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Premium South East Asia in Depth

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
24 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 5.660,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Genieße drei fabelhafte Sonderaufenthalte - die Lisu-Lodge in Thailand, eine tropische Wellness-Oase in Kambodscha und ein wunderschönes Dschunkenboot in der Halong-Bucht in Vietnam.
  • Erlebe die vietnamesische Kultur mit exklusiven Erlebnissen, darunter eine mitreißende Hat Xam-Vorstellung, ein Nachmittag in einem alten Töpferdorf und ein Kochkurs mit einem einheimischen Koch in Hue.
  • Reise von Phnom Penh nach Siem Reap auf einem charmanten Flussschiff und genieße zwei geführte Tage zur Erkundung der Tempel von Angkor, einschließlich eines Vormittags in Begleitung eines privaten Fotobusses (Premium Exclusive Experience).
  • Besuche die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten von Phnom Penh auf einer ganztägigen geführten Tour. Besuche das ernüchternde Völkermordmuseum Tuol Sleng und die Killing Fields von Choeung Ek und halte dann an einem buddhistischen Kloster an, um die dort lebenden Mönche kennenzulernen.
  • Lerne die thailändische Kultur bei exklusiven Erlebnissen kennen - mache dich in einem lokalen Tempel in Bangkok verdient, fahre auf Reiskähnen und genieße traditionelle Gerichte und besuche das Dorf Kup Kap, die Heimat des Lahu-Volkes.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 5.660,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2026

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Thailand! Your journey begins in Bangkok, where you’ll be collected at the airport and transferred to your hotel. After settling into your room, an important welcome meeting will take place at 6pm. Please check for the Intrepid Premium noticeboard in the reception area of the hotel. If you arrive early, take some time to enjoy Bangkok’s irresistible energy. By day you’ll encounter a city steeped with history and tradition, but by night Bangkok is taken over by a flood of music and neon lights. Watch torrents of tuk tuks zip by while traditional khlong boats slowly wind down the Chao Phraya River. After your meeting, join your small group for a welcome dinner at an excellent local restaurant where your leader will introduce you to a food scene that’s bursting with local flavour.
  2. Tag 2


    Rise early for an optional exclusive experience away from Bangkok’s well-trodden tourist track. Join the locals at sunrise for to a visit to a temple along the Chao Phraya River, where you’ll “make merit” by bringing an offering to the temple’s monks – a truly unforgettable moment. Today your leader will take you for a day of sightseeing and activities in lively Bangkok. Tour Wat Po, a larger-than-life temple complex in the city - home of the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. Also visit the majestic Grand Palace and learn about the site which has been the official residence of the kings since the 1700s, and enjoy a boat tour of the city's canals as your leader shows you how Bangkok’s locals live today. The afternoon is free to do as you wish, perhaps check out the art collection at the Jim Thompson house or relax with a Thai massage.
  3. Tag 3


    This morning head to Ayutthaya, one of the ancient capitals of Siam and a World Heritage site. Give your camera batteries a workout as you explore the photogenic 14th-century temple of Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon while your leader shares knowledge of the complex’s history. Continue to the ornately decorated Wat Phanan Choeng, one of Ayutthaya's oldest temples and home to a 19-metre-high Buddha. Then you’re in for a real treat - the past will come to life as you board a traditional rice barge and explore Chao Phraya River while tucking into a delicious Thai lunch. Continue on to the 13th-century ruins of Wat Phra Mahathat and discover rows of Buddhas beheaded by the Burmese. Look out for the displaced Buddha head suspended in the roots of a Banyan tree - one of the country’s most photographed images. Return to Bangkok for the evening and enjoy some of the many amazing restaurants on offer.
  4. Tag 4


    Travel by private transport to Kanchanaburi, a modern riverfront town with a dark past. Located at the meeting point of the Khwae Noi and Khwae Yai rivers, Kanchanaburi is home to the infamous 'Bridge on the River Kwai'. Many Allied prisoners of war and conscripted Asian labourers were engaged here to help build a rail route to Myanmar (Burma), including the passage infamously known as Hellfire Pass. Visit the memorial museum of the pass where your leader will provide more information about this chapter in history. Take a historical train journey across a portion of this 'death railway' along the Kwai Noi River and travel over the original wooden viaduct, known as the Bridge on the River Kwai, constructed by the allied POWs. Pass through peaceful and naturally beautiful scenery as you learn of those who lost their lives building this rail route. The evening is yours to explore the town.
  5. Tag 5


    Make the short drive to the Erawan National Park, named after the three-headed white elephant of Hindu mythology, and visit the magnificent seven-tiered waterfall. Take a dip in radiant emerald green waters, climb the tiers to find different cascades at every level, or sit back and snap pictures of the luxuriant vegetation. On the way back to Kanchanaburi, stop in at the World War II cemetery and museum for a guided tour with your leader, who will share stories and explain the cemetery is the main resting place for the prisoners of war who laboured under Japanese rule in building the Thai-Burma Railway. Enjoy a free evening in Kanchanaburi - perhaps wander through the rows of street food vendors in town, or reflect on the day with a drink overlooking the River Kwai at one of many charming riverfront establishments.
  6. Tag 6

    Uthai Thani - Nakhon Sawan

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    Mae Taeng

  10. Tag 10

    Mae Taeng

  11. Tag 11

    Chiang Mai

  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13

    Halong Bay

  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15

    Hoi An

  16. Tag 16

    Hoi An

  17. Tag 17

    Ho Chi Minh City

  18. Tag 18

    Ho Chi Minh City

  19. Tag 19

    Phnom Penh

  20. Tag 20

    Phnom Penh

  21. Tag 21

    Siem Reap

  22. Tag 22

    Siem Reap – Angkor Wat

  23. Tag 23

    Siem Reap – Angkor Wat

  24. Tag 24

    Siem Reap

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Leistungen 2026

  • Hotel (15 Nächte), Resort (5 Nächte), Lodge (2 Nächte), Bootsübernachtung (1 Nacht)
  • 21x Frühstück
  • 8x Mittagessen
  • 11x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Bangkok - Willkommensessen
  • Bangkok - Großer Palast
  • Bangkok - Wat Pho
  • Bangkok - Khlong-Boot-Kanaltour
  • Bangkok - Tempelverdienst
  • Benjarong - Keramik Workshop
  • Kanchanaburi - Kriegsfriedhof Kanchanaburi
  • Kanchanaburi - Brücke über den Fluss Kwai
  • Kanchanaburi - Besuch des Erawan Nationalparks
  • Kanchanaburi - Hellfire Pass Memorial Museum
  • Baan Nong Khao - Besuch in der Weberei
  • Ayutthaya - Tempelbesuch
  • Ayutthaya - Traditionelle Reiskahn-Dinner-Kreuzfahrt
  • Ayutthaya - Zug nach Phitsanuloke
  • Sukhothai - Morgendliche Almosengabe
  • Sukhothai - Besuch des historischen Parks und Fahrradtour
  • Sukhothai - Abendessen in einem einheimischen Haus
  • Muang Kued - Dorfbesuch, Kochkurs und Handwerksworkshop
  • Mae Taeng - Mae Tamaan Base Camp BBQ Abendessen
  • Chiang Mai - Elefanten-Naturpark Halbtagesausflug
  • Chiang Mai - Besuch des Akha Ama Coffee Social Enterprise
  • Chiang Mai - Besuch des Doi Suthep Tempels
  • Chiang Mai - Abschiedsessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Hanoi - Willkommensessen
  • Halong-Bucht - Bootsfahrt mit Übernachtung
  • Hanoi - Hat Xam Leistung
  • Halong Bucht - Tai Chi
  • Hanoi - Tempel der Literatur
  • Hanoi - Mittagessen bei KOTO
  • Hanoi - Hoa Lo-Gefängnis
  • Hoi An - Altstadtrundgang
  • Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Cu Chi Tunnels
  • Ho Chi Minh Stadt - Palast der Wiedervereinigung
  • Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Museum der Kriegsüberreste
  • Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Kathedrale Notre Dame
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Phnom Penh - Willkommensessen
  • Phnom Penh - Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21)
  • Phnom Penh - Die Tötungsfelder von Choeung Ek
  • Phnom Penh - Königspalast und Silberpagode
  • Santuk Silk Farm Tour und Mittagessen
  • Skun Village Market Stop
  • Siem Reap - Khmer Theater Abendessen
  • Siem Reap - Angkor-Tempel Geführte Tour
  • Siem Reap - Drei Tage Angkor Pass
  • Siem Reap - Mittagessen in Sala Bai
  • Siem Reap - Angkor Wat Archäologenführer
  • Siem Reap - Besuch des Banteay Srei-Tempels
  • Siem Reap - Angkor-Tempel Geführte Tour
  • Siem Reap - Privates Khmer-Abschiedsessen auf dem Land


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Bangkok, Thailand
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