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Italy Real Food Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.580,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Italien ist ein Paradies für Feinschmecker, aber als Besucher kann es schwierig sein, den Touristenfallen zu entkommen. Deine örtlichen Reiseleiter geben dir einen Insider-Führer für dieses kulinarische Wunderland
  • Diese Reise führt zu einigen der Titanen der regionalen italienischen Küche - Rom (Region Latium), Toskana, Emilia Romagna und Venetien
  • Die Verkostung von echtem Balsamico-Essig in einer Acetaia (Essig-Loft) ist eine Offenbarung - danach wird es schwer sein, zur Massenproduktion zurückzukehren
  • Ein Aufenthalt auf einem Bauernhof in der Toskana gibt dir einen Einblick in die Wein- und Olivenproduktion dieser kultigen Region
  • Zu viel vom guten Leben gehabt? Bringe Abwechslung in dein Leben, indem du einen Teil der Pilgerroute, der glorreichen Via Francigena, wanderst.
  • Bei praktischen Kochkursen unter der Leitung von lokalen Meistern lernst du, wie man Nudeln wie ein Profi rollt, und bereitest authentische Tagliatelle al Ragu zu - in der Stadt, in der alles begann


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.580,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Die Italiener sind Meister im Kreieren einfacher Gerichte, die vor Geschmack nur so strotzen. Inspiriert von den Küchen der Nonnas im ganzen Land, sind diese Gerichte regional, saisonal und so frisch wie möglich. Auf dieser achttägigen kulinarischen Reise durch die beliebteste kulinarische Metropole der Welt wirst du entdecken, dass Pizza und Pasta nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sind, wenn es um die Vielfalt an unvergesslichen Straßengerichten, Speisen und Cicchetti geht - vom postkartenreifen Venedig bis nach Rom, wo das Mittelalter auf die Moderne trifft. Genieße in San Gimignano, der Toskana und Bologna einheimischen Wein, frische Produkte, hausgemachte Gerichte und saisonale Spezialitäten.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Buongiorno! Welcome to Italy and the iconic city of Venice. If you arrive early, take some time to get lost in Venice's narrow cobblestone streets and spacious piazzas, crossing the tiny bridges to find shops, markets, galleries, churches and stunning buildings. Stroll past St Mark’s Square, the Campanile and the Doges Palace. Cross the Rialto and admire the Bridge of Sighs. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting tonight at 6 pm. Afterwards, head out for a welcome aperitivo – the spritz and the bellini are local favourites. Venice's distinctive culinary heritage goes back to ancient times and features rich risottos, saline baccala (salted cod) and creamy polenta. If you're hungry, follow your leader to an atmospheric restaurant for your first introduction to Venetian flavours.
  2. Tag 2


    It's an early start today. Walk down to the canals and watch farmers unload their produce from canal boats, ready to be sold at Venice's famous Rialto markets. This tradition is more than 1,000 years old. Next, swing past the fish market, where the catch of the day might come direct from the Venetian lagoon, the enclosed bay of the Adriatic Sea in which the city of Venice is situated. Finish with an Italian cafe alongside the market. You'll also be treated to a specialty dessert of the region, tiramisu. The afternoon is free for your own exploration. In the evening, discover the Venetian answer to tapas on a 'cicchetti' crawl through the city's fabulous bacari (wine bars). Snacking is an important pastime in Venice, with many people stopping for cicchetti (small bites) both before and after meals. Don't forget to try a 'spritz'. This mix of white wine, Campari or Aperol and soda water is a popular accompaniment to wash down the delicious cicchetti.
  3. Tag 3


    Travel to Bologna by train (approximately 2 hours). Bologna's culinary claim to fame is a significant one, thanks to the ragu alla bolognese. Home of tagliatelle, mortadella and a range of other cured meats and salamis, Bologna, along with the surrounding Emilia Romagna region, is a bonafide food mecca. On arrival, drop your bags at the hotel then get out and acquaint yourself with this city of beautiful old terracotta buildings and lively streets. Later in the day you'll discover the 'real food' of Bologna, with a hands on-cooking class in the fine art of pasta-making. Feast on your handiwork over dinner.
  4. Tag 4


    Get an early jump on the day with a trip to discover the flavours of the renowned Emilia-Romagna region. Visit a factory dedicated to the production of one of Italy's most coveted culinary exports – the mighty Parmigiano Reggiano. Get an insight into how this cheese is made, then enjoy a tasting. Continue to the town of Modena (approximately 1 hour) and visit an acetaia, a house where the family produce fine aged Modena balsamic vinegar in the attic. You'll see how the vinegar is aged in barrels made from different woods, and is never less than 12 years old (often well over 25). Taste it and learn the difference between the real stuff and the mass-produced kind. Over lunch, sample some of the town's other specialties: tortellini, or, for the adventurous, zampone (stuffed pig's trotter). Lambrusco, the town's famed sparkling red, makes for a fine accompaniment. Take some time to stroll around this delightful town, admire the Palazzo Ducale and, if you're still hungry, ask your leader about the great specialty panini shop in the market. Return to Bologna in the late afternoon.
  5. Tag 5

    San Gimignano

    Travel by train and taxi (approximately 3 hours) to the village of Pancole, located in the heart of Tuscany between Florence and Siena. The region is renowned for a cuisine that celebrates simplicity and the bounty of locally grown produce in hearty, rustic dishes. Pecorino cheese, farro (an ancient grain) and artisanal cured meats like lardo di Colonnata are just some of the many local ingredients you can expect to indulge in during your stay. Your accommodation is a traditional Tuscan farmhouse, located about 7kms from the enchanting village of San Gimignano. The farmhouse is surrounded by vineyards and olive trees from which the family has been producing excellent wine and olive oil by organic methods for over fifty years. Enjoy a guided walk through the vineyards and cellars of the estate, followed by a tasting of some signature Tuscan wines. The wine tasting will be accompanied by some delicious cheeses, oilve oil and bruschetta.
  6. Tag 6

    San Gimignano

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (5 Nächte), Farmstay (2 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Venedig - Willkommen Aperitivo
  • Venedig - Cicchetti-Tour
  • Venedig - venezianisches Frühstück und Markttour
  • Venedig - Traghetto-Fahrt
  • Bologna - Nudelkurs
  • Modena - Acetaia Besuch
  • Modena - Trattoria Mittagessen
  • Modena - Besuch der Käserei Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Agriturismo - Tour mit Wein- und Olivenölverkostung
  • San Gimignano - Orientierungswanderung mit Führer
  • San Gimignano - Besuch einer Gelateria
  • San Gimignano - Wandere einen Abschnitt der Via Francigena
  • Rom - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Rom - Selbstgekochtes Abendessen


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Venice, Italy
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