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Premium Uganda, Rwanda & Kenya

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
13 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 11.034,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Mit deinem Gorilla-Permit, das im Reisepreis enthalten ist, verbringst du einen Tag im Bwindi Impenetrable Forest und kommst Ugandas seltenen Berggorillas für eine unvergessliche Stunde ganz nah. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, eine zweite Wanderung zu unternehmen, die auf Anfrage und gegen einen Aufpreis gebucht werden kann. Weitere Details findest du im Reiseplan.
  • Komm der Natur mit zwei fantastischen Feature Stays nahe - einer klimaneutralen Lodge im Bwindi Impenetrable National Park und einem Camp tief im Masai Mara Game Reserve.
  • Setz dich während eines exklusiven Erlebnisses zum Abendessen mit einem örtlichen Parkranger zusammen und erfahre mehr über das Leben in der Wildnis und ihre besondere Beziehung zu den Berggorillas. So ein Gespräch beim Abendessen hattest du wahrscheinlich noch nie!
  • Besuche eine lokale Maasai-Gemeinschaft, die dafür bekannt ist, dass sie sich für die Gesundheit und Bildung der Maasai-Frauen einsetzt. Bei diesem exklusiven Erlebnis wirst du von traditionellen Maasai-Kriegergesängen und -tänzen begrüßt und erfährst mehr über diese bemerkenswerte und alte Kultur.
  • Genieße exklusive Erlebnisse bei einem Besuch im Elsamere Conservation Centre, wo du bei einem High Tea die Geschichte von Elsa und ihrer Naturschutzstiftung erfährst, und beobachte dann bei einer Bootsfahrt auf dem Naivasha-See Flusspferde und eine einzigartige Vogelwelt.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 11.034,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Uganda! Your gorillas adventure begins in the country’s capital, Kampala. A welcome meeting will take place at your hotel at 6pm tonight where you’ll meet up with your local leader and fellow travellers before finding out what to expect on your journey. If you get here early, why not head to the Uganda Museum to learn about the country’s cultural heritage, or perhaps head to a local craft market to browse the colourful stalls and chat to the vendors. After your meeting, join your leader and small group for dinner at a lively East African restaurant popular with the locals. Enjoy live music, cocktails, incredible views and an authentic shared dining experience full of regional flavour.
  2. Tag 2

    Lake Mburo National Park

    Leave the city in the rear-view mirror and drive on to Lake Mburo National Park (approximately 4 hours), the only place in the country with impalas, slender mongooses and giant bush rats, and the only in southern Uganda with zebras and giraffes. On arrival, take some time to settle into your accommodation, a splendid eco safari lodge boasting an excellent location at the southern end of the park. Then it’s time to head out and experience the wild wonders of Lake Mburo for yourself on a boat cruise. Glide across the lake’s smooth waters as your local leader points out the fascinating flora and fauna of the region – the lake is home to crocodiles, hippos and dazzling array of bird species including African fish eagles, pelicans, rare shoebills and hamerkops. During the dry season, buffaloes and antelopes often make an appearance on the shores or the lake. Retire to your lodge for the evening and fall asleep to the sounds of the national park.
  3. Tag 3

    Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

    After breakfast, head to the Bwindi National Park in Uganda (approximately 6 hours). Arrive at the Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge, your feature stay accommodation for the next three nights. Sitting high on the Nteko Ridge, the lodge offers up magnificent views of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, home to half of the world’s 800 mountain gorillas. Gaze out across the stoic Virunga Mountains and Albertine Rift Valley. An eco-friendly oasis, beautiful cottages are built with locally sourced materials, a terrace overlooking the forest canopy, and a fireplace for colder nights. The lodge is solar powered, carbon neutral and works closely with the local people. Here you’ll experience genuinely warm Ugandan hospitality – when they wish you welcome, they really mean it. There’s no better spot for soaking in your wild surroundings and searching for mountain gorillas. This evening, join your group and leader for a wholesome dinner at the lodge.
  4. Tag 4

    Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

    Rise early and take a short walk to the park headquarters where you’ll be briefed on the gorilla trek by the Uganda Wildlife Authorities. The trek can be strenuous, wet and uncomfortable at times but the incredible biodiversity of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and the chance to see rare mountain gorillas makes it so worthwhile. We recommend investing in the help of local porters who can carry your pack and provide expert, local one-on-one assistance along the trek. Not only does it make for a more comfortable trek, it also provides valuable employment opportunities to locals. Gorilla trekking is highly controlled, with only 24 gorilla trekking permits available each day. Once you encounter a group of gorillas you will be able to stay with them for one hour – watch them swing from trees, groom each other and play, all under the watchful eye of a giant silverback. Coming face to face with a family of mountain gorillas is sure to be a life-affirming experience that will be etched on your mind forever. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the lush wilderness of the rainforest. At the end of the day the comforts of the hotel beckon, along with a chance to reflect on a memorable day. Freshen up with a hot shower and enjoy a hearty dinner by the crackling fireplace.
  5. Tag 5

    Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

    Enjoy a leisurely breakfast on the terrace overlooking the forest, curated by an in-house chef to showcase the finest locally grown ingredients. The day is free for you to do as little or as much as your please – your leader will be able to help tailor a day that best suits your interests. For those seeking another encounter with the majestic mountain gorillas, there is the option for a second day of trekking. As part of its sustainable tourism initiative, the lodge offers a number of walking safaris guided by passionate local experts. Explore forest trails, meet nearby local communities and take in more unforgettable views. You may wish to simply relax at the lodge and enjoy a drink at the rainforest bar. Tonight’s dinner at the lodge will be a meal like no other. You’ll be joined by a local ranger from the Uganda Wildlife Authority who will provide a special insight into the crucial and challenging role rangers play in conserving the gorilla’s natural habitat. Learn about the intimate and life-saving relationships they form with gorillas and ask any questions you may have on gorilla conversation or the unique life of a ranger.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8

    Lake Naivasha / Lake Nakuru

  9. Tag 9

    Lake Nakuru National Park

  10. Tag 10

    Masai Mara National Reserve

  11. Tag 11

    Masai Mara National Reserve

  12. Tag 12

    Masai Mara National Reserve

  13. Tag 13


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (3 Nächte), Öko-Lodge (3 Nächte), Lodge (3 Nächte), Permanentes Zeltlager (3 Nächte)
  • 12x Frühstück
  • 9x Mittagessen
  • 10x Abendessen
  • Kigali - Willkommensessen
  • Kigali - Genozid-Gedenkstätte
  • Kigali - Stadtrundfahrt
  • Kigali - Traditionelles ugandisches Mittagessen
  • Bwindi - Gorilla Doctors Tierärztliches Aufklärungsgespräch
  • Bwindi Nationalpark - Berggorilla Permit & Trek
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Nairobi - Willkommensessen
  • Naivasha-See - Bootsfahrt
  • Naivashasee - Elsamere Conservation Centre
  • Kiambu Tigoni - Eden Wiederaufforstungsprojekt
  • Lake Nakuru - Nachmittags 4x4 Game Drive
  • Lake Nakuru - morgendliche 4x4 Pirschfahrt
  • Loita Hills - Kulturgespräch und Dorfbesuch
  • Masai Mara - Sundowner und Snacks
  • Masai Mara - Ganztägige 4x4 Pirschfahrt
  • Masai Mara - Nachmittags 4x4 Game Drive


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Kigali, Rwanda
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