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Hiking in Sedona and the Grand Canyon

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 9
4 Tage
von 12 bis 99

ab € 2.430,– p.P.

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  • Verbringe zwei Tage damit, Sedonas uralte rote Felsen zu Fuß zu erkunden, während du mit deinem örtlichen Führer einige der besten Wanderungen in der Gegend unternimmst.
  • Wandere mit einer kleinen Gruppe Gleichgesinnter durch die Weiten des Grand Canyon in Arizona und genieße die atemberaubenden Ausblicke auf diese legendäre Landschaft.
  • Erfahre alles über die geologische und kulturelle Geschichte des Landes, das dich umgibt, mit einheimischen Führern, die sich für die Region begeistern und ihr Wissen gerne weitergeben.
  • Genieße ein Abendessen in einem charismatischen Restaurant mit Blick auf den Canyon.
  • Nach Tagen auf den Beinen wirst du mit komfortablen Unterkünften und herzhaften Mahlzeiten belohnt, die deine müden Beine erfrischen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.430,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Schnapp dir dein bestes Paar Wanderschuhe für dieses 4-tägige Wanderabenteuer durch Sedona und den Grand Canyon National Park. Verbringe die ersten beiden Tage damit, die roten Felsen von Sedona zu durchwandern, bevor du zwei weitere Tage auf den legendären Pfaden des Grand Canyon Nationalparks wanderst, die dein Herz höher schlagen lassen. Stell dir einige der besten Wanderwege in Nord-Arizona vor, gepaart mit einer außergewöhnlichen Unterkunft, köstlichen Mahlzeiten und einem ortskundigen Führer, der die besten Plätze kennt. Nutze die Chance, dich auf das Fachwissen deines lokalen Führers zu verlassen und etwas über die faszinierenden Landschaften und die Geschichte der Ureinwohner in deinen Wandergebieten zu erfahren. Werde aktiv, genieße die Pfade und genieße die herrlichen rostroten Aussichten.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Arizona! Your adventure begins in Flagstaff, a relaxed city boasting friendly locals and interesting architecture. A meeting will take place at 5pm this evening, where you’ll meet up with your local leaders and new travel companions. If you get here with time to spare, Flagstaff is known for excellent coffee and even better craft beer, so perhaps take a wander around the town and enjoy a drink of whichever tipple takes your fancy. After tonight’s meeting, get to know your group over dinner at a restaurant in downtown Flagstaff while tucking into some seriously tasty Southwestern food.
  2. Tag 2


    It’s time to put your best foot forward and kick off the hiking part of your adventure. Leave Flagstaff behind and journey into Sedona, a landscape filled with unique sandstone formations and inspiring red tones. Your first hike sets off from near two of Sedona’s most celebrated landmarks, Courthouse Butte and Bell Rock. From here it’s a quick climb up towards shelves of layered red sandstone – pause and take a moment to learn about the resilient desert plants that thrive in this region. Continue on to Cathedral Rock, a truly impressive sandstone monolith with spires and arches to rival the world’s most spectacular churches. Take refuge in the shade of cottonwood trees on the banks of Oak Creek as your local leaders share stories about the native and indigenous history of the region. This area was once a prominent hunting ground, but don’t worry, you won’t be catching your own lunch today! Your leaders will prepare a tasty meal for the group. The final stretch of today’s walk takes in the canyons, cliffs and pinnacles that Sedona is so famous for, then head to your accommodation to settle in and put your feet up.
  3. Tag 3


    Today will be spent soaking in more of Sedona’s unbeatable scenery on another fantastic hike. Follow old trails carved out by wagons up to a red rock saddle and take a moment to appreciate the views of the otherworldly landscape surrounding you. Natural sandstone steps facilitate the climb up Schnebly Hill – this part can be a little challenging, but you’ll be rewarded with unforgettable views of the canyons below. As you hike, your leaders will regale with stories of T.C. Schnebly and his wife Sedona, whom the town is named after. Stop for a scenic lunch on the trail, then head back to your lodge to freshen up. If time permits, make the 45-minute drive to the historic mining town of Jerome, established in the 19th century. Once a booming settlement, the town was home to more than 10,000 people in the 1920s, but mine closures have left the town with a population little over 400. The people may have left, but their stories live on – take a tour with your leaders through the town’s zig zagging streets to uncover its multilayered history. Sit down to dinner in Jerome’s most charming restaurant (at your own expense), then return to Sedona for the evening.
  4. Tag 4

    Grand Canyon National Park

    Rise bright and early – there’s a lot to see today! First up is an unbelievably scenic 2.5-hour drive past Oak Creek canyon and on to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. One of the seven natural wonders of the world, and rightfully so, the Grand Canyon really must be seen to be believed. Your first hike through this epic landscape follows a trail down the spine of a ridge, serving up simply magnificent views of the canyon so you can appreciate it in all its glory. Today’s hike isn’t too challenging, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to stop for photos and take it all in. After your hike, you’ll have some time to add a deeper layer to your understandings of the landscape you’ve just explored and pay a visit to some of the museums along the South Rim. Return to your lodge to recharge your batteries (literally and metaphorically!) then head out for dinner at a historic restaurant serving up awe-inspiring views of the Grand Canyon.
  5. Tag 5

    Grand Canyon National Park

    Originally created by horse thieves in the late 19th century, the now famous Hermit Trail was then improved upon by the Santa Fe Railroad as a means of getting to Hermit Camp. Today you’ll be undertaking this much-loved hike through photo-worthy landscapes of fossil beds and formations of sandstone and limestone, before emerging at the Waldron Basin. This part of the Grand Canyon is positively brimming with history, which your leaders will fill you in on as you walk. From Waldron’s high desert valley, follow the Redwall cliff, taking in incredible views of the yawning canyon below. While you’re looking down, keep an eye out for ancient reptile tracks – this trail is home to fossilised footprints dating back 260 million years. Reach the little refuge of Dripping Springs, marking your turnaround point for this hike. Head back to the hotel to freshen up, then return to the South Rim to visit the Yavapai Geology Museum, teetering on the edge of the canyon. Take a short walk along the Trail of Time, unearthing millions of years of geologic history. Round off the day with another wonderful Southwestern feast at a welcoming local restaurant.
  6. Tag 6


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (3 Nächte)
  • 4x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Sedona - Wanderung zum Cathedral Rock
  • Sedona - Mitten Ridge-Wanderung
  • Grand Canyon National Park - Abendessen im historischen El Tovar
  • South Rim - South Kaibab Trail Wanderung
  • Shuttle nach Sedona
  • Grand Canyon National Park - Wanderung auf dem Bright Angel Trail


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Preise gelten ab/bis Sedona, United States Of America
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