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Bali Family Holiday with Teenagers

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 18
8 Tage
von 10 bis 99

ab € 1.107,– p.P.

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  • Genieße eine Mischung aus abenteuerlichen Aktivitäten, von Schnorcheln über Wandern bis hin zu Rafting - perfekt für Familien, die es lieben, ihren Puls in Schwung zu bringen
  • Nimm an einer aufregenden Wildwasserfahrt auf dem Ayung-Fluss teil und genieße dabei die wunderschöne Kulisse der Regenwälder, Schluchten und Reisfelder auf deinem Weg.
  • Schnorchle im klaren blauen Wasser vor der Küste eines kleinen Dorfes
  • Abgerundet wird das große Abenteuer mit einem Besuch in Sanur, einem großartigen Zentrum für Shopping und Entspannung am Strand.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Intrepid Foundation-Partner, die Coral Triangle Center Foundation. Die Spenden helfen dabei, das Projekt zur Wiederherstellung der Korallen zu erweitern und die Bildungsaktivitäten für die örtlichen Schulen in Nusa Penida zu unterstützen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.107,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Obwohl Indonesiens perfekter Inselurlaub oft als Land der Strände und des Sonnenbadens angesehen wird, mag es überraschen, dass Bali auch eine andere Seite hat, die ebenso aufregend wie entspannend ist. Nimm die Familie mit in die Reisfelder und über die Stromschnellen in der Nähe von Ubud, mach eine aufregende Fahrradtour durch ländliche Dörfer, entspann dich an den Stränden von Amed und fahre dann nach Sanur, um bei einem Inselurlaub mit allem Drum und Dran das gehobene Urlaubsleben kennenzulernen.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Om Swastiastu! Welcome to Ubud, the arts and cultural centre of Bali. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 5pm. Please look for a note in the hotel lobby or ask reception where it will take place. If you're going to be late, please inform the hotel reception. If you can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time for the welcome meeting, you may wish to arrive a day early so you're able to attend. We'll be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability). Afterwards, perhaps head out for an optional dinner with the other families. If you’ve arrived early, Ubud is a wonderful place to experience the magic that has made Bali such a popular travel destination. Perhaps explore the Blanco Renaissance Museum, the Puri Lukisan Museum, the numerous Hindu temples or the Puri Saren Agung in depth.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning’s adventure takes you out of town and up amongst the lush landscape of Bali. First up is a visit to Pura Luhur Batukaru which is located on the slopes of Mount Batukaru. The 11th century Batukaru Temple shares its location with the Wongaya Gede farming community in the Penebel Village of Tabanan regency. Here you will jump on a e-bike and cycle through the UNESCO World Heritage site of Jatiluwih. Your ride will take you by dense jungle, giant bamboo forest, local villages and rice terraces, finishing at a local café for an included lunch. Our local café will serve up an authentic Indonesian meal. All ingredients are locally and organically grown. The estimated riding time is 2 hours. In the afternoon we head back to Ubud where you will have some free time to wander the streets, swim in the pool and simply relax Driving times: Ubud to Batukaru Temple - 1 hour 30 minutes Jatiluwih to Ubud – 1 hour 30 minutes
  3. Tag 3


    Take a short trip out of Ubud for an exhilarating white water rafting adventure as you rapidly drift down past an 11 kilometre (7 mile) stretch of river. Navigate on a 2 hour trip through class II and III rapids while taking in a backdrop of pristine rainforest, shadowy gorges and serene rice paddies. Once the trip comes to an end, warm yourself back up with a shower before continuing onwards to Candi Dasa later in the afternoon. Spend some free time wandering around the town. Perhaps relax by the attractive lagoon, take a swim in the inviting waters or take advantage of the excellent snorkelling conditions. Driving times: Ubud accommodation to Whitewater Rafting - 30 minutes Whitewater Rafting to Candidasa accommodation –1 hour and 40 minutes
  4. Tag 4


    The next leg of the adventure takes you off your feet and onto a bike for a fantastic ride through the Balinese rural countryside. Travel past pleasant, picture-perfect farmland full of rice paddies and plantations of peanuts, potatoes, fruits and flowers on a trail spanning for approximately 27 kilometres (17 miles) ¬most of the route is downhill however there are some steep stretches near the end of the ride uphill, there are narrow paths and some traffic along the way but we try to use quiet roads where possible. Our cycling ends at White Sand Beach, a cosy little inlet with a clear view of the ocean. Take a splash in the ocean and clean yourself off after a big ride, then snack on lunch before heading back to Candi Dasa for an afternoon of exploration. A support vehicle will travel with the group during the bike ride for those who wish to have a break. Helmets are provided though if you prefer please bring one from home. Estimated riding time: 2-3 hours. Driving times: Candidasa accommodation to to Pekarangan village – 15 minutes Pekarangan Village to White Sandy Beach – 30 minutes White Sandy Beach to Candidasa accommodation – 40 minutes
  5. Tag 5


    Leaving Candi Dasa behind we head to the rice field to start our Rice Terrace trekking. Walk through countryside and rice fields behind the Tirtagangga Water Palace and the village for around 1 hour. Your guide will explain to you the importance of water for Balinese people whose livelihoods are in agriculture. The walk is along uneven tracks and irrigation channels with some up and downhill walking. Tirta Gangga water palace is a maze of pools and fountains surrounded by a lush garden and stone carvings and statues. The gardens were designed and constructed in 1948 by Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem (1887 – 1966), who was the last Raja (King) of Karangasem. The centrepiece of the palace is an eleven tiered fountain. In the afternoon we hit the road and continue on through lush countryside to Amed, a long coastal strip of fishing villages in East Bali that clasp themselves along a series of stone-speckled beaches. With the palm tree coated hills in the background and the inviting water slowly lapping the beach in front, you might want to take advantage of the excellent snorkelling conditions while you’re here. That said, the lazy pace and stunning scenery might also make for excellent sunbaking conditions – feel free to sit back and relax for the rest of the day if you want. Driving times: Candidasa accommodation to Tirta Gangga – 1 hour Tirta Gangga to Amed accommodation – 1 hour
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotels (7 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Ubud - Ländliche Fahrradtour
  • Ubud - Wildwasser-Rafting
  • Pekarangan - Dorf- und Bauernhofbesuch
  • Amed - Tirta Gangga Palast Tour
  • Amed - Schnorchelausflug
  • Sanur - Sitzung zum Thema Umweltschutz


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Preise gelten ab/bis Ubud, Indonesia
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