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Premium Morocco Highlights with Essaouira

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
11 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.894,– p.P.

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  • Bestaune die Moschee von Hassan II. in Casablanca, tauche in das Herz der Medina von Fes ein, erlebe die abendliche Verwandlung des Djemaa el-Fna in Marrakesch und entspanne dich in der entspannten Küstenstadt Essaouira.
  • Erlebe das wahre Marokko, wenn du mit einem erfahrenen einheimischen Führer reist, dich mit den Einheimischen in Fes austauscht und eine Familie im Atlasgebirge besuchst.
  • Probiere das Beste aus der marokkanischen Küche, indem du in einem der besten Restaurants in Casablanca isst, Pastillas mit einer einheimischen Familie isst (Exklusives Erlebnis), Minztee im Atlasgebirge zubereitest und an einer Verkostungstour in Marrakech teilnimmst.
  • Entdecke die beeindruckendsten römischen Ruinen in Marokko bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis in der Weltkulturerbestätte Volubilis, wo du ein Picknick mit Zutaten aus der Region genießen kannst.
  • Erlebe die unglaubliche Schönheit, die erstklassige Gastfreundschaft und den Panoramablick während deines Aufenthalts im Riad Salam, einer ruhigen Oase im Herzen der Medina von Fes.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.894,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Erlebe die reiche Geschichte und vielfältige Kultur Marokkos auf einer 11-tägigen Reise durch dieses nordafrikanische Juwel. Bestaune die Moschee Hassan II. im französisch angehauchten Casablanca, entdecke die charmanten Gassen der Medina im magischen Meknes, entdecke die antike Geschichte in den römischen Ruinen von Volubilis, wandere durch das Labyrinth der verwinkelten Gassen in Fes el Bali, entspanne dich in der Seesiedlung Bine el Ouidane und beobachte bei Sonnenuntergang, wie der Djemaa el-Fna in Marrakesch mit Märkten und Zauberern zum Leben erwacht und entspanne dich im europäisch angehauchten Essaouira. Verwöhne deine Sinne auf einem faszinierenden Abenteuer voller leuchtender Farben, würziger Aromen und herzlicher Gastfreundschaft.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Morocco! On arrival at Casablanca Airport, you will be met by an Intrepid representative and transferred to your hotel. Your adventure begins at 6 pm with an important welcome meeting. If you arrive with time to spare, a great option for your limited time in Casablanca is to visit the Villa des Arts. This gorgeous Art Deco gallery holds numerous exhibitions of contemporary Moroccan and international art. If you are looking for a different type of cultural experience, then you can discover a unique and fascinating part of Moroccan history at the Museum of Judaism. This evening, celebrate the beginning of a new adventure with a wonderful banquet style dinner with your group, set in the courtyard of a gorgeous riad. Nowhere is Morocco’s cultural heritage more evident than in its food, and tonight you’ll have the chance to try classic dishes like tagine, cous cous and pastilla.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning you will visit one of the most impressive sites in Casablanca - the massive edifice of the Mosque of Hassan II. Second only in size to the great mosque at Mecca, the huge building sits partly on land and partly over sea, and is one of the only religious sites open to non-Muslims. Later, leave Casablanca and drive north along the coast to Rabat, the elegant capital of Morocco and its first Imperial city. Start your visit with a walk through the medina and souks, then explore the lovely walled quarter known as the Kasbah des Oudaias, where you’ll enjoy an included mint tea in a little treasure of a café overlooking the ocean and Bou Regreg river. Afterwards, continue the walk to visit the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, the vast minaret of the Mosque of Hassan II. In the late afternoon, continue on to Meknes, the former capital of Morocco.
  3. Tag 3


    This morning you will discover the charming streets of Meknes’s medina - the old walled section of the city. There’s something particularly special about exploring this lesser-known medina as the locals go about their daily lives. Walk to the shrine of Moulay Ismail, visit the granaries and stop by a local market selling vegetables, olives and sweets. Drive on to the Roman ruins of Volubilis, where a local guide will show you around and help you imagine the bustling city that once was. Enjoy a picnic lunch of fresh bread, cheese and seasonal fruits and olives from the market. Continue on to the city of Fes and arrive at the Riad Salam, a beautifully restored oasis in the heart of the medina and your Feature Stay for the next two nights. From dramatic mosaic floors to carved cedar wood ceilings and everything in between - this building is a treat for the eyes. Relax in spacious rooms with modern comforts, unwind in the hammam or head to the roof terrace for sweeping views of Fes. Prepare for a treat this evening as you are warmly welcomed into the home of a local family for a pastilla dinner. Learn how the iconic Moroccan pie is made as you chat with your friendly hosts about life in Fes.
  4. Tag 4


    Today head into Fes’s huge, well-preserved medieval old city and the mother of all medinas. Walk through the twisting streets and alleyways, passing donkeys piled high with goods, and explore the speciality sections that divide the souk as your leader talks you through interesting customs and traditions of Moroccan people. Filled with historic khans, madrasas and dye-pits, stalls loaded with fruits, herbs and soups, and where the squawk of chickens, smell of spice and sound of hammering of copper fills the air, it’s not hard to imagine yourself back in the Middle Ages. Explore the old city, visiting El-Attarine Madrasa, the tanneries and Funduq al-Najjarin, a splendid 18th-century inn.
  5. Tag 5

    Bin el Ouidane

    Travel from Fes to Bin el-Ouidane, with plenty of breaks along the way to appreciate the ever-changing Moroccan landscape. Visit with an Amazigh (Berber) family in the Middle Atlas Mountains for a truly memorable experience and a priceless insight into their unique way of life. The family will demonstrate how to make the perfect brew of mint tea and will provide a home-cooked cous cous lunch using locally grown ingredients. Learn about their customs, traditions and what life looks like on the edge of these cloud-piercing peaks. Arrive in Bin el-Ouidane, a small settlement perfectly placed on the bank of the lake, surrounded by sheer rocks. Your accommodation sits at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, perched on the edge of the huge, glittering lake. There’s a blissful afternoon to be had floating in the paradisiacal swimming pool or soaking in your surroundings on the fabulous terrace.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


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Leistungen 2024

  • Komfortables Hotel (8 Nächte), Feature Stay (2 Nächte)
  • 10x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Casablanca - Willkommensessen
  • Casablanca - Hassan II Moschee
  • Meknes - Medina Rundgang
  • Volubilis - Eintritt und geführte Tour
  • Volubilis - Picknick Mittagessen
  • Fes - Selbstgekochte Pastilla Abendessen
  • Fes - Funduk Nejjarine
  • Fes - Medersa El Attarine
  • Fes - Teepause
  • Khenifra - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen
  • Khenifra - Demonstration der Teezubereitung
  • Bine el Ouidane - Bootsfahrt mit Picknick-Mittagessen
  • Ouzoud - Ouzoud-Fälle
  • Marrakesch - Palais Bahia
  • Marrakesch - Djemaa El Fna Verkostungsspaziergang
  • Marrakech - Medina Rundgang
  • Essaouira - Meeresfrüchte-Markt Mittagessen
  • Essaouira - Orientierungswanderung unter Anleitung


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Preise gelten ab/bis Casablanca, Morocco
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