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Cinque Terre: Hike, Bike & Kayak

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.804,– p.P.

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  • Tauche ein in die farbenfrohen Klippenhäuser und das Küstenparadies, das die Region Cinque Terre in Italien zu einem der romantischsten Reiseziele der Welt macht.
  • Erkunde die schönsten Wanderwege der Region zu Fuß, darunter auch Teile der klassischen Küstenroute. Fahre mit dem Fahrrad durch wunderschöne Dörfer (die beste Art, die Gegend zu erkunden) und mache eine Kajaktour auf dem glitzernden Mittelmeer zu einem paradiesischen Strand.
  • Wenn du lieber mehr Zeit am Strand verbringen möchtest, kannst du auch mit dem Zug fahren, anstatt zu wandern - mit einem lokalen Führer und jemandem, der alles für dich organisiert, kannst du dein eigenes Abenteuer wählen!
  • Genieße die köstliche italienische Küche und den Aperitif am Nachmittag mit Blick auf die spektakulären Klippen, die ikonischen Dorfansichten und das tiefe Blau des Ozeans.
  • Entdecke eine Reihe von mittelalterlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Burg und die Kirchen von Levanto und die Abtei von San Fruttuoso.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, World Bicycle Relief. Mit den Spenden erhalten Schulkinder, Gesundheitshelfer und Bauern in entlegenen Gebieten Fahrräder, die ihnen Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Einkommen verschaffen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.804,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Erkunde mit dieser achttägigen Aktivreise eine surreale Region Italiens, die direkt einer Postkarte entsprungen ist (nur besser). Die Häuser sind in leuchtenden Farben gestrichen, das Meer ist heller als der Himmel und die Sonne strahlt so stark, dass alles ein wenig technisch wirkt - willkommen in den Cinque Terre. Dieses Juwel Europas verändert sich mit dem Licht des Tages und lässt sich am besten zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad oder dem Kajak erkunden. Auf dieser Reise wirst du die Schönheit der Natur auf allen drei Wegen erleben! Radle an Olivenhainen vorbei, wandere zu mittelalterlichen Monumenten, fahre mit dem Kajak zu traumhaften Stränden und tanke jeden Nachmittag Energie mit Cocktails und Kohlenhydraten! Hat jemand Pasta gesagt?

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Arrive in Levanto, centrally located on the Ligurian coast. Please make your own way to the hotel. No activities are planned for today until tonight's group meeting, so you can arrive at any time. In this meeting, your leader will give you a briefing on what lies ahead. In the evening you can take a relaxed stroll through the town to take in the atmosphere of this seaside location, and perhaps head out to dinner with your new travel companions.
  2. Tag 2

    Hiking in Cinque Terre / Biking to Framura

    Today you will embark on your first walk, which takes you along the coast from Levanto to Monterosso, the first of the five villages of the Cinque Terre. The first part of the walk leads you through the old town centre of Levanto, past the stunning cathedral and up to its castle. It then continues up to Punta Mesco, the most notable promontory in the region. Just short of this point, take a small detour to the ruins of an 11th-century hermitage and the nearby ruins of the lighthouse. Here you can enjoy marvellous views of the rugged coastline and find a nice spot to stop for a short break and picnic lunch. Then follow the fairly steep path down into Monterosso – a colourful village with blue, red and yellow houses that cluster along the beachfront. Take your time to explore this interesting little town before taking the local train back to Levanto. In the afternoon explore the coast in a different way: Get on bikes and ride along the old coastal railway line to Framura, now turned into a beautiful cycling path. The scenery is stunning and the ride virtually flat. Perhaps enjoy an aperitivo in a great spot overlooking the sea, before returning to Levanto.
  3. Tag 3

    Hiking in Cinque Terre

    A short train ride brings you to Riomaggiore, the southernmost of the five villages. Here you will start the most famous of all walks in the area: the classic coastal walk that links the five villages. Begin with a short stroll through Riomaggiore and along a short stretch of the ‘Via dell’Amore’. Next is a beautiful but strenuous trail through the vineyards (train ride optional). This takes you to Manarola, an attractive little village with steep multi-coloured houses overlooking a rocky port. From Manarola, make your way up through a stunning terraced landscape to the village of Volastra, then continue your walk along one of the most beautiful trails in the area. Through terraced vineyards and the occasional bit of forest, you approach Corniglia, perched on a ridge overlooking the sea. Next is the little hamlet of Prevo, walking through terraced vineyards and the occasional citrus grove. Enjoy some of the best views in the region as you approach Vernazza, which is dominated by its old fortress. Follow the contours of the hillside on a narrow track that leads you up and down, before a fairly steep descent takes you into the village itself. After a day of walking, perhaps wind down with a drink in Vernazza, on the wonderful town square at the harbour, resplendent with its brightly painted boats. In the late afternoon you will take the train back to Levanto.
  4. Tag 4

    Hiking to Portovenere

    Begin your day with a short train ride back to the tiny village of Riomaggiore. Embark on a walk that leads you to Portovenere at the very end of the peninsula. Today’s trail is the most challenging of the Ligurian walks; it's also perhaps the most rewarding. First you will walk up a rather steep flight of stairs, then along an undulating track to reach the sanctuary of the Madonna di Montenero (those who wish to opt out of this climb can catch a bus instead). After stopping at the sanctuary for a short break, continue your walk to Campiglia. Continuing uphill you will follow the contours of the coastal cliffs, passing terraced vineyards and enjoying wonderful views of the coastline. Pass the abandoned village of Lemmen and walk high on the ridge through vineyards and pine forest. Finally descend to the little village of Campiglia, where you can stop for lunch and some refreshments. Then continue towards Portovenere and enjoy even more spectacular coastal views. When you arrive at the 16th-century castle above the village, you might be able to catch a glimpse of the white marble peaks of the Apuan Alps before you descend a long staircase that takes you to St Peter’s Point and then into the heart of the village. After some free time to relax in Portovenere, return by public boat to your base in Levanto – a lovely way to see the coast from the water.
  5. Tag 5

    Levanto / Santa Margherita

    Today we transfer our base from Levanto to Santa Mergherita. You have the option to either walk part of the way or take the train for the entire distance. If you decide to walk you will be travelling on the so-called Wild-West-Walk. The first part of your walk follows the beach, then heads into the foothills and down to the charming seaside village of Bonassola (a good place for a morning coffee stop). Then stroll through the seaside hills towards the small village of Framura, a collection of ancient hamlets on a hillside, distinctive due to its red rocks. From Costa, the largest hamlet, a level path contours around the hills and offers you splendid views out to sea. You can opt to either continue your walk to the resort of Deiva Marina, or walk back down to the coast to take a swim, before catching the train to Santa Margherita.
  6. Tag 6

    Hiking & Kayaking on Portofino Peninsula

  7. Tag 7

    Santa Margherita

  8. Tag 8

    Santa Margherita

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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (7 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • Punta Mesca Geführte Wanderung
  • Fahrradtour an der Küste nach Framura
  • Geführte Wanderung durch die Cinque Terre
  • Geführte Wanderung von Riomaggiore nach Portovenere
  • Bootsfahrt von Portovenere nach Levanto
  • Geführte Wanderung nach Portofino
  • Portofino Seekajak


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Levanto, Italy
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