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Real East Africa & Zanzibar

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 22
14 Tage
von 18 bis 35

ab € 2.111,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Safari, Safari, Safari - welches ostafrikanische Abenteuer wäre ohne eine solche komplett? Auf dieser Reise gibt es fünf (mit der Option, eine weitere zu buchen) in zwei verschiedenen Gebieten. Das bringt uns zu...
  • Die Tiere! Begebt euch auf die Suche nach Flusspferden, Löwen, Leoparden, Giraffen und mehr während der Pirschfahrten in der Serengeti und der Masai Mara mit euren erfahrenen lokalen Führern.
  • Verbringe eine Nacht mit den rot gekleideten Maasai in den Loita Hills. Ein einheimischer Ältester wird dir erklären, worum es bei dem Stamm geht und dich durch sein Haus führen.
  • Entspanne dich an den puderweißen Stränden Sansibars, dem perfekten Ort, um nach Tagen der Tierbeobachtung zu entspannen.
  • Bei Zwischenstopps in Orten wie Mto wa Mbu und Musoma hast du Zeit, mit Einheimischen zu plaudern, und wenn du mit einem Einheimischen (deinem Führer) reist, ist es noch einfacher.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.111,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Jambo! Welcome to Kenya. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. If you arrive early, why not check out the National Museum of Kenya, the Karen Blixen Museum or the highly recommended Bomas of Kenya where traditional homesteads of some Kenyan tribes are displayed at an outdoor village.
  2. Tag 2

    Loita Hills Maasai Experience

    Depart Nairobi, with a short stop in Narok for a spot of food shopping. Continue to Loita Hills (approximately 5–6 hours), then stop, chill out and get some lunch. Today's drive crosses the Great Rift Valley, Africa's huge great divide, takes you into the remote region of Loita Hills. This is the home of the Maasai people. You will visit the Maasai, who are known for their dazzling red dress and elaborate jewellery, and gain an insight into the culture and ancient ways of this proud East African community. After setting up your tent, meet your Maasai hosts. A local elder will deliver a fascinating talk about the Maasai and what they're about. You'll be shown around a traditional Maasai home and see where the resident cattle are kept. Showers, upgrades and Wi-Fi are not available at tonight's bush camp.
  3. Tag 3

    Masai Mara National Reserve

    Travel from Loita to Masai Mara (approximately 1–2 hours). The road is pretty dusty when it's dry, and could be slippery and soft when wet, so the going might be slow. The Masai Mara is one of the classic African experiences – wide open plains, postcard-perfect skies and some of the world's great wild animals. After setting up camp, sit down to some lunch. Then it's time to jump back on board the truck and go for a game drive through the wilderness of the Mara. You campground tonight is located outside of the national reserve and has flush toilets and showers. There is an option to upgrade, depending on availability. Wi-fi is not available here though.
  4. Tag 4

    Masai Mara National Reserve

    Adventure into the reserve for a full day's game drive. You'll explore this diverse environment and most likely see a lots of different wildlife. An optional balloon ride over the Mara at sunrise is well worth considering. If you have pre-booked this activity (see the 'Important Notes' section) you will be picked up before dawn and driven to the launch site for a safety briefing from your pilot. Then you will glide through the dawn, sometimes at tree height, which provides amazing photo opportunities. Sometimes you will ascend, getting an overview of the enormity of the plains and the early morning movements of the teeming herds. After landing, you'll be treated to a bush breakfast, then be returned to your campsite to meet up with your group.
  5. Tag 5

    Lake Victoria

    Travel towards the Kenya-Tanzania border and to the shores of Lake Victoria (approximately 7–8 hours). This is not only Africa's biggest lake – it's the largest tropical lake in the world. It shares its shores with Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. You'll arrive late afternoon, in time to chill out lakeside with a cold drink and watch the sunset. Make the most of the ATM and local market to stock up for your next three days of wilderness adventures. You will camp on the shores of the lake tonight, at one of its least visited campgrounds, on the outskirts of a small town called Musoma. Depending on availability, you might be able to upgrade to a room, but no Wi-Fi is available.
  6. Tag 6

    Serengeti National Park

  7. Tag 7

    Serengeti National Park

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    (Ngorongoro Crater) / Arusha

  10. Tag 10

    Stone Town

  11. Tag 11

    Zanzibar Northern Beaches

  12. Tag 12

    Zanzibar Northern Beaches

  13. Tag 13

    Zanzibar Northern Beaches

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Leistungen 2024

  • Camping mit Ausstattung (6 Nächte), Camping mit Grundausstattung (2 Nächte), Bungalow (2 Nächte), Hotel (2 Nächte)
  • 12x Frühstück
  • 8x Mittagessen
  • 8x Abendessen
  • Loita Hills - Maasai Dorfbesuch
  • Masai Mara National Reserve - Ganztägige 4WD-Pirschfahrt
  • Masai Mara National Reserve - Ganztägige 4WD-Pirschfahrt
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Ngorongoro Krater - 4WD Game Drive
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Nairobi, Kenya
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