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The Maritimes: Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
6 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.908,– p.P.

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  • Triff einen Fischer aus Prince Edward Island und genieße ein traditionelles Hummer- und Muschelessen auf seinem Privatgrundstück an der Küste.
  • Triff dich mit einem Mi'kmaq-Ältesten, um mehr über den Wigwam-Bau zu erfahren und den traditionellen Geschichten zu lauschen.
  • Erfahre die Geschichten hinter "Anne of Green Gables" bei einem Spaziergang durch Cavendish, wo L.M. Montgomery ihre Inspiration fand.
  • Fahre mit einem Hummerboot durch die Shediac Bay und erlebe eine praktische Demonstration der Hummerfischerei und ein köstliches, lokal gefangenes Abendessen.
  • Wandere bei Ebbe über den Meeresboden der Bay of Fundy und sieh dir die "Blumentöpfe" aus Sandstein im Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park aus der Nähe an.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.908,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Erlebe den Küstencharme von Prince Edward Island und New Brunswick auf dieser 6-tägigen Maritimes-Reise von Charlottetown nach Saint John. Beginne am Geburtsort der kanadischen Konföderation, besuche das Haus von Anne von Green Gables, genieße ein Abendessen an Bord eines funktionierenden Hummerkutters und triff dich mit einem Mi'kmaq-Führer. Halte an den legendären Hopewell Rocks an und spaziere bei Ebbe über den Meeresgrund der Bay of Fundy, bevor du in der ältesten Stadt Kanadas ankommst.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Prince Edward Island! Your tour kicks off in historic Charlottetown, the birthplace of the Canadian Confederation. Meet your group at 10am for an orientation meeting, then head out with your leader for a walking tour of the town. Finish with a tasting at Upstreet Brewing – a fellow B Corp business that brews a mix of classic, seasonal and experimental craft beers. Your afternoon is free to wander on your own before regrouping in the evening for a truly special dinner. Head out along the stunning Points East Coastal Drive (approximately 45 minutes) to meet a local fisherman and enjoy a traditional lobster and mussel boil on his private property.
  2. Tag 2


    Today, you’ll visit the Abegweit Mi’kmaq First Nation to meet with a local Knowledge Keeper and learn about the cultural traditions of this community. Drive from Charlottetown to the Indigenous community of Scotchfort, where you’ll be welcomed on a guided visit to their Fitch Hatchery and learn about how the community makes a living from it, as well as how they plan to preserve it for future generations. Then join your guide on a tour of the community to better understand life on the reserve.
  3. Tag 3


    After breakfast, drive to nearby Cavendish (30 minutes), where L.M. Montgomery famously drew her inspiration for the “Anne of Green Gables” novels. Visit Green Gables Heritage Place and explore the area on a walking tour (with a focus on Anne, of course!). Then, check out the very cool Bottle Houses – a village of buildings, including a tavern, a chapel and gift shop, that are literally made out of thousands of bottles. Grab lunch in Cavendish (at your own expense) before driving onwards to the spectacular Thunder Cove Beach. Here, sandstone cliffs, sea stacks and caves make for an otherworldly landscape that most visitors to Prince Edward Island totally miss. Spend the night in the coastal city of Summerside.
  4. Tag 4


    Enjoy a free morning exploring Summerside on your own. You may want to check out the local museums, galleries and cultural centres, or you can just wander through the neighbourhoods of historic homes. Then get your sea legs ready! Today you’re cruising the waters of Shediac Bay on a working lobster boat with local fishers. Get a hands-on demonstration of lobster fishing and enjoy a delicious freshly caught dinner on board.
  5. Tag 5

    Saint John

    Leave Prince Edward Island behind today as you cross over into New Brunswick and visit the iconic Bay of Fundy, home to the highest tides in the world. Your drive will take about 2 hours, so sit back and relax as you make your way to the postcard-perfect Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park. Arrive for low tide, when you can walk right out onto the sea floor and get up close to the towering sandstone formations known as the Hopewell Rocks, or Flowerpot Rocks. When the tide comes in, waters in the bay can reach up to 16 metres, so a trip here is all about timing and your local leader will make sure you get the most out of your visit. After you’ve explored the bay, drive onwards to the historic seaport city of Saint John, where you’ll stay for the night. Known as Canada’s first city, it is the country’s oldest incorporated city. Head out with your leader for a walking tour before settling in for the evening.
  6. Tag 6

    Saint John

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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotels (5 Nächte)
  • 5x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Points East Coastal Drive - Muscheln und Hummer am Ufer kochen
  • Charlottetown-Leader Lead Walking Tour
  • Charlottetown - Upstreet Craft Brewing Bierverkostung
  • Prince Edward Island National Park
  • Cavendish - Bottle House Geführte Tour
  • Thunder Cove Beach
  • Cavendish - Green Gables Heritage Place
  • Lennox Island First Nation Erfahrung
  • Summerside - Hummerbootfahrt mit Mittagessen
  • Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park - Spaziergang
  • Bay of Fundy - Fundy National Park
  • Bay of Fundy - Cap Enrage


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Preise gelten ab/bis Charlottetown, Canada
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