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Tanzania Family Safari

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 5 bis 99

ab € 1.666,– p.P.

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  • Begegne brüllenden Löwen und prächtigen Zebras im berühmten Serengeti-Nationalpark. Unsere kleinen Safarifahrzeuge bringen dich ganz nah an das Geschehen in dieser spektakulären Tierarena.
  • Erlebe den Nervenkitzel des Campens in der Natur und schlafe zu den Geräuschen der afrikanischen Nacht ein.
  • Triff einige Maasai Mamas (die Bezeichnung für Handwerkerinnen in Tansania) und erfahre mehr über ihr Dorfleben, z.B. wie man ein lokales Suaheli-Gericht zubereitet.
  • Auf einer atemberaubenden Safari über den Boden des Ngorongoro-Kraters hast du die Chance, das bedrohte Spitzmaulnashorn zu sehen.
  • Begleitet von einer einheimischen Crew - einem Führer, Fahrer und Koch - sind du und deine Familie für die Dauer deines Abenteuers in besten Händen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.666,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Jambo! Welcome to Kenya. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 5 pm. You can arrive at any time as there are no activities planned until this important meeting. If you and your family arrive early, perhaps head out and explore the National Museum of Kenya, the Karen Blixen Museum or the highly recommended Bomas of Kenya where traditional homesteads of several Kenyan tribes are displayed in an outdoor village. Or, to get a glimpse of some animals, head to the David Sheldricks Elephant Orphanage and the Giraffe Centre. These conservation projects allow you to see the animals up close while learning more about them and their plight in the modern world.
  2. Tag 2


    Hit the road after breakfast as you drive across the border to Tanzania and your overnight stop, Arusha. Located at the base of volcanic Mt Meru, Arusha is the gateway to safari destinations and to Africa's highest peak – the 5895 m Mt Kilimanjaro, lying some 100 kilometres northeast. After setting up the campsite on arrival, you and your family can relax and have a swim in the pool. Driving time: 5 hours
  3. Tag 3


    Take a short drive to the small town of Kisongo where you and your family get to enjoy a fun day with some local ‘Mamas’ (the name for female artisans in Tanzania) First, the women will teach you how to prepare a local Swahili dish for lunch. After enjoying your creations, you’ll get the chance to take a closer look into their lives. With help from a translator, the women will lead smaller groups around their village. Visit their homes and see how a traditional boma (small hut made of mud and cow dung) is set up. You’ll also get to meet their families and learn about Maasai culture. After this illuminating day, drive to the small town of Karatu, the gateway to the Ngorongoro Crater. Have a good night’s sleep before we head on safari tomorrow!
  4. Tag 4

    Serengeti National Park

    Travel from Karatu to the gate of Serengeti National Park and have a picnic lunch at the entrance. Enter the Serengeti and enjoy a game drive on the way to your campsite. The vast plains of the Serengeti – green after the rains, brown and burnt in the dry season – are home to thousands of hoofed animals and fierce predators. Flat and rolling, with long grass and acacia trees, these plains get their name from the Maasai word siringet – 'The place where the land moves on forever'. Your campsite is right in the action, within the park itself, so listen out for the sounds of nocturnal animals as you drift off to sleep. Driving time today is 4 hours plus game drives.
  5. Tag 5

    Serengeti National Park

    Start the day with a game drive at dawn. You will head out while the animals are at their most active, then head back to camp for brunch at around 11 am. After spending the warmer part of the day relaxing, as the animals do, depart again at dusk for another adventure through the wild before returning in time for dinner. There's also the option of a balloon ride over the park today, which makes for an excellent family activity. If you have pre-booked this activity (please see the ‘Notes' section) you will be picked up before dawn and driven to the launch site. After a safety briefing, you will glide through the sunrise, sometimes at tree height, which provides amazing photo opportunities. Sometimes you will ascend, getting an overview of the enormity of the plains and the early morning movements of the teeming herds. After landing, you'll be treated to a five-star bush breakfast, before being returned to your camp.
  6. Tag 6

    Ngorongoro Conservation Area - Karatu

  7. Tag 7

    Mto Wa Mbu

  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotels (3 Nächte), Camping mit einfacher Ausstattung (4 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 7x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Kisongo - Kochkurs, Handwerk und Dorfspaziergang
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Pirschfahrt im Überlandfahrzeug
  • Mto wa Mbu - Dorfspaziergang und Mittagessen


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Preise gelten ab/bis Nairobi, Kenya
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