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Highlights of Malta & Gozo

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
7 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.035,– p.P.

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  • Lerne Valletta bei einem Spaziergang mit einem einheimischen Guide richtig kennen und schließe dich dann deinem Führer bei der Erkundung der historischen Drei Städte Senglea, Cospicua und Vittoriosa an.
  • Erlebe die greifbare Geschichte Maltas bei einem Besuch der archäologischen Stätte Hagar Qim. Sie stammt aus dem Jahr 3600 v. Chr. und ist damit eine der ältesten religiösen Stätten der Welt.
  • Triff eine einheimische Familie in den Xwejni-Salzpfannen, die auf die Römerzeit zurückgehen, und erfahre, wie sie hier seit über 160 Jahren Salz ernten.
  • Genieße eine Weinverkostung mit leckeren Häppchen in einem familiengeführten Weingut auf Gozo, mit einer unglaublichen Aussicht, wo dir die Besitzer selbst alles über den Weinherstellungsprozess erzählen werden.
  • Erkunde die Festungsstadt Victoria, Gozos Hauptstadt, und besuche die mittelalterliche Zitadelle, das Gozo Museum of Archaeology, das Gran Castello Historic House und das Gozo Nature Museum.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.035,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Malta mag eines der kleinsten Länder der Welt sein, aber wenn es um antike Geschichte, natürliche Schönheit und fesselnde Kultur geht, spielt es in einer großen Liga. Entdecke die Highlights und verborgenen Schätze von Malta und Gozo auf einer 7-tägigen Reise mit einem Reiseleiter, der dir hilft, das Land mit den Augen eines Einheimischen zu sehen. Entdecke, was Valletta so besonders macht, begib dich in den Drei Städten auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit und erkunde die antike Stätte von Hagar Qim. Springe rüber ins benachbarte Gozo und wandere entlang der Küste, genieße eine Weinverkostung in einer lokalen Weinkellerei und entdecke ihre Geschichte. Eines ist sicher - es lohnt sich, auf diesen Ort anzustoßen.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Malta! Your adventure starts in Valletta – this little capital city packs a real punch when it comes to historical sights and top-drawer attractions. A meeting will take place today at 6pm at your hotel where you’ll meet your local leader and the other members of your group. If you arrive with time to spare, you may like to pay a visit to the National Museum of Archaeology, or perhaps take a stroll along the restaurant-lined waterfront. After your meeting, why not get to know your group over a meal in town – your leader will be able to recommend some great spots to eat. Aljotta (fish soup) and Gbejniet (Maltese cheese) are particularly delicious!
  2. Tag 2


    This morning, meet up with a local guide from Valletta who will let you in on local secrets as you explore the city on foot. Start off with a visit to the St. John's Co-Cathedral and learn about the city’s fascinating connection to the Order of the Knights of St. John, then you’re in for a real treat as you stop by a traditional cafe and sample some tasty Maltese pour-over coffee. Once you’re energized, swing by the Upper Barrakka Gardens, a beautiful public space with a history stretching back to the 16th century. From the gardens, ride a large elevator down to the Grand Harbour, taking in incredible views as you descend, then say goodbye to your guide and hop aboard a ferry with your leader. Visit the Three Cities, Senglea, Cospicua and Vittoriosa, each providing a unique glimpse into the country’s past. First, walk the streets of the fortified city of Senglea as your leader shares facts about its history, then jump on a dghajsa, a traditional Maltese water taxi, and travel to Vittoriosa. Take a step back in time as you explore the city brimming with ancient churches, palaces and noble homes, then finally head to Cospicua where you’ll walk its winding streets and discover remnants of Malta’s turbulent past. Return to Valletta and enjoy the rest of the afternoon for your own explorations.
  3. Tag 3

    Malta / Gozo

    Greet the day and get out to explore more of Malta. Start with a visit to the little fishing town of Marsaxlokk to check out the local market and colourful fishing boats, then continue to the unbelievable archaeological site of Hagar Qim. As one of the world’s oldest religious sites, dating as far back as 3600 BC, exploring the remains of the ancient temple is a truly incomparable experience. Once you’ve worked up an appetite, head to a fantastic local restaurant housed in an 18th-century Baroque building which serves up a mouth-watering menu made with locally sourced ingredients. After lunch, drive on to the fortified city of Mdina and walk through centuries of Phoenician, Roman, Byzantine and Arab history. Afterwards, travel to Cirkewwa and board a ferry bound for Mgarr on the neighbouring island of Gozo, then catch a public bus to Marsalforn. This delightful seaside resort town will be your base for the time spent on Gozo, so this evening why not sit back and soak up the laidback atmosphere.
  4. Tag 4


    Today is all about exploring Gozo's stunning nature on some of the island's best walking trails. Start the day by catching a local bus to the village of Xlendi, from where you’ll embark on a hike along the dazzling coastline. Skirt the edge of cliffs and take in awe-inspiring views with every step, pass by an old Maltese watchtower and wind down a peaceful country lane before finishing up in the village of Sannat. Next up is a visit to a local traditional bakery. From here head back to our base at Marsalforn, from where you’ll walk to the Xwejni Salt Pans, dating back to Roman times. Meet the family who have been harvesting these ancient pans for 160 years and learn about the process – in peak summer you may even have the chance to watch it firsthand. Of course no visit is complete without tasting some of the salty goodness. Continue walking along Gozo’s North coast, enjoying glorious views of the Mediterranean as you walk to the Wied il-Ghasri area. Stop for a swim in the inviting green-blue waters before returning to Marsalforn via charming country lanes dotted with cacti and old stone walls.
  5. Tag 5

    Comino / Gozo

    This morning, discover Gozo from a different perspective. Head to the turquoise blue waters of Hondoq Bay and jump in a kayak for a guided adventure. Paddle to the shores of Comino Island and come upon the Blue Lagoon, a truly breathtaking display of bright blue water. Take some time to explore the glorious coastline before returning to land. Later, head to Victoria, the capital of Gozo island, and explore the ancient citadel and some of the town’s most interesting museums, including the Gozo Museum of Archaeology, Gran Castello Historic House and Gozo Nature Museum. After brushing up on the cultural and natural history of Gozo, enjoy an afternoon at leisure.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    Gozo / Valletta

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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (6 Nächte)
  • 6x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Valletta - Besuch der St. John's Co-Cathedral
  • Valletta - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Valletta - Traditioneller maltesischer Gießkaffee im lokalen Café
  • Marsaxlokk - Stadt- und Hafenbesuch
  • Malta - Insel Highlights Tour
  • Mdina - Stadtbesuch
  • Hagar Qim - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte
  • Mdina - Mittagessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Malta - Bootsfahrt zur Blauen Grotte
  • Gozo - Xlendi Küstenklippenwanderung
  • Gozo - Besuch der Dorfbäckerei & Imbiss
  • Victoria - Zitadellenrundgang und Museumsbesuch
  • Gozo - Besuch der Xwejni-Salzpfannen
  • Gozo - Wied al-Ghasri Küstenwanderung
  • Gozo - Besuch einer lokalen Weinkellerei und Weinverkostung


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Preise gelten ab/bis Sliema, Malta
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