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Premium Rome to Dubrovnik

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
23 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 10.586,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Erkunde das kultige Kolosseum in Rom bei Mondschein während einer Exclusive Experience Abendtour. Tritt in die Fußstapfen der Gladiatoren, ohne die drängelnden Menschenmassen am Tag.
  • Genieße drei unvergessliche Aufenthalte - ein umgebautes Schlosshotel in den sanften Weinbergen der toskanischen Chianti-Region, ein ruhiges Hotel auf einer Privatinsel in Istrien und ein exquisites Gebäude aus dem Jahr 1776 in Split.
  • Genieße bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis eine Trüffelverkostung in Motovun. Die Trüffel werden mit lokalen Spezialitäten kombiniert und ein Sommelier wird deine Verkostung mit den passenden istrischen Weinen verbinden, die du probieren kannst.
  • Erkunde die malerischen kroatischen Städte mit ihren glitzernden Häfen und antiken Fassaden, darunter den Ferienort Opatija und das am Meer gelegene Sibenik, wo du die steinerne Kathedrale des Heiligen Jakobus aus dem 15.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 10.586,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Rome! Enjoy a complimentary transfer to your hotel and settle in. If you arrive with time to spare, the city’s magnificent buildings are best appreciated by foot, so perhaps wander in search of an espresso. Your Italian adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm, where you will meet your local leader and fellow travellers joining you. Once the formalities are out of the way, get your first taste of Italy over an included dinner with your group at an excellent local restaurant. Sitting down to dinner in Rome means experiencing generations of culinary know-how and timeless traditional recipes. Once your leader introduces you to some of Italy’s best dishes, you’ll understand why this country is so renowned for great food.
  2. Tag 2


    From incredible ancient monuments to glamourous restaurants and boutiques, Rome is a city of great beauty and diversity. Today your leader will take you back in time as you learn about historical monuments during an orientation walk of the city. Marvel at the Roman Forum, the Victor Emmanuel Monument, the Pantheon, the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona and Venezia, the Spanish Steps and Via Dei Condotti. Stop in at a local bar for a quick coffee or gelato. The afternoon free for you to explore as you please – perhaps take the chance to visit the majestic Vatican City and St Peter’s Basilica. Rome’s grandiose Colosseum is its most iconic site, and this evening you’ll have the opportunity to avoid the daytime crowds and explore the Colosseum by night. Follow the footsteps of gladiators and Roman emperors as your leader shares the unbelievable history of this great arena.
  3. Tag 3

    Siena / Monteriggioni / Chianti Region

    This morning take a high-speed train to Florence, your gateway to Tuscany. From here you will drive to the gorgeous city of Siena, where your leader will show you the most interesting sights on an orientation walk. At the city’s heart is the Piazza del Campo – home to the biannual Palio horse race, and nearby is the stunning Siena Cathedral. Continue on for another 30 minutes to Monteriggioni – a Tuscan walled town full of history. Over a dozen towers are spread throughout the town, once used to defend Sienese territory from the Florentines. You will have time to explore this small village before arriving at your feature stay accommodation. Tucked away among Tuscany’s famous rolling green hills you’ll find a romantic hotel converted from an 11th-century convent. With cinematic views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside, this place is what dreams are made of. Tonight, indulge in an included gourmet dinner at your hotel with your group – the food is made with ingredients grown on their on-site garden and perfectly paired with some of the region’s local wine.
  4. Tag 4

    San Gimignano / Lucca / Pisa / Florence

    Start the day with a visit to San Gimignano – the 'Town of Fine Towers'. Explore the medieval Old Town centre and its fine Gothic and Romanesque architecture, with your leader on hand to answer any questions inspired by your explorations. This region is also renowned for its ancient Vernaccia grapes, which are the basis for one of Tuscany's finest white wines. Your group will have the chance to visit a family-run winery, explore the vineyards and sample some of their celebrated wine. Then continue to Lucca, a delightful city on the Serchio river, and take a walk along the city’s beautifully preserved Renaissance walls. Your next stop is Pisa. Due to the precarious state of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Torre Pendente, it is not always possible to climb it, but you will have the opportunity to photograph it from the ground as your leader shares the history of this legendary building. You may wish to visit the Cathedral, Baptistry, Museums and Camposanto, in which case your leader will help you arrange tickets. Continue to your accommodation in Florence, the jewel in the Tuscan crown.
  5. Tag 5


    Today you will discover one of the world’s most beautiful city’s during an orientation walk with your leader. Marvel at the at the Duomo cathedral, visit the St. John's Baptistery and hear the stories of the Medici family who ruled over the city during the Renaissance. Cross the iconic Ponte Vecchio bridge and peruse the ancient shops that huddle on its edges. Stop by the Santa Maria Novella Pharmacy. Established in 1221, this is believed to be the oldest operating pharmacy in the world. Still in its original building and using 800-year-old recipes and preparation methods, this is truly like taking a step back in time. Enjoy a free afternoon – perhaps pay a visit to Galleria dell'Accademia, the home of Michelangelo's world-famous statue of David, or kick up your heels and watch the world go by with an excellent local coffee in hand. Florence boasts a delectable array of restaurants so be sure to ask your leader for recommendations.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    Postojna Caves / Ljubljana / Bled

  10. Tag 10

    Lake Bohinj / Bled

  11. Tag 11

    Motovun / Rovinj

  12. Tag 12

    Opatija / Plitvice

  13. Tag 13

    Plitvice Lakes National Park / Zadar

  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15

    Sibenik / Primosten / Split

  16. Tag 16


  17. Tag 17


  18. Tag 18

    Split / Lastovo Island

  19. Tag 19

    Lastovo Island

  20. Tag 20

    Pupnat / Korcula Island

  21. Tag 21

    Peljesac Peninsula / Dubrovnik

  22. Tag 22


  23. Tag 23


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Leistungen 2024

  • Komfortables Hotel (17 Nächte), Feature Aufenthalt (5 Nächte)
  • 20x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 7x Abendessen
  • Rom - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Rom - Kaffee-Granita (halbgefrorenes Kaffee-Dessert)
  • Rom - Geführter Rundgang
  • Rom - Besuch im Haus eines Adligen und Mittagessen (Exklusives Erlebnis)
  • Siena - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Monteriggioni - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Chianti Region - Gourmet Abendessen
  • San Gimignano - Agriturismo Weinkeller Tour & Verkostung
  • Florenz - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Pisa - Pisa-Besichtigung & Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Lucca - Stadtmauern und Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Florenz - Galleria dell 'Accademia Eintritt
  • Florenz - Highlights von Florenz Geführter Spaziergang
  • Venedig - Orientierungsspaziergang mit Fondaco Terrace Rooftop
  • Venedig - Traghetto Bootsfahrt
  • Venedig - Abschiedsessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Venedig - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Postojna - Höhlenbesuch
  • Ljubljana - Rundgang
  • Ljubljana - Burgbesuch & Seilbahn
  • Bled - Pletna Bootsfahrt auf dem Bleder See
  • Bohinjer See - Seilbahn zum Berg Vogel
  • Bohinjer See - Tagesausflug
  • Motovun - Trüffel- und Weinverkostung
  • Rovinj - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Motovun - Stadtmauer Spaziergang
  • Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen - Eintritt & Wanderung
  • Zadar - Stadtrundfahrt mit örtlichem Reiseführer
  • Zadar - Drink bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Sibenik - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Sibenik - St. Jakobus Kathedrale
  • Split - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Split - Rundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Split - Besuch des Diokletianpalastes
  • Insel Korcula - Orientierungsspaziergang in der Altstadt von Korcula
  • Korcula - Mittagessen auf dem Weingut und Weinverkostung
  • Vela Luka - Vela Spila
  • Korcula - Individuelle Halbtagestour
  • Korcula - Blato Ethno House Barilo
  • Dubrovnik - Stadtmauern
  • Trsteno - Besuch im Arboretum
  • Trsteno - Verkostung und Brunch auf dem Olivenhof
  • Dubrovnik - Segeln bei Sonnenuntergang


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Rome, Italy
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