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Cambodia: Hike, Bike & Kayak

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.105,– p.P.

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  • Erlebe das Beste von Kambodscha in einer einzigen, energiegeladenen Tour, bei der du die Highlights kennenlernst und gleichzeitig aktiv wirst, um einige noch unerforschte Schätze dieses südostasiatischen Hotspots zu entdecken.
  • Bei einer geführten Fahrradtour durch die Seitenstraßen von Phnom Penh, die durch kleine Dörfer und Reisfelder führt, erlebst du das Leben der Einheimischen aus erster Hand.
  • Entdecke traditionelle Khmer-Dörfer und ihr Engagement für die Wiederaufforstung auf der Mekong-Insel Koh Trong und verbringe den Tag mit deiner kleinen Gruppe in einer Hängematte in einer ländlichen Gastfamilie.
  • Angkor was? Tempelhüpfen durch den Angkor-Komplex und den umliegenden Dschungel mit einem privaten Minibus und Fahrrad, damit du diese unglaubliche Stätte aus einzigartigen Perspektiven entdecken kannst.
  • Paddle mit dem Kajak durch die spektakulären überschwemmten Wälder von Stung Treng und versuche, die seltenen Irrawaddy-Delphine bei einem Bootsausflug auf Teilen des Mekong vom Wasser aus zu sehen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.105,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Die unglaubliche Schönheit Kambodschas, das fantastische Essen und die einzigartige Kultur werden noch besser, wenn du sie mit einem Outdoor-Abenteuer kombinierst. Werde aktiv auf dieser achttägigen Erkundungstour durch die grüne Landschaft, die Geschichte der Khmer und die gastfreundlichen Gemeinden des Landes - beim Wandern, Radfahren und Kajakfahren im Herzen des Landes. Erkunde Phnom Penh und fahre auf dem Mekong zu einer Inselunterkunft, gehe auf Tuchfühlung mit Irrawaddy-Delfinen und erkunde spektakuläre überschwemmte Wälder, bevor du zu Fuß und mit dem Mountainbike die antiken Tempelruinen des unglaublichen Angkor-Komplexes entdeckst - eine der wichtigsten archäologischen Stätten in Kambodscha und natürlich ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe! Von Phnom Penh bis Siem Reap erlebst du Kambodscha in seiner ganzen natürlichen Pracht.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Phnom Penh

    Sua s'dei! Welcome to Cambodia. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm tonight. If you have free time in the afternoon, perhaps stroll the streets of Phnom Penh and explore the city, taking in the interesting French colonial architecture. Phnom Penh is set at the confluence of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers, and life centres around the lively riverfront area. This evening you could join the locals as they come to take in the air, snack on the street hawker food and enjoy impromptu waterside entertainment, or head up to the Foreign Correspondent Club’s rooftop bar for a drink and some riverside views.
  2. Tag 2

    Cycling in Phnom Penh

    Start your adventure on mountain bike, crossing the river by local boat, and then cycling through the villages on an island in the Mekong River. The island is famous for silk weaving, agriculture and aquaculture. Stop to see locals at work in the village and enjoy cycling on quiet roads through orchards and along rice paddies. Afterwards, return to Phnom Penh for a free afternoon at your leisure. Your leader can help you organise many optional activities, or you are free to explore at your own pace. Phnom Penh remains a living relic of the country’s past struggles, with the sobering Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21) and the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek telling the story of the bloody legacy of the Khmer Rouge. Otherwise, you could visit Wat Phnom – the temple that gave rise to the foundation of the city in the 15th century, or the Royal Palace complex’s Silver Pagoda – Cambodia’s most sacred temple.
  3. Tag 3

    Cycling in Kratie/Koh Trong

    This morning, leave early and make tracks for Kratie (approximately 6 hours). En route, pass through Skuon – a small town known for its unusual delicacy of tasty spiders. Try one if you’re game! Onwards to the town of Kratie on the banks of the Mekong. Board a local boat from Kratie waterfront to Koh Trong for your homestay – approximately 280 families call this 6-kilometre island home. The island is famous for growing the citrus fruit pomelo – some of the best in Cambodia – as well as rice and other agricultural products. Your homestay is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself into everyday Cambodian life, and this evening you'll enjoy a traditional Khmer dinner. With hammocks strung up beneath the house, this is an ideal place to unwind. Take a leisurely cycle around the island’s perimeter through traditional Khmer villages, fruits orchards and rice fields, observing daily rituals and routines of traditional village life.
  4. Tag 4

    Hiking in Stung Treng

    After breakfast, take a 1-hour guided walk, getting a chance to see how the locals live, and to learn more about local culture in this part of Cambodia. During the days of the Khmer Rouge, much of the island’s forested interior was cut down. Villagers have started a three-planting project at Wat Ty Pram Kbal Koh Trong in response. You’ll have the opportunity to contribute to the project by helping to plant a tree in the pagoda grounds. Afterwards, say goodbye to your island hosts and head back to the mainland. There’s time to wander down the river boulevard and explore the local market in Kratie before travelling 2.5 hours to Stung Treng. Stop at Wat Phnom Sambok – an 18th-century Buddhist monastery – along the way. Sitting atop a hill, climb to the top for a view of the lush forested surrounds. Also enjoy an optional lunch at Kampi Creek, where it’s possible to spot dolphins, before arriving in Stung Treng.
  5. Tag 5

    Kayaking in Stung Treng

    Start early to make the most of a full day of activities. Travel by private minibus to the village of Voeun Kham (approximately 2 hours). From there, catch a local boat to cruise the Mekong River to the fierce Sopheakmit Waterfall. Situated on the Cambodia–Laos border, the thundering falls crashing over limestone crags and boulders is a spectacular sight. Moor the boat at a local family's home and hike through jungle to a lunch spot overlooking the falls. The hike will take approximately 2 hours. Return to the boat and continue through a gorgeous stretch of the Mekong River, which is home to many bird species and the village of Osvay (approximately 1-hour cruising). Pass through the Anlong Cheuteal Irrawaddy dolphin pool, where on rare occasions it’s possible to spot freshwater dolphins. Next it's into a kayak to paddle amongst this spectacular scenery of flooded forests to Vuen Sien village (approximately 2 hours). After a full day exploring this glorious stretch of nature, return to Stung Treng by private minibus for the night (approximately 1 hour).
  6. Tag 6

    Siem Reap

  7. Tag 7

    Siem Reap / Angkor Wat

  8. Tag 8

    Cycling in Siem Reap/Angkor Wat

  9. Tag 9

    Siem Reap

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Leistungen 2024

  • Gastfamilie (1 Nacht), Hotel (6 Nächte)
  • 5x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Phnom Penh - Mekong Insel Radfahren
  • Koh Trong - Radfahren
  • Koh Trong - Dorfspaziergang
  • Kampi - Delfin Bootstour
  • Stung Treng - Kajakfahren
  • Steung Treng - Sopheakmit Wasserfall
  • Stung Treng - Mekong Flussfahrt und Wanderung
  • Siem Reap - Orientierungswanderung unter Leitung eines Führers
  • Siem Reap - Angkor-Tempel Geführte Tour
  • Siem Reap - Angkor-Tempel Fahrradtour
  • Siem Reap - Ein Tag Angkor Pass


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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