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Eyre Peninsula Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
9 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.796,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Entdecke die vielfältige Flora, Fauna und Formationen des Gawler Ranges Nationalparks, von Salzpfannen über Berge und Schluchten bis hin zu den spektakulären Orgelpfeifen.
  • Verbringe zwei Abende in der Scotdesco Aborigine-Gemeinde, erfahre mehr über die Geschichte der Siedlung und wie das Leben heute aussieht, und halte Ausschau nach den Südlichen Haarnasenwombats!
  • Besuche den Head of Bight, die Heimat von schillernden Sanddünen und hoch aufragenden Kalksteinklippen, die oft von Südlichen Glattwalen besucht werden, die die Bucht als Brutgebiet nutzen.
  • Bestaune die rosafarbenen und blauen Farbtöne des Lake Macdonnell, beobachte die Einheimischen beim Wellenreiten im Surfmekka Cactus Beach und entspanne dich in der entspannten Küstenstadt Streaky Bay.
  • Erlebe eine Austernfarm mit einem Bauern aus der Region und probiere die frischesten Austern, die du je gekostet hast, direkt aus dem Wasser!
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Country Needs People. Die Spenden helfen dabei, das Land- und Meeresmanagement der Indigenen in Australien zu unterstützen. Intrepid verdoppelt deinen Beitrag, indem es alle Spenden, die nach der Reise an die Intrepid Foundation gespendet werden, auf den gleichen Betrag aufstockt.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.796,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Adelaide / Port Augusta

    Welcome to South Australia! Your adventure begins in Adelaide where a meeting will take place at 8am for you to meet up with your local leader and the other travellers joining you for your adventure. Then it’s time to hit the road and begin the journey to Port Augusta. Be sure to keep your eyes on the window – community sculptures made from recycled agricultural machinery can be spotted along the way. Make a stop in Crystal Brook to snap a selfie with the Big Goanna, then drive past the Barunga Ranges on your way to Port Pirie. Check out examples of colonial architecture and views of the Spencer Gulf before completing the final leg of today’s journey to Port Augusta, where the outback meets the ocean. Head to the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Gardens to grab some lunch at the cafe inspired by native ingredients, then take a guided walk around the botanic gardens to discover the diverse and resilient range of plants that exist in the outback. The afternoon is yours to check out the Wadlata Outback Centre, Port Augusta Cultural Centre or relax by the local swimming pool.
  2. Tag 2


    Say goodbye to Port Augusta and venture on to the town of Wudinna. Along the way, make a stop at the Big Galah in Kimba, said to mark the halfway point across Australia. While here you’ll also check out the impressive artwork painted on silos. Carry on to Wudinna, where on arrival you’ll have a free afternoon to climb Mt Wudinna, visit the Big Farmer statue or hang out in one of the town’s relaxed bakeries or cafes.
  3. Tag 3

    Gawler Ranges National Park / Wudinna

    After breakfast this morning, head out for a full day exploring the Gawler Ranges National Park, discovering the region’s fascinating flora, fauna and natural history. Pay a visit to Sturt’s Lake where a walk over coloured rocks will reveal how the land has changed over time, then head to Mt Sturt where a diverse array of plant life can be admired. Continue to the Old Paney Homestead, a restored sheep station which provides a glimpse into the history of the Gawler Ranges. Next up is a visit to the Yandinga Gorge where you’ll stop and take in the scenery over lunch (you may even be joined by some yellow-footed rock-wallabies!). Take a short walk through a stunning valley to the Organ Pipes, awe-inspiring rock formations created by volcanic activity more than 1500 million years ago. After an exciting day, return to Wudinna for the evening, but not before stopping off at Pildappa Rock, where the rippling wave formations make for a spectacular sight.
  4. Tag 4

    Ceduna / Penong / Bookabie

    Your first stop of the day is the lovely little town of Ceduna where you’ll grab some lunch, take a walk along the peaceful jetty and pay a visit to the local art centre showcasing Aboriginal art by artists from the Far West Coast of South Australia. Travel onwards to Penong, home to the windmill museum where you’ll find Bruce, the largest windmill in Australia. Your journey continues as you travel to the Scotdesco Aboriginal Community in the locality of Bookabie, named for the descendants of the founding Scott family, who still reside in and manage the community today. The community operates as a social and cultural hub while providing employment for local families. Spend the evening in Scotdesco, and be sure to keep an eye out for southern hairy-nosed wombats roaming the property!
  5. Tag 5

    Head of Bight / Bookabie

    After breakfast this morning, make the journey out to Head of Bight, one of Australia’s top whale watching spots, located at the edge of the Nullarbor Plain. From soaring limestone cliffs to a wash of white sand dunes, this slice of South Australia is certainly fantastic to look at, but the real stars of the show are the southern right whales who use the bight as a breeding ground and to calve during their winter migration. Various viewing platforms allow you to observe whales when they’re visiting, and also take in fantastic views of the Bunda Cliffs and surrounding landscape. Return to Scotdesco for an evening at leisure.
  6. Tag 6

    Streaky Bay

  7. Tag 7

    Port Lincoln

  8. Tag 8

    Coffin Bay National Park / Port Lincoln

  9. Tag 9

    Tumby Bay / Adelaide

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (6 Nächte), Hütte mit Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen (2 Nächte)
  • 5x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Port Augusta - Führung durch die Australian Arid Lands Botanic Gardens
  • Kimba - Großer Galah
  • Gawler Ranges National Park - Sturt's Lake, Yandinga Schlucht & Orgelpfeifen
  • Penong - Windmühlenmuseum
  • Bookabie - Aufenthalt in der Aborigine-Gemeinschaft
  • Head of Bight - Walbeobachtungszentrum
  • Bookabie - Aufenthalt in der Aborigine-Gemeinschaft
  • Penong - Point Sinclair & Cactus Beach
  • Penong - Lake Macdonnell (Pink Lake)
  • Streaky Bay - Murphy's Haystacks
  • Point Labatt - Seelöwenkolonie
  • Coffin Bay National Park - Yangie Bay oder Point Avoid
  • Coffin Bay - Erlebnis Austernfarm
  • Tumby Bay - Silo Art


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Preise gelten ab/bis Adelaide, Australia
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