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Amalfi Coast: Hike & Kayak

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 12 bis 99

ab € 1.718,– p.P.

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  • Fahre mit dem Kajak entlang der Amalfiküste und genieße die herrliche Landschaft, das glitzernde blaue Wasser und die farbenfrohe Architektur aus einer anderen Perspektive. Halte an dem kleinen Strand in Santacroce für einen Aperitif an und paddle dann in der warmen Nachmittagssonne zurück.
  • Wandere auf dem Pfad der Götter entlang des spektakulären Sentiero degli Dei - einem der schönsten Wanderwege der Welt - im malerischen Amalfi.
  • Erkunde die Insel Capri, die einst ein luxuriöser Zufluchtsort für römische Kaiser war, und entdecke die mächtigen Klippen, abgeschiedenen Buchten, Grotten und die atemberaubende mediterrane Landschaft.
  • Entdecke die antike römische Stadt Pompeji, die im Schatten des Vesuvs in der Zeit stehen geblieben ist. Erkunde die weitläufigen Ruinen, darunter das Haus des Fauns und den Apollotempel, und steige dann mit einem auf Vulkanologie spezialisierten Führer auf den Vulkan, um versteckte Schwefelschlote zu erkunden.
  • Mach das Beste aus deiner Zeit in Italien - von Neapel bis Amalfi, warum nicht all die traditionellen Pizzen und hausgemachten Nudeln genießen, die du essen kannst, und all die klassischen Weine und Aperitifs, die es vor, nach und zwischen deinen Mahlzeiten gibt.
  • Auf dieser Reise lernst du unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, die Cooperativa Coraggio, kennen. Spenden helfen ihr, 22 Hektar ungenutztes öffentliches Land zu regenerieren, um lokale Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und Bio-Lebensmittel in Italien zu produzieren. Intrepid wird die Wirkung verdoppeln, indem alle Spenden, die nach der Reise an die Intrepid Foundation gehen, verdoppelt werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.718,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Schnüre deine Stiefel und richte deinen Blick auf den spektakulären Mittelmeerhorizont. Diese achttägige Wander- und Kajaktour an der Amalfiküste ist ein Traum für jeden Naturliebhaber! Spaziere durch die üppigen Mulini- und Ferriere-Täler, sage den Bauern auf dem Weg der Götter "Buongiorno", fahre mit dem Boot zur Insel Capri und paddle in der Nachmittagssonne mit dem Kajak zu abgelegenen Stränden. Genieße die Sonnenuntergänge, iss dein Gewicht in köstlichem italienischem Essen (Pizza und Pasta, wer will?) und werde aktiv in einer der schönsten Gegenden Italiens, wenn nicht sogar der Welt. Mit einem Glas Limoncello in der Hand beobachtest du Sonnenuntergänge, wirst aktiv und genießt die Schönheit dieses Ortes mit gleichgesinnten Reisenden.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Naples, the capital of the region of Campania. Please make your own way to the joining hotel, which is located in the historic centre of the city. No activities are planned before this evening's group meeting, so you may arrive at any time. If you arrive early, use your free time during the day to discover some of Naples' impressive architecture and grandiose monuments, many of which date back to the Spanish rule of the 16th and 17th centuries. Maybe check out the Royal Palace of Naples or head through a grand plaza to Museo di Capodimonte. Naples is a major European cultural capital since the time of the Greeks. After the group meeting, perhaps seek out an authentic Neapolitan pizza for dinner.
  2. Tag 2

    Pompeii / Hiking on Vesuvius / Agerola

    After a leisurely breakfast, board your private minibus to the Pompeii archaeological site. Here, without question, lie some of the world’s most fascinating and preeminent ruins. Finely preserved, they give you an extraordinarily real image of daily life in a Roman city with villas, temples, theatres and bustling markets. Walk along the chariot-marked streets that were nestled under the shadow of Vesuvius until the fatal eruption in 79 AD. Visit the magnificent amphitheatre and the ‘Villa of Mysteries’. You can also visit the Roman Forum and basilica, temples, public baths, and the tiny Odeon created for music recitals. After lunch your private minibus will pick you up for our next destination: Vesuvius. Take a walk around the very rim of Vesuvius' crater, with sulphuric gases and steam still emerging from the gravel. A scenic drive (approximately 1 hour) will then take you to the Agerola high plain. Along the way, you'll be dazzled by views over the Bay of Naples and the Amalfi Coast.
  3. Tag 3


    Today is a free day for you to relax or enjoy some of the area's walking trails. Perhaps walk to the viewpoint of ‘Punto Panoramico’ for great views of the Amalfi Coast. From here descend through a spectacular landscape, which overlooks the Isle of Capri and the densely forested mountains of Cilento National Park. Your path leads you through an archetypical Mediterranean landscape with vineyards, chestnut trees, oaks and pretty sections of shrubs and flowers. You will spot many old ruins speckling the hillsides. In spring, you can smell the Italian herbs and you will walk past steeples of limestone rocks, through lush vineyards, chestnut trees and aromatic flora, and beside ruins speckled on the hillsides. Alternatively visit the village of Bomerano where you will have the opportunity to sit down for lunch or taste some of the local limoncello.
  4. Tag 4

    Hiking along Sentiero Degli Dei / Positano / Amalfi

    This morning perhaps enjoy a coffee before embarking on what has become one of Italy's most famous hiking trails, the 'Sentiero degli Dei' (Footpath of the Gods) which will bring you all the way to Positano. This path winds its way through unique scenery and boasts unrivalled views along the coast. Walk through forests and fields of wildflowers, past ancient stone huts and beside sheer walls of granite. Glimpse local farmers tending their crops by hoe and elbow grease, herds of goats feeding beside the trail beside their shepherds, and teams of workmen commuting by mule. By late morning you will reach Vallone di Grarelle, then continue to the hamlet of Nocelle, a picturesque village situated above Positano. A walk through the village leads to what’s known as the Montepertuso Crossing – a deep gorge with limestone walls. From Montepertuso it's just a short walk down the old steps, through olive groves and vineyards, to beautiful Positano (though you can take a bus instead if you like). From Positano continue to Amalfi by boat and enjoy the scenery from a different view point.
  5. Tag 5

    Hiking on Capri Island / Amalfi

    Today is dedicated to the rightly famous Isle of Capri, a place where Roman emperors used to come as tourists. You will take a ferry from Amalfi to Capri, following the beautiful coastline and passing the islands of the mythical sirens that were mentioned in Homer's Iliadand Odyssey. As you approach, witness Capri’s coastline in all its glory: mighty cliffs, shard-like rock formations, crashing blue seas. Have your camera at the ready on this short cruise. When you arrive in Capri, you will see the popular sights, then take a beautiful circuit walk. During this walk you will pass Villa Jovis (the ruins of the most impressive Roman villa on the island, once home to Emperor Tiberius), see a historic monastery and explore the winding alleyways of the village of Capri. Part of your walk follows untouched coastline and passes many impressive grottoes, and there's time to dip your feet in the water. Your walk can be extended or shortened in many ways today, depending on the wishes of the group. Late in the afternoon you will travel by boat back to Amalfi.
  6. Tag 6

    Kayaking & Hiking around Amalfi

  7. Tag 7

    Hiking to Ravello / Amalfi

  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (7 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • Pompeji - Archäologische Stätte
  • Geführte Wanderung entlang des Kraterrandes und des Gipfels des Vesuvs
  • Pompeji - Geführter Spaziergang
  • Sentiero degli Dei (Fußpfad der Götter)
  • Bootsfahrt von Positano nach Amalfi
  • Archäologische Stätte Villa Jovis
  • Bootsfahrt zur Isle of Capri
  • Capri Küstenwanderung
  • Mit dem Kajak zum Strand von Santacroce
  • Naturwanderung im Tal des Drachen
  • Scala di Pontone Wanderung
  • Villa Cimbrone


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Naples, Italy
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