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Premium Greece in Depth

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
16 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 7.148,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Mach einen Schritt zurück in die Vergangenheit und besuche mit deinem lokalen Reiseleiter die Akropolis von Athen, den Tempel des olympischen Zeus und das Prodromos-Kloster, wo du während eines exklusiven Premium-Erlebnisses einen Kaffee mit einem einheimischen Mönch genießen kannst.
  • Bei exklusiven Erlebnissen wie einer Kitron-Verkostung in einer lokalen Brennerei auf Naxos, einem Treffen mit einer Imkerfamilie auf Itea und einer Weinverkostung auf Santorin lernst du die schillernde Vielfalt der griechischen Produkte kennen.
  • Genieße zwei bemerkenswerte Feature Stays - ein wunderschönes und traditionell eingerichtetes Steinhaus im mittelalterlichen Dorf Dimitsana und ein fabelhaftes, weiß getünchtes Hotel auf der magischen Insel Santorin.
  • Lass dich von den magischen Klöstern und uralten Felszinnen von Meteora beeindrucken und erfahre mehr über die Natur- und Kulturgeschichte einer der außergewöhnlichsten Sehenswürdigkeiten Griechenlands.
  • Lerne die Geheimnisse der griechischen Küche in Naxos während eines Kochkurses mit einer Einheimischen kennen, die aus biologischen Zutaten aus ihrem Garten regionale Spezialitäten zaubert, die du dann zum Mittagessen genießen kannst.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 7.148,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Greece! Your journey begins in Athens, Greece's storied capital. You will be collected from the airport and transferred to your hotel where you will meet your tour leader and group for a 6pm welcome meeting. There is a lot to do and see here in one of the world's oldest cities, so you may wish to arrive a few days early to allow time for exploration. The Archaeological Museum of Athens is highly recommended. After your meeting, head out for an included dinner with the group at one of Athen’s marvellous restaurants. Your leader will introduce you to some traditional Greek fare that’s a real treat for the taste buds, and perhaps you’d like to toast the beginning of the adventure with a glass of raki or ouzo.
  2. Tag 2

    Athens / Kalambaka

    Today you’ll get to know ancient Athens during visits to two of the city’s most famous sites. Your tour leader will bring history to life as you visit Temple of Olympian Zeus, the largest temple in all of Greece. Then it’s on to the famous Acropolis, one of the Western world’s most important historical structures. Meet with an expert local guide who will provide profound insight into the history and legacy of the civilisations who lived in this ancient citadel. Start with an ascent to the top via the towering entrance, the Propylaia. Once inside, encounter the Parthenon – the greatest Doric temple in the ancient world. Later in the afternoon, drive north to the town of Kalambaka, nestled at the base of the striking Meteora Mountains. This evening you can choose to have dinner at the hotel or perhaps take a short walk into town and dine at one of the local tavernas.
  3. Tag 3

    Meteora / Kalambaka

    After breakfast, travel into the hills for a walk through the incredible monasteries of Meteora. The ancient stone buildings, which sit precariously on soaring cliffs, make these mountains one of Greece's most extraordinary natural and cultural sites – there’s truly nowhere else in the world like it. Settlement of the area dates back to the 11th century, when hermit monks first settled in the hidden caverns of Meteora. Begin your hike at the nearby Kastraki village, see the ruins of the Pantokrator monastery, cross a lush forest and walk through the huge rocks of Meteora with your leader by your side to guide you and answer questions on the awe-inspiring landscape and the history behind it. You will have the opportunity to visit a number of the monasteries, one of which will be the Moni Varlaam (Varlaam Monastery) with its fine examples of late Byzantine frescoes. Return to Kalambaka in the afternoon.
  4. Tag 4

    Delphi / Itea

    Enjoy breakfast before travelling to Delphi. On arrival visit the fascinating Sanctuary of Apollo in Ancient Delphi, home to the Delphi Oracle. Your leader will tell you that legend has it that Zeus released two eagles from different ends of the world, and Delphi was where they came together. Zeus then threw a Sacred Stone at this same point, making Delphi the centre of the world. Walk through the complex and explore the Temple of Apollo, the most important building of the site. This is where statues and offerings to the gods were housed, and where cult rituals took place. You will also see the Sanctuary of Athena, the 4th-century BC theatre and the well-preserved stadium during your visit. There will also be time to visit the Delphi Museum if you wish. Continue to your overnight stop in the small coastal town of Itea.
  5. Tag 5

    Itea / Olympia / Dimitsana

    This morning, visit a family of local beekeepers to learn about honey production, see the beehives and of course taste some of the delicious local honey. Next, drive on to the archaeological site of ancient Olympia. Stop en-route at the village of Galaxidi or Nafpaktos for a visit to a traditional family-owned bakery offering stuffed pastries and famous sesame round bread. Chat to the owner and get a glimpse at local life. Olympia is a complex that once comprised temples and public buildings, and was the site of the first Olympic Games. Your leader will show you the main stadium, gymnasium, wrestling school, priest houses, Temple of Hera, Temple of Zeus and the hippodrome. Continue to the enchanting medieval village of Dimitsana, home to your Feature Stay accommodation for the next two nights. Sitting pretty at the base of the Arcadian mountains is the gloriously romantic stone guesthouse of En Dimitsani. Traditionally decorated rooms delight with modern comforts, cosy fireplaces and panoramic balconies. Settle in for an evening in lodgings just as gorgeous as their idyllic surroundings.
  6. Tag 6

    Central Arcadia / Dimitsana

  7. Tag 7

    Nafplion / Epidaurus / Athens

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (11 Nächte), Feature Aufenthalt (4 Nächte)
  • 15x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Athen - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Athen - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte Akropolis mit örtlichem Reiseführer
  • Athen - Besuch des Tempels des Olympischen Zeus
  • Meteora - Wanderung & Klosterbesuche mit lokalem Führer
  • Delphi - Orakel, Apollon-Tempel und Heiligtum der Athene
  • Delphi - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte mit örtlichem Führer
  • Olympia - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte mit lokalem Führer
  • Itea - Imkereierlebnis & Honigverkostung
  • Zentral-Arkadien - Lousios-Tal-Wanderung
  • Zentral-Arkadien - Besuch des Prodromos-Klosters mit Kaffee und griechischen Köstlichkeiten
  • Epidaurus - Geführte Tour
  • Nafplion - Ouzo-Verkostung
  • Athen - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Paros - Highlights von Paros Halbtagestour mit lokalem Guide
  • Naxos - Altstadt-Spaziergang & Portara-Besuch
  • Naxos - Kochkurs in einem einheimischen Haus
  • Naxos - Eggares-Olivenölpresse
  • Santorin - Caldera-Wanderung
  • Santorin - Weingut-Ausflug & Weinprobe


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Athens, Greece
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