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Premium Venice to Dubrovnik

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
16 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 6.420,– p.P.

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  • Genieße die absolute Ruhe im Hotel Istra auf seiner eigenen Privatinsel und genieße die unglaubliche Aussicht auf die Adria von deinem Gästehaus auf der unberührten Insel Lastovo - deine beiden besonderen Aufenthalte auf dieser Reise.
  • Genieße das pulsierende Leben in Zadar bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis. Steige in ein traditionelles Barkajoli-Ruderboot und fahre über die Bucht, gefolgt von einem Drink bei Sonnenuntergang mit Blick auf das Wasser.
  • Genieße bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis eine Trüffelverkostung in Motovun. Die Trüffel werden mit lokalen Spezialitäten kombiniert und ein Sommelier wird deine Verkostung mit den passenden istrischen Weinen verbinden, die du probieren kannst.
  • Reise mit erfahrenen lokalen Führern, die lokale Geheimnisse, Insiderwissen und historische Informationen weitergeben und folge einem lokalen Führer durch den Diokletianpalast in Split.
  • Tauche bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis in die lokale Kultur ein, indem du mit einem Fischer der Insel Lastovo hinausfährst, ihm beim Einholen des täglichen Fangs hilfst und an Bord ein Mittagessen mit den frischesten Meeresfrüchten genießt, die man sich vorstellen kann.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 6.420,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Your adventure begins today in the marvellous city of Venice. You will be collected from the airport on arrival and transferred to your hotel by car and water taxi, where you will meet your leader and fellow travellers for a 6pm welcome meeting. If you have time to spare before then, you may wish to take a walking tour of the highlights, including St Mark's Square and the Basilica, Doges’ Palace, Accademia Bridge and the Bridge of Sighs. This watery wonderland of bridges, towers, piazzas, canals, churches and gondolas – practically unchanged for 600 years – is literally sinking under the weight of iconic sights. After the meeting tonight, join your leader and small group for a welcome dinner at a fabulous local restaurant. Venice is famous for fantastic seafood and fresh Veneto vegetables – perhaps try some fritto misto, a delicious mix of fried seafood, or risotto with asparagus.
  2. Tag 2

    Postojna Caves / Ljubljana / Bled

    Farewell Venice in the morning and travel to the Postojna Caves, where you will take some time out for lunch before exploring. A network of 20 kilometres of passages, galleries and chambers, Postojna is the largest classic karst cave in Europe. Begin with a two-kilometre open-top train ride through narrow tunnels into the jungle of stalactites and stalagmites. In the vast chambers the electric lighting allows you to admire the size and splendour of the underground world, and the leader will explain the geology of these natural wonders. Continue to Ljubljana, a city full of style and sophistication. On arrival take a guided tour around the Old Town with your leader. Learn about the city’s history as you visit Ljubljana Castle, the Town Hall, Cathedral of St Nicholas and the Dragon Bridge. You'll also pay a visit to the open market under arcades before continuing to the lake side town of Bled.
  3. Tag 3

    Lake Bohinj / Bled

    This morning you’ll drive through the misty Sava Bohinjka Valley to beautiful Lake Bohinj, the largest permanent natural lake in Slovenia. Take a cable car to the top of Mt Vogel, where you will be greeted by simply astonishing views of evergreen woods sloping down the mountains to touch the brilliant blue waters. Take some time to enjoy this amazing area before returning to Bled, renowned for its mild, healing climate and thermal lake water. Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant and then embark on some sightseeing. Take a Pletna boat ride (a wooden, awning-covered boat rowed by a special oarsman) to the island on Lake Bled and climb up the 99 steps to St Mary's Church. Enjoy a free evening. Be sure to seek out the famous Bled cream cake, which isn’t hard; nearly every cafe and cake shop in town claims that theirs is the best.
  4. Tag 4

    Motovun / Rovinj

    Farewell Slovenia this morning and drive to Motovun, one of Croatia’s most interesting towns. Motovun sits on the top of a cone-shaped hill surrounded by the natural diversity of the bountiful Mirna River Valley, whose forests are famous for truffle hunting. The medieval charm of the town is still found in its well-preserved architecture. Today you will have the chance to sample the delectable local product during a truffle tasting combined with fritaja (Croatian omelette), a local speciality. Your sommelier will pair your tasting with suitable Istrian wines to try, such as the famous Malvazija. Continue on to the romantic Croatian town of Rovinj, one of the best-kept towns on the Adriatic Coast. Among Rovinj's qualities is the beautiful, architecturally intact old town centre, and its venetian-style St. Euphemia Church. Tonight’s Feature Stay accommodation is the spectacular Hotel Istra, set on a private island just a short boat ride from Rovinj. Away from the pressures of the mainland, here you’ll experience total tranquillity on your own slice of paradise. The hotel makes the most of its scenic setting, with stunning views at every turn. Combine that with fantastic facilities, gorgeous rooms and polished service and you’ve got an experience to remember.
  5. Tag 5

    Opatija / Plitvice

    This morning you will make your way inland with a stop at the town of Opatija, a former resort town for wealthy Austro-Hungarian families. Here you’ll have the opportunity to walk along the famed centuries-old Franz Joseph I Promenade, better known as the Lungomare – a coastal footpath that stretches from Volosko to Lovran. There will be time for you to explore the stretch of the promenade closest to town, and to have lunch. In the afternoon your will arrive at your accommodation, tucked away in the Plitvice Lakes National Park. Enjoy an evening at leisure.
  6. Tag 6

    Plitvice Lakes National Park / Zadar

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8

    Sibenik / Primosten / Split

  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11

    Split / Lastovo Island

  12. Tag 12

    Lastovo Island

  13. Tag 13

    Pupnat / Korcula Island

  14. Tag 14

    Peljesac Peninsula / Dubrovnik

  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16


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Leistungen 2025

  • Komfortables Hotel (12 Nächte), Feature Stay (3 Nächte)
  • 14x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Venedig - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Postojna - Höhlenbesuch
  • Ljubljana - Rundgang
  • Ljubljana - Burgbesuch & Seilbahn
  • Bled - Pletna Bootsfahrt auf dem Bleder See
  • Bohinjer See - Seilbahn zum Berg Vogel
  • Bohinjer See - Tagesausflug
  • Motovun - Trüffel- und Weinverkostung
  • Rovinj - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Motovun - Stadtmauer Spaziergang
  • Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen - Eintritt & Wanderung
  • Zadar - Stadtrundfahrt mit örtlichem Reiseführer
  • Zadar - Drink bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Sibenik - Orientierungsspaziergang
  • Sibenik - St. Jakobus Kathedrale
  • Split - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Split - Rundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Split - Besuch des Diokletianpalastes
  • Insel Korcula - Orientierungsspaziergang in der Altstadt von Korcula
  • Korcula - Mittagessen auf dem Weingut und Weinverkostung
  • Vela Luka - Vela Spila
  • Korcula - Individuelle Halbtagestour
  • Korcula - Blato Ethno House Barilo
  • Dubrovnik - Stadtmauern
  • Trsteno - Besuch im Arboretum
  • Trsteno - Verkostung und Brunch auf dem Olivenhof
  • Dubrovnik - Segeln bei Sonnenuntergang


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Venice, Italy
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