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Italy Family Holiday

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 5 bis 99

ab € 2.178,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • So spannend war der Geschichtsunterricht noch nie. Erkunde die in der Zeit eingefrorene Stadt mit einem Tag und einer Nacht in Pompeji, einschließlich einer kurzen Wanderung zum Gipfel des Vesuvs.
  • Italien ist der perfekte Ort für einen Familienurlaub. Die berühmte entspannte Atmosphäre der sonnenverwöhnten Südküste ist der perfekte Ort, um sich zu entspannen und eine schöne Zeit miteinander zu verbringen.
  • Erlerne die Kunst der süditalienischen Pizza in einem familiengeführten Agriturismo und genieße dann ein Glas Wein, während die Kinder den Bauernhof mit seinen freundlichen Wildkaninchen erkunden.
  • Fahre über den Golf von Neapel nach Capri - ein beliebtes Urlaubsziel der römischen Kaiser. Mit seinen glitzernden Grotten und kleinen weißen Häusern mit blumengeschmückten Gärten ist es leicht zu verstehen, warum.
  • Lass dich von deinem erfahrenen Reiseleiter durch die Geschichte und die Höhepunkte Italiens führen, damit du dich entspannen und die Verantwortung abgeben kannst - du hast es dir verdient.
  • Auf dieser Reise lernst du unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, die Cooperativa Coraggio, kennen. Spenden helfen ihr, 22 Hektar ungenutztes öffentliches Land zu regenerieren, um lokale Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und Bio-Lebensmittel in Italien zu produzieren. Intrepid wird die Wirkung verdoppeln, indem alle Spenden, die nach der Reise an die Intrepid Foundation gehen, verdoppelt werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.178,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Buongiorno! Welcome to Italy. Jam-packed with ancient ruins, yummy gelaterias and a colosseum made famous by that movie that came out before your kid’s were even born, Rome offers your family the perfect first taste of Italy. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm, until then why not go out and explore what this exciting city has to offer – there’s something for all ages. Check out the artistic masterpieces and the jaw-dropping Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, or step inside the arena and the ancient Colosseum, where gladiators once battled and wild animals were set loose. After the formalities of the meeting this evening, take the opportunity to introduce yourselves to your leader and the other families joining your tour. Perhaps head out for a group meal and toast with a slice of pizza (or a forkful of pasta) to the Italian adventure to come – when in Rome!
  2. Tag 2


    Jump on board a train today as you journey to one of the world’s most famous ancient sites – the preserved city of Pompeii (3 hours). On 26 August 79AD, nearby volcano Mt Vesuvius erupted spewing molten rock and ash all over the city, causing this thriving Roman trading centre to be frozen in time – an ancient tragedy that allows modern visitors to take a unique look at the lives of the Romans, and how they lived and worked 2000 years ago. Spend a few hours on a walking tour around Pompeii – you and your kids will be captivated by the incredible stories behind this ancient tragedy as your local guide brings the fascinating history to life. The finely preserved ruins include villas, temples, theatres and a once-bustling marketplace. Your hotel this evening is located very close to the archaeological site, so you won’t have far to go once you decide to call it a day.
  3. Tag 3


    Wander streets lined with chariots, visit the magnificent amphitheatre and drop by the incredibly well-preserved Villa of Mysteries, where you and your family can wander between rooms and imagine what life would have been like as a wealthy Pompeii suburbanite. Take a short ride up mighty Mt Vesuvius and walk to the summit for staggering views over the Bay of Naples (45 minutes). Soak up the view and snap plenty of photos before walking across the cinders to the lip of the central crater (30 minutes). Don’t worry, although Mt Vesuvius is still considered to be an active volcano, the last eruption was in 1944 and there's no sign of recent volcanic activity. See first-hand the awesome power of the volcano that engulfed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, then make the 30-minute descent. Continue to the Amalfi Coast town of Minori, a beloved holiday spot for thousands of years, and arrive around lunch time. With its fine piazzas, maze of old streets, sidewalk cafes and sparkling ocean, there is truly something for everyone here.
  4. Tag 4


    Take a free day to explore Minori at your own (or your kids) pace. There are many beaches to choose from, though be aware the nicer they are the more crowded they will be (particularly during Summer from June to August). Hire a few deck chairs if you want to relax, or alternatively if you’re feeling more active, you can rent a paddle boat or kayak and explore the sea. The walk from Minori to Ravello is also beautiful and a great way to see the region, while it’s only about an hour each way, it is steep in parts and there are a lot of steps, so it’s moderately difficult. The views along the way more than make up for any huffing and puffing – but remember to pack plenty of water and sunscreen before leaving. This evening, why not head out to a local restaurant with your family and try the Minori speciality, scialatielli (thick ribbons of fresh pasta).
  5. Tag 5


    Leave Minori in the rear-view mirror this morning and enjoy a stunning drive past mountains to an agriturismo, a working farm that also provides meals and accommodation. While you won’t be staying here tonight, you will get to spend 1.5 hours in gorgeous surrounds, sampling produce grown on site – a sure way to get your kids to eat their veggies! Continue to Sorrento, another beautiful resort town, famous for its lemons and surrounding plunging cliffs. Arrive early in the afternoon and enjoy free time to explore. Later, learn the secrets behind Italy's sweet treat in a gelato making demonstration, and perhaps indulge in some for a well-deserved dessert.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotels (7 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Pompeji - Rundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Vesuv - Kraterrandwanderung und Gipfelbesteigung
  • Minori - Verkostung im Agriturismo
  • Sorrento - Capri Tagesausflug mit dem Tragflächenboot
  • Sorrento - Demonstration der Gelato-Herstellung
  • Sorrent - Demonstration des Pizzabackens und Abendessen im Agriturismo


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Rome, Italy
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