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Vietnam Family Holiday with Teenagers

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 18
9 Tage
von 10 bis 99

ab € 990,– p.P.

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  • Erlebe die ruhige Schönheit des ländlichen Vietnams, während du durch die üppigen Reisfelder und Kalksteinkarstgebiete von Ninh Binh radelst.
  • Wenn du die Halong-Bucht mit dem Kajak erkundest, kommen du und deine Familie an Orte, die die Dschunken nicht erreichen können. Paddle durch Grotten, lande auf abgelegenen Inseln und schau dir Stalaktiten aus der Nähe an
  • Iss für einen guten Zweck im Restaurant KOTO in Hanoi, einer Initiative, die Straßenkinder für eine Karriere im Gastgewerbe ausbildet.
  • Lass dich von der gut erhaltenen Architektur, der einladenden Atmosphäre und den ausgezeichneten Restaurants in Hoi An verzaubern


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 990,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Xin chao! Welcome to Vietnam. Your adventure begins with a Welcome Meeting at 5pm on Day 1. If you arrive early, why not get your first taste of Vietnam exploring the lovely, laidback capital. You can stroll the tree-lined boulevards to get a sense of the old days, wander the Old Quarter to uncover ancient temples and a rich, religious culture or head to the Temple of Literature, an oasis of calm right at the heart of Hanoi.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning you’ll get the chance to explore the Vietnamese capital in more depth. Full of parks, lakes and tree-lined boulevards, the city is known for its laidback atmosphere. . Jump on our bus and visit the Ho Chi Minh Complex, which includes Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum, Stilt House and Museum, the Buddhist temple One Pillar Pagoda and the Temple of Literature. We'll join our friends at KOTO for lunch. KOTO stands for 'Know One, Teach One'. An organisation supported by The Intrepid Foundation, it trains street kids for careers in the hospitality industry. After lunch we swap 4 wheels for 2 and head out on a cycling tour around the West Lake. Riding distance: Approx 25kms/15miles
  3. Tag 3

    Mai Chau

    After another hearty breakfast it's on to our private bus for the journey to Luong Son (a drive of approximately 1.5 hours). Luong Son, a region in the country's northwest, is the starting point for our cycling adventure through Vietnam's famously picturesque countryside. Today's ride to Mai Chau is mostly along paved roads. After Hanoi's hustle and bustle, this area's fresh country air and relative lack of traffic are a delight. Mai Chau is home to a variety of minority groups with their own unique culture and languages. While here, visit a social enterprise centred around preserving and celebrating the traditional crafts of the Thai minority groups who settled in northwest Vietnam. Join some local women to learn about their lives and crafts and learn how to make an embroidery pattern or dye cloth. We have a support bus that travels with the group during the entire cycling route for those who don't wish to ride the entire way. Don't forget to pack plenty of water and snacks for along the way. Riding distance: Approx 60kms/37miles. NOTE: At the homestay you and your family will sleep on mattresses in a communal room. Bedding and mosquito nets are provided. Shared toilet and bathroom facilities are basic.
  4. Tag 4

    Ninh Binh

    Today is dedicated to exploring the villages and scenic countryside of provincial Vietnam. The journey from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh is fairly easy and leisurely-paced. You'll have plenty of opportunities to hop off your bike and take some photos of the surrounding valleys, sugarcane farms and rice paddies that compose the landscape. Final stop for the day is the small town of Ninh Binh. The Ninh Binh province is famed for its spectacular limestone karst scenery, lush rice paddies and gently flowing waterways. Riding distance: Approx 60kms/37miles
  5. Tag 5

    Halong Bay

    Having seen a bit of Northern Vietnam by bike, it's now time to see it by sea. Back on board our private bus, enjoy some easier travel on the drive to Halong Bay. Factoring in some stops along the way, the journey will take approximately 4 hours. A natural harbour of more than 2,000 limestone islands rising from the emerald waters of Bac Bo Gulf, Halong Bay is one of Vietnam's most scenic regions. Countless beaches, caves and grottoes exist in its area of 1,500 sq km, creating an environment perfectly suited for exploring by kayak. Today you'll set out on a kayak expedition. Your trip leader will take you through a safety demonstration, then lead you out onto the open waters. Tonight you'll be dining and sleeping on board a traditional Vietnamese junk boat. Our vessel has twin-share cabins with air-conditioning and private facilities, plus a cosy bar and dining area.
  6. Tag 6

    Halong Bay – Overnight Train

  7. Tag 7

    Hoi An

  8. Tag 8

    Hoi An

  9. Tag 9

    Hoi An

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Leistungen 2024

  • Gastfamilie (1 Nacht), Hotel (5 Nächte), Bootsübernachtung (1 Nacht), Zugübernachtung (1 Nacht)
  • 8x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Hanoi - Tempel der Literatur
  • Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh-Komplex
  • Hanoi - Mittagessen bei KOTO
  • Mai Chau - Pom Coong Dorfbesuch & traditionelles Mittagessen
  • Mai Chau - Traditionelles Textil-Sozialunternehmen erleben
  • Halong Bucht - Kajakfahren
  • Hoi An - Altstadtrundgang
  • Hoi An - Fahrradtour


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Hanoi, Vietnam
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Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Partner durchgeführt

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