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Sail Italy: Procida to Amalfi

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
min. 1 / max. 8
4 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 684,– p.P.

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  • Zwischen den pastellfarbenen Häusern des beschaulichen Procida wirst du dich wirklich fühlen, als wärst du abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade gewandert
  • Besuche die antike römische Stadt Pompeji, die nach Tausenden von Jahren aus der Asche auferstanden ist, und wirf einen Blick in den dampfenden Krater des Vulkans, der sie zerstört hat.
  • Spaziere durch die blühende Landschaft an der Amalfiküste und pflücke Oliven direkt vom Baum
  • Diese Region ist ein Paradies für Meeresfrüchte, Ausblicke und Entspannung. Die freie Zeit, die dir auf dieser Reise zur Verfügung steht, ermöglicht es dir, die berühmte Küche der Küste zu erkunden, die idealen Postkartenansichten zu finden und dich in aller Ruhe treiben zu lassen.
  • Die atemberaubende Landschaft der sorrentinischen Halbinsel ist eine malerische Mischung aus Küstenlinien, Vulkanen und charakteristischen Inseln


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 684,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Procida, Italy, a tiny island off the coast of Naples. Your adventure begins today with a group meeting at 3 pm. We'll be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this meeting, so ensure you bring these details to provide to your leader. The first port of call is then the local supermarket to buy supplies for your trip as a group. If you have any special dietary requirements, please make sure you notify us at the time of booking so we can accommodate your requests. If you have time in the morning, explore the Mediterranean city of Procida. Perhaps see the walled medieval town of Terra Murata or the charming port of Corricella. Head to the boat for a gentle introduction to life on-board and sail the short distance west to the largest of the Phlegraean Islands, Ischia. In contrast to Procida, it’s the largest island in the Bay of Naples. ***The beauty of sailing is that each day is unique and, while we have a destination to reach, if the weather changes or something takes the group’s fancy, we are flexible on the day's itinerary***
  2. Tag 2

    Ischia - Sorrento

    Spend the morning and early afternoon in Ischia. Perhaps visit Spiaggia dei Pescatori, which is an idyllic beach nestled between Ischia Porto and Ischia Ponte. The beach offers a great view of Castello Aragonese, a 15th-century medieval castle. In the afternoon set sail for Sorrento, which offers panoramic views of the Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. Sorrento has a steady stream of visitors, peaking in the summer months. Tonight you’ll have the opportunity to try one of Sorrento's well-known exports – Limoncello. This a liqueur produced from locally-grown Femminello Santa Teresa lemons.
  3. Tag 3

    Sorrento - Pompeii

    Today you have the option to visit the abandoned city of Pompeii, a Roman settlement that was frozen in time when Mount Vesuvius erupted. Well-preserved buildings, artwork and pottery offer a glimpse into the lives of the ancient Romans. There’s also an option to hire a private guide for the ruins, as the site could easily be explored over an entire day due to sheer size and content (the additional cost of a private guide will be split between the group). Another possible activity is a visit to the Mount Vesuvius National Park. Reach the volcano by taking a public bus (approximately 30 minutes) and then a short walk (200 metres), which requires a moderate level of fitness. Although it's not an overly strenuous walk, if you have any health issues you may want to run this past your doctor before leaving home. At 1,200 metres, it will be a lot colder than sea level so you'll need to bring a fleece, rain coat, hat, sunscreen, good walking shoes and lots of water with you. The return trip should take approximately three hours. Notes: The cost of your entry ticket to Mount Vesuvius will include the services of a volcanology guide and, if you're lucky enough to visit on a clear day, you'll have incredible views over the Bay of Naples and into the crater. Although Mt Vesuvius is still considered to be an active volcano, the last eruption was in 1944 and there's no sign of lava. If you plan to visit many archaeological sites while in the Amalfi region, you should consider purchasing a Campania Arte card annual pass. For details please refer to
  4. Tag 4


    Set sail for the Amalfi Coast, a collection of rocky coastlines, tiered lemon groves and whitewashed villages clinging to steep cliffs, passing the Sirenusas (Gallos) archipelago to the east of the Sorrentine Peninsula on the way. Your sailing adventure comes to an end on the Amalfi Coast today at around 10 am. After a final breakfast together you’re free to depart, although we recommend staying a few additional nights in Amalfi for further exploration. Your skipper can assist you with directions to the ferry terminal or to your hotel if you’re staying on. **Got extra time? For a more encompassing sailing experience why not consider our 7 day Amalfi Sailing Adventure? For more information enter trip code ZSRAC**
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Leistungen 2024

  • Boot mit Übernachtung (3 Nächte)


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Procida, Italy
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