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Kenya Family Safari

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 5

ab € 1.964,– p.P.

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  • Wage dich für eine ganztägige Pirschfahrt in das unglaubliche Masai Mara Nationalreservat
  • Schließe am Lagerfeuer Freundschaft mit den Kriegern des Maasai-Stammes; sie werden nach Löwen Ausschau halten, während du und deine Familie übernachten.
  • Erlebe Nairobi, eine aufregende, kosmopolitische Stadt mit erstklassigen Restaurants, Cafés und Museen
  • Halte die Augen offen nach Spitz- und Breitmaulnashörnern bei einem Abenteuer im Lake Nakuru National Park
  • Begegne farbenfrohen Vögeln und Zebraherden bei einer Wanderung um den Kratersee
  • Du und deine Familie seid während eurer Reise in den besten Händen, denn ihr reist mit einer Crew aus drei erfahrenen Einheimischen - einem Führer, einem Fahrer und einem Koch.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.964,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Jambo! Welcome to Kenya. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 5pm. You can arrive at any time as there are no activities planned until this important meeting. Please ask the hotel reception where it will take place. If you can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time for this, consider arriving a day early so you are able to attend. If you are going to be late, please inform the hotel reception. We'll be collecting your insurance details and next of kin information at this meeting, so please ensure you have these to give to your leader. If you arrive early, perhaps head out and explore the National Museum of Kenya, the Karen Blixen Museum or the highly recommended Bomas of Kenya where traditional homesteads of several Kenyan tribes are displayed at an outdoor village. Notes: Petty theft is common in Nairobi. As a general rule, the safest place for your valuables is on your person in a neck wallet or money belt. Your hotel room or reception may also have a safe in which to store things. If you do decide to go exploring, make sure you get local advice on where it is and isn't safe to walk – particularly for later in the day. Be careful not to leave bags unattended on chairs or the floor when you're in a bar or restaurant. Without being paranoid, appearing vigilant is a great deterrence to would-be thieves. Also, make scans of important travel documents and email them to yourself – this will save you hours of time in paperwork if anything does happen.
  2. Tag 2

    Lake Nakuru

    Today will be a long day of adventuring. After breakfast, you will visit David Sheldricks Elephant Orphanage and the Giraffe Centre. These conservation projects allow you to see the animals up close while learning more about them and their plight in the modern world.  After lunch, head out of Nairobi towards Lake Nakuru (approximately 4-5 hours), arriving in time to pitch a tent at the campsite before the sun goes down. The alkaline waters of Lake Nakuru once supported an extremely large colony of flamingos – estimated to be up to two million strong! Over the course of the year the lake changes size considerably, shrinking to its smallest in March at the end of the dry season, and changing the type of birdlife and wildlife that inhabit the area. Unfortunately changes in water levels and chemical concentration caused the permanent population of flamingos to move elsewhere in the 1970s, however the lush area around the lake remains known for its bird life.
  3. Tag 3

    Lake Naivasha

    Head out on an early morning game drive around Lake Nakuru. Keep a lookout for the white rhinos that can often be found around the shores. Afterwards, encounter friendly locals on a village visit before moving on to Lake Naivasha (approx: 2-3 hour drive). Lake Naivasha is a birdwatcher's paradise with floating islands of papyrus reeds. Afternoon wind and storms can cause the lake to become suddenly rough and produce high waves. For this reason, the local Maasai christened the lake Nai'posha meaning 'rough water’, which the British later misspelt as Naivasha. There is an option to hire a bike and pedal around the lake this afternoon if you wish to stretch your legs after the drive.
  4. Tag 4

    Lake Naivasha

    After a camp breakfast, head towards Crater Lake and take part in a guided walk along one of the many trails. The waters of the lake draw a great range of game. Giraffes wander among the acacia, buffaloes wallow in the swamps and Colobus monkeys call from the treetops, while the lake’s large hippo population while away the day in the shallows. The walk takes 3 hours and we recommend you bring with you good sturdy foot wear. It is an easy walk. The afternoon is free to relax around the camp and take advantage of the swimming pool. Alternatively, you might like to arrange one of the optional activities listed below.
  5. Tag 5

    Great Rift Valley and Loita Hills

    Depart Lake Naivasha, making a short stop in Narok to do a spot of food shopping. Continue to Loita Hills (approximately 5-6 hours), stopping for lunch en route. Today's drive crosses the Great Rift Valley, Africa's immense and spectacular great divide, and takes you into the remote region of Loita Hills. This is the home of the traditional Maasai people. Visit the Maasai, who are known for their vibrant red dress and elaborate jewellery, and gain an insight into the culture and ancient ways of this proud East African community. After setting up your tent, meet your Maasai hosts. A local elder will deliver a fascinating talk about the Maasai and their history and culture. You'll be shown around a traditional Maasai home and see where the resident cattle are kept. Showers, upgrades and WiFi are not available at tonight's bush camp.
  6. Tag 6

    Masai Mara

  7. Tag 7

    Masai Mara

  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (1 Nacht), Hütte (2 Nächte), Camping mit Einrichtungen (4 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 6x Mittagessen
  • 6x Abendessen
  • Nairobi - Langata Giraffe Sanctuary
  • Lake Nakuru - Dorfspaziergang
  • Lake Nakuru - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Lake Naivasha - Game Walk im Crater Lake Game Sanctuary (Eintritt)
  • Loita Hills - Kulturgespräch und Dorfbesuch
  • Loita Hills - Maasai Dorfbesuch
  • Masai Mara - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Masai Mara - 4x4 Game Drive


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Nairobi, Kenya
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