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Uganda Gorilla Short Break: Original

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
4 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 3.955,– p.P.

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  • Genieße eine Pirschfahrt durch den Lake Mburo National Park
  • Trekke durch bergiges Waldgebiet auf der Suche nach einer Gorillafamilie im Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Gorilla-Erlaubnis ist inbegriffen).
  • Triff Ugandas majestätische Berggorillas für eine atemberaubende Stunde.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, die Gorilla Doctors. Die Spenden helfen ihnen, verletzte Berg- und Grauer-Gorillas zu versorgen und tragen so zum langfristigen Erhalt der Gorillapopulationen bei.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.955,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Kampala/Lake Mburo

    Ki kati! Welcome to Uganda. Your adventure begins at 09:00am at our joining point hotel. We then make our way to Lake Mburo National Park ( approximately 270km, 3hrs ). The flora of Lake Mburo National Park is acacia woodland, different to most other parks in East Africa, which means its fauna is also different to other reserves. It's the best place in the country to see the gigantic eland antelope and has about 68 different species of mammals including zebras, impalas, buffalo, leopards, hyenas and jackals. There are five lakes within the park which are home to hippos, crocodiles and a variety of waterbirds, while the papyrus swamps provide cover for the sitatunga antelope and red, black and yellow papyrus gonalek. This small park is less well-known among tourists so it's much quieter than some of the more famous East African parks. This afternoon we take a game drive through the park before settling into our accommodation in Mbarara for the night.
  2. Tag 2

    Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

    This morning we rise early and make our way towards Bwindi Impenetrable forest ( approx. 3hrs ). Famous for its remarkable biodiversity, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to many endangered species including roughly half of the world's remaining mountain gorillas. The afternoon is free to check out some of the local sights. The optional village visit takes you to Mikozi Village. Here become acquainted with the Ugandan countryside, visit the local markets, speak with a traditional Ugandan healer and enjoy a drink or two at the local bar before returning to your lodge in Rushaga.
  3. Tag 3

    Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

    Today you travel into to Bwindi Impenetrable forest to see the mountain gorillas. There's a maximum group size of 8 on each gorilla visit and only 24 gorilla trekking permits available each day. Visits are strictly controlled to minimise the possibility of disturbance or transmission of disease to the animals. Tracking gorillas in the dense forest can sometimes be wet, muddy and uncomfortable and may reach altitudes of almost 2000 metres above sea level. The terrain is by no means easy either, so it can be pretty strenuous and often humid, but the sheer thrill in coming across a habituated group of gorillas, dominated by a great male silverback, more than outweighs any difficulty. You need to be prepared and fit enough to walk up to 4 hours - up and down hill. We can usually get very close to the mountain gorillas, who are placid and gentle, and watching their movements is like seeing a mirror image of yourself. Once a trekking group encounters one of the gorilla families, your visit with the gorillas will last one unforgettable hour. Afterwards retire to your lodge and soak up the incredible views.
  4. Tag 4


    Today is a long travel day as we make tracks back to Kampala stopping along the way to take pictures at the equator and enjoy a picnic lunch. This tour ends at our finish point hotel at approximately 4pm. No accommodation is included tonight. If you would like to stay longer, we can book your post-tour accommodation at our finish point hotel if required. If you are planning to fly out tonight, please do not book a flight that departs before 9pm to allow for any delays.
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Leistungen 2024

  • Lodge (3 Nächte)
  • 3x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Lake Mburo National Park - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Bwindi Nationalpark - Berggorilla Permit & Trek


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Kampala, Uganda
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