, schwimme zwischen farbenfrohen Fischen, beobachte grüne Babyschildkröten, die wackelige Schritte in Richtung Wasser machen und entspanne dich an Sandstränden. Ganz nebenbei lernst du neue Freunde kennen, probierst die köstliche Küche und sammelst viele schöne Erinnerungen. Mit allem, was du brauchst, und viel freier Zeit, die du in deinem eigenen Tempo erkunden kannst, werden du und deine Familie sich in die einzigartigen Tiere, das üppige Ökosystem und die Sandinseln Borneos verlieben.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Kota Kinabalu

    Selamat datang! Welcome to Malaysia. Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah, is an intriguing city located between the Borneo jungle and the South China Sea. Having survived WWII bombings, KK (as it's commonly known) has a charm unique to the frontier town. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 5 pm at your hotel. Here you will meet your leader and fellow family travellers. Following the meeting, perhaps head out with your fellow families to the waterfront market. Here you’ll find smoky stalls serving up grilled meat and fish and heaps of local delicacies. If you arrive with significant time before the welcome meeting, you can immerse yourself in history at the Sabah State Museum or explore the islands off Kota Kinabalu which are excellent for swimming or snorkelling.
  2. Tag 2

    Kinabalu National Park

    Head for the beautiful Kinabalu National Park. Stretch your legs and take in the mountain views on any of the numerous walking trails. As you walk along, keep a close eye on the sky and on the trees, as there are many exotic birds to spot – the mountain serpent-eagle, Dulit frogmouth and bare-headed laughing thrushes among them. It's also important to keep an eye on the ground for snakes, and you might encounter a leech or two. There's plenty to see and do in this World Heritage-listed park. The Botanical Garden is an excellent showcase of the diverse plant life on the mountain, and flora from all over the park has been replanted here. The walk in the park takes about one hour. From here we head to the Poring Hot Springs with a scenic canopy walk and a quick dip in the springs themselves. Tonight you will spend the night in a reconstructed longhouse on the tea plantation. Rooms are twin/triple-share and have fans and shared bathrooms.
  3. Tag 3

    Kinabatangan River

    This morning we visit a Sabah Tea Factory and learn the process of tea leaves before saying goodbye to the mountain and heading into the jungle. Travel by private bus to Batu Puteh, a small village on the banks of the Kinabatangan River (approximately 5 hours). Your hosts for the night are the local community-run conservation organization KOPEL whose aim is to provide villagers with the means of making a sustainable living from the forest. KOPEL are responsible for a reforestation project in which the community are actively involved in growing seedlings and replanting back degraded forested areas. Arrive in the afternoon meet your hosts and learn a little more about KOPELs work, before jumping in a boat and heading upriver to your accommodation in the jungle (approximately 30 minutes). This afternoon, you’ll head out on a sunset cruise up the river in search of wildlife, including macaques, wild orangutan and proboscis monkeys. Be prepared for an adventure! Return to your jungle camp by an oxbow lake, freshen up for dinner and afterwards, let the cicadas sing you to sleep.
  4. Tag 4

    Kinabatangan River

    Wake up to the sounds of the jungle ready for a busy day. After breakfast you’ll head upriver to the village where you take a walk around the village to learn more about the life of the local people. For lunch, it’s all hands-on deck as you partake in a fun traditional cooking class, eating the fruits of your labour for lunch! The afternoon is free to relax, enjoy some boardgames or keep spotting some wildlife. Before heading back on the boat for some more wildlife spotting. After dinner tonight, you’ll don headtorches and head out into the jungle for a night walk in search of insects and nocturnal animals. See what happens to the jungle at night, and what creatures come out to play!
  5. Tag 5


    Say goodbye to the Eco Camp and take a drive to Sandakan via the Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary. These unique primates are not found elsewhere in the world! You will be in awe as they leapt from incredible heights to lower branches. We arrive in Sandakan in the afternoon. You will notice the strong Cantonese influence, seen in the lively harbourside market, the many Chinese temples and the local cuisine. Here there is free time to catch up on your essentials, like laundry and banking, as well as to explore the city. Otherwise, just spend some time relaxing by the pool!
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    Turtle Island

  8. Tag 8

    Langkah Syabas

  9. Tag 9

    Langkah Syabas

  10. Tag 10

    Kota Kinabalu

  11. Tag 11

    Kota Kinabalu

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (4 Nächte), Langhaus (1 Nacht), Dschungelcamp (2 Nächte) Chalet (1 Nacht)
  • 8x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Poring Hot Springs - Canopy Walk
  • Poring Hot Springs - Poring Conservation Fee
  • Kinabatangan River - Wildlife-Kreuzfahrt am Nachmittag
  • Sabah Teeplantage - Tour durch die Teefabrik
  • Kinabatangan - Nächtliche Dschungelwanderung
  • Kinabatangan - Kochkurs
  • Kinabatangan River - Wildlife-Kreuzfahrt am Nachmittag
  • Kinabatangan - Kulturelle Aufführung
  • Sepilok - Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary
  • Sepilok - Sepilok Orang-Utan Rehabilitationszentrum
  • Turtle Island - Beobachtung der Schildkrötennester
  • Sandakan - Kriegsdenkmal


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Preise gelten ab/bis Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
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