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Bangkok to Bali

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
28 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 4.280,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Entdecke eine andere Seite von Kuala Lumpur - abseits der Wolkenkratzer - auf einer halbtägigen Street Food Tour durch die Gassen und entdecke Geschmacksrichtungen, für die du ein Einheimischer sein musst.
  • Tauche im Khao Sok Nationalpark in ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber ein und erkunde, wandere, entspanne und fahre mit dem Longtailboot auf einem von Kalksteinfelsen umgebenen See.
  • Auf einer Kajaktour durch die atemberaubenden Buchten, Höhlen und versteckten Lagunen der Mangrovenwälder von Ao Thalane findest du ein Stück vom Paradies.
  • Die Besteigung des Mt. Bromo in den frühen Morgenstunden ist ein unvergessliches Abenteuer. Wenn die Bedingungen stimmen, wirst du mit einem atemberaubenden Sonnenuntergang über den nebelverhangenen Vulkanen belohnt.
  • Wirf einen Blick hinter die Kulissen einiger der faszinierenden lokalen Industrien Javas - von Kaffee, Kakao und Palmzucker bis hin zur traditionellen javanischen Medizin.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 4.280,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Sa-wat dee! Welcome to Thailand. Thailand's bustling capital, Bangkok is famous for its tuk-tuks, khlong boats and street vendors serving up delicious Thai food. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. Bangkok has so much to offer those with time to explore, so perhaps arrive a day or so early and take a riverboat to Chinatown and explore the crowded streets, uncover the magnificent Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, wander down the tourist mecca of Khao San Road, or indulge in some Thai massage. After the meeting tonight perhaps gather your fellow travellers together and tuck into some into world famous street food.
  2. Tag 2

    Bangkok - Overnight train

    Begin the day with a river cruise down the Chao Phraya River to explore the famous ‘khlongs’ (canals) (approximately 1 hour). Life along these canals seems a world away from the chaotic streets of the capital. Pay a visit to Wat Pho, one of the Bangkok temples, with a 46-metre-long gold-plated Buddha reclining inside. Even the feet of this statue are incredible, three metres long and intricately decorated with mother of pearl. The temple grounds are equally fascinating, filled with beautifully decorated stupas, halls, and shrines. No trip to Thailand is complete without an overnight train journey and this evening you’ll head south to Surat Thani, accommodated in air-conditioned sleeping berths (approximately 12 hours). Multi share compartments have bunk beds, with sheets and pillow provided, your baggage travels in the carriage with you and there is a food and drink service available on board.
  3. Tag 3

    Khao Sok

    Arrive into Surat Thani in the morning and then travel by minivan to Khao Sok (approximately 2.5 hours). Set amid hectares of thick jungle, waterfalls, limestone cliffs and topped off with an island-studded lake, the national park of Khao Sok is a nature lover's paradise. Here you’ll have free time to explore one of the oldest rainforests in the world. Walk along the dirt trails that snake through the quiet park, looking out for wildlife as you head for rivers and waterfalls. The flora is also top-notch, with the rare Rafflesia Kerri, one of the world’s largest flowers, only found in Thailand here. There are longer hiking trails also available and in the rainy season there's an option to take to the water in inner tubes and float down the river through the rainforest. Spend a night in a rustic hut amid ancient gnarled rainforest trees.
  4. Tag 4

    Khao Sok

    Travel through pristine jungle, rubber and oil plantations before boarding a long tail boat for a ride across stunning Cheow Lan Lake, with one of its islands as your destination. With limestone karst hills rising almost 1000 metres into the air and surrounded by beautiful green waters, the area is incredibly picturesque. Trek to an island cave and discover its eerie stalactites and bats hanging from the ceiling, with subterranean streams at your feet. You’ll enjoy lunch in a local raft-house before having free time to relax, swim or kayak around the lake to search for wildlife – the water is clear and teems with aquatic life, and you might spot hornbills, langurs, macaques or gibbons above water. Return to your accommodation for the night.
  5. Tag 5

    Ao Nang

    Sit back and enjoy a private mini van ride to a small village in the Krabi province (approximately 3 hours). On arrival, enjoy a walk around the village, try out rubber tapping and enjoy the great food and hospitality of the region. Thailand is one of the world’s three largest producers of rubber, and you can try your hand at ‘tapping’ a rubber tree – skimming the bark off the tree to create a path for the milky white latex to run down. There is also an opportunity to assist with the preparation of tonight's meal – learn some of the delicious secrets of southern Thai cooking and enjoy a dinner that tastes all the better thanks to your handiwork! This is a wonderful opportunity to absorb some of the daily rituals of Thai culture. After dinner, make the short journey to Ao Nang (approximately 30 minutes) where you’ll spend the night.
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    Ao Nang

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    Ao Nang

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    Kuala Lumpur

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    Kuala Lumpur

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    Seloliman Nature Reserve

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    Seloliman Nature Reserve – Mt Bromo

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    Mt Bromo – Kalibaru

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    Kalibaru – Pemuteran

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Leistungen 2024

  • Gästehaus (1 Nacht), Hotel (19 Nächte), Resort (6 Nächte), Schlafwagenübernachtung (1 Nacht)
  • 23x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Bangkok - Khlong-Boot-Kanaltour
  • Bangkok - Wat Pho
  • Khao Sok - Cheow Lan See Tour
  • Khao Sok - Rafthouse Mittagessen
  • Ao Nang - Baan Bor Tor Seekajakfahren
  • Ao Nang - Mittagessen im Seekajak
  • Trang - Mod Tanoy Dorf Wanderung
  • Aktivitäten der Dorfgemeinschaft Trang - Mod Tanoy
  • Trang - Mod Tanoy Dorfgemeinschaft Mittagessen
  • Penang - Hawker Food Erlebnis
  • Penang - Spaziergang, einschließlich Clan Jetty und Kek Lok Si-Tempel
  • Kuala Lumpur - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Melaka - Trishaw Sightseeing Tour
  • Jakarta - Stadtrundfahrt
  • Pangandaran - Grüner Canyon
  • Pangandaran - Tour durch Dörfer und Handwerksbetriebe
  • Borobudur - Tempeltour
  • Yogyakarta - Radtour auf dem Land
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Besuch des Umweltbildungszentrums
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Umweltbildungszentrum Mittagessen
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Umweltbildungszentrum Abendessen
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Geführter Spaziergang & Kräutergetränkeverkostung
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Umweltbildungszentrum Mittagessen
  • Mt Bromo - Sonnenaufgangsbesteigung
  • Kalibaru - Kaffee-, Kakao- und Kautschukplantagen-Tour
  • Mengwi - Taman Ayun-Tempel


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Preise gelten ab/bis Bangkok, Thailand
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