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Highlights of Dalmatia

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
12 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.898,– p.P.

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  • Der Charme Dubrovniks reicht weit über die berühmten Stadtmauern hinaus. Entdecke das unbestrittene Juwel der dalmatinischen Küste und fahre vielleicht zur Insel Lokrum, wo ein botanischer Garten, ein Benediktinerkloster und hervorragende Bademöglichkeiten auf dich warten.
  • Genieße Spezialitäten, lokalen Wein und ruhige Badeplätze auf der Insel Korcula - ein ruhiger Zufluchtsort voller Weinberge, Olivenhaine und verschlafener Dörfer.
  • Entdecke die grüne Insel Mljet mit ihren kleinen Küstendörfern und ihrer weitgehend unberührten Natur sowie die Renaissance-Architektur und die wunderschönen Strände von Hvar.
  • Wir haben uns mit der gemeinnützigen Organisation MEET zusammengetan, um dir ein Ökotourismus-Erlebnis auf den wenig bekannten Kornati-Inseln zu bieten, bei dem du durch eine atemberaubende Landschaft wanderst und ein Mittagessen bei einer einheimischen Familie genießt.
  • Durchquere die märchenhaften Landschaften des Krka-Nationalparks, vorbei an wunderschönen Wäldern und römischen Ruinen, während über dir stufenförmige Wasserfälle herabstürzen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.898,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Dobro Dosli! Welcome to Croatia. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. You can arrive at any time during the day as there are no activities planned until this important meeting. Although it experienced devastation during the war in the early 1990s, Dubrovnik’s old town is the undisputed jewel of the Dalmatian Coast. With its tiled roofs and white stone buildings, the old town remains as charming as ever. Extensive restoration has taken place to return it to its original splendour, and even today repairs are still being undertaken. With the sparkling water of the Adriatic in the background, Dubrovnik is picturesque, full of character and can easily be covered on foot. If you do arrive early, why not head out to one of the Elafiti Islands? There's Lopud, a quiet island with lovely hikes, clean beaches and a ruined castle. Kolocep is a sleepy enclave that boasts walks for every fitness level and Sipan, which is the most populated of the isles and reputedly has the most hospitable inhabitants. Alternatively, you might choose to simply laze about on one of Dubrovnik's beaches and people-watch for hours.
  2. Tag 2


    Start the day by beating the crowds with an early morning walk along Dubrovnik's famous 2-kilometre-long city walls surrounding the old town. Enjoy views of the sea from the fully intact medieval structure, then enjoy all that Dubrovnik has to offer with the remainder of the day free for you to explore. Visit Big Onofrio's Fountain, a masterpiece built by famous European architect Onofrio della Cava. This 15th-century landmark was built to supply water to the city, flowing from the spigots into the collection trough surrounding it. Be sure to check out the Franciscan monastery with one of the world's oldest, continuously functioning pharmacies, founded in the 13th century. If you still feel energetic after a day exploring the city you can take the switchbacks leading up Srd Hill behind Dubrovnik for spectacular views of the city and the Dalmatian coastline. Otherwise, the newly restored cable car can whisk you to the top in no time. The hill is topped by a castle of Napoleonic times, which now houses the Museum of the Croatian War of Independence.
  3. Tag 3

    Peljesac Peninsula / Korcula Island

    Journey to Korcula (approximately 4 hours). You will travel along the narrow and scenic Peljesac Peninsula to its very tip. The last stretch to Korcula will be done by car ferry. For the next two nights, stay with generous hosts – locals who rent out their rooms in the summer season. The rooms, while simple, are the best way to put money back into the local economy. In the evening perhaps head out to a local restaurant. Make sure you try the traditional Dalmatian meat loaf, or pasticada (traditional stewed beef), and some fresh grilled vegetables with olive oil, usually served with fresh goat and sheep cheeses, and maybe some smoked ham to tie it all together. Don't forget to have a bit of travarica (a grappa-like drink made with a herb called verbane) and some Korcula cakes for dessert.
  4. Tag 4

    Mljet Island National Park / Korcula Island

    Today, head on a day trip to the stunning Mljet Island. Mljet is Croatia’s greenest island, with a large section of the north western shores part of a national park. The island is well known for its two salt lakes – Veliko Jezero and Malo Jezero (big lake and small lake) – that are located at the north end of the island. With some of the clearest waters in the world, any of the Adriatic islands shimmer in the sunlight, but Mljet is extra special. Start Mljet's exploration with a short hike into the island's interior, followed by a ferry ride to St Mary's Benedictine Monastery, located on an island in one of the lakes. Spend the day discovering its tiny towns dotted around the island, the weaving and winding coastline full of nature walks and scenic lookouts and, of course, the sandy beaches, tranquil inlets and turquoise blue shores calling out to be explored. Mljet is a little further away and less visited than the tourist hotspots of Brac and Hvar, so you’ll be able to stray away from the crowds and have this peaceful paradise to yourself. Head back to Korcula in the afternoon for a relaxing evening, hopefully full of delicious food and some great local wine.
  5. Tag 5

    Hvar Island

    A hydrofoil ferry takes you to the neighbouring island of Hvar (approximately 90 minutes). Beautiful Hvar has an air of Venice about it and is known as the 'Queen of the Dalmatian Islands'. Upon arrival, get to know the town with its wonderfully preserved Renaissance facades on an orientation walk. Later you may want to visit the 16th century Spanjola Fortress, from where spectacular views over town and this part of the Adriatic can be had. Feel the history when wandering the backstreets of quirky galleries and unique boutiques, watch the fishermen bring the day’s catch into the harbour, and chill out over a few cocktails in a waterside bar.
  6. Tag 6

    Hvar Island

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8

    Split / Sibenik

  9. Tag 9

    Betina / Colentum / Murter

  10. Tag 10

    Kornati Islands / Sibenik

  11. Tag 11

    Krka National Park / Sibenik

  12. Tag 12

    Trogir / Split

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hostel (Zweibettzimmer mit Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen) (2 Nächte), Hotel (1 Nacht), Privatwohnung (8 Nächte)
  • 2x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Dubrovnik - Dubrovnik Card (1 Tag Nahverkehr und Eintritt zu Sehenswürdigkeiten)
  • Dubrovnik - Spaziergang durch die Stadtmauern
  • Wanderung auf der Insel Korcula
  • Authentisches Abendessen im familiengeführten Restaurant im Dorf Zrnovo
  • Insel Mljet - Tagesausflug zum Nationalpark der Insel Mljet
  • Insel Mljet - Benediktinerkloster Insel St. Maria
  • Hop on hop off Bootstaxi Ticket
  • Split - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Split - Diokletianpalast
  • Sibenik - Marenda Imbiss
  • Sibenik - Kathedrale des Heiligen Jakobus
  • Sibenik - Wandertour mit lokalem Guide
  • Kornati Inseln - Ganztägige Bootstour
  • Kornati-Inseln - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen bei einer einheimischen Familie
  • Kornati-Inseln - Olivenöl- und Honigverkostung
  • Kornati Inseln - Schnorcheln
  • Zadar - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Krka-Nationalpark - Tagesausflug
  • Trogir - Altstadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide


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Preise gelten ab/bis Dubrovnik, Croatia
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