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Premium Greece Cyclades Islands

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
9 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 4.188,– p.P.

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  • Probiere bei den Exklusive Erlebnisse eine schillernde Vielfalt an griechischen Gerichten, z.B. den Besuch eines Olivenölpressenmuseums auf Naxos, einen Kochkurs mit Verkostung lokaler Kits und einen Nachmittag mit Weinverkostung auf Santorin in zwei verschiedenen Weingütern.
  • Mach eine geführte Wanderung entlang der legendären Caldera von Santorin, vorbei an steilen Felswänden und unglaublichen Aussichten, während du unterwegs etwas über die geologische Geschichte der Insel erfährst.
  • Lerne die Tricks und Kniffe des Handwerks auf Naxos bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis: Nimm an einem Kochkurs mit einer Einheimischen teil, die mit Bio-Zutaten aus ihrem Garten regionale Spezialitäten zubereitet, die du dann zum Mittagessen genießen kannst.
  • Erlebe Paros mit den Augen eines Einheimischen während eines aufschlussreichen Exklusiv-Erlebnisses. Erkunde die Insel mit einem erfahrenen Reiseleiter, der dir Insiderwissen über die Geschichte der Insel und ihre charmanten Dörfer vermittelt.
  • Genieße den Zauber Santorins von deinem weiß getünchten Feature Stay Hotel aus, das geräumige Zimmer, moderne Annehmlichkeiten, einen großen Swimmingpool und eine erstklassige Lage vor einer atemberaubenden Kulisse bietet.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Amurtel, der einen sicheren Ort für geflüchtete Frauen und Kinder in Griechenland bietet. Die Spenden helfen ihnen, vor- und nachgeburtliche Betreuungsprogramme anzubieten, die von qualifizierten Hebammen durchgeführt werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 4.188,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Greece! Your adventure begins in Athens, Greece’s storied capital with a lively cosmopolitan side. There is a lot to experience in this ancient city, so arriving a few days early is highly recommended. You will be met at the airport on arrival and transferred to your hotel, where you will meet your local leader and fellow travellers for a 6pm welcome meeting. If you arrive early, you may like to pay a visit to Athens’ iconic Acropolis, or perhaps take a walk around the gorgeous National Garden. After your meeting, get a taste of Greece’s celebrated cuisine during dinner with the group at a local restaurant in the vibrant Psiri neighbourhood.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning you will be transported to Athens' port at Piraeus and board a ferry bound for Paros – a beautiful and relaxed island with a layered history. Ferries are a great way to travel between the islands and are the lifeblood of many remote islands in Greece's multitude of archipelagos. In the afternoon, get to know Paros during an island tour with a local guide. Start off in Parikia, the island’s main town, where you will visit the Ekatontapiliani church, also known as the Church of a Hundred Doors. Explore charming narrow streets and learn about the architecture of the town. Continue with a drive through the island’s mainland, passing by ancient marble quarries, then stop off at the village of Lefkes. Take some time to explore the peaceful village, surrounded by verdant hills dotted with olive and pine trees, then carry on to Naoussa – a delightful village known for its whitewashed alleys, Venetian castle and stunning port. After your tour, enjoy an evening at leisure.
  3. Tag 3


    The day is yours to uncover more of Paros’ charms. There’s certainly no shortage of things to see and do on the island. You may like to begin the day with a guided morning hike along the coast – starting off at a lovely fishing village and weaving through some of the island’s most pristine beaches. In the afternoon you will have the option to visit the nearby island of Antiparos – a favourite secret holiday spot for royals and celebrities, this lesser-known island offers a tranquil escape. Or perhaps you’d like to spend the day relaxing on one of Paros’ many beautiful beaches, cooling off with dips in Aegean Sea. Speak to your leader for more information about the activities on offer today and for tips on how to make the most of this spectacular island.
  4. Tag 4


    This morning you will say goodbye to Paros and catch a short ferry to Naxos. The largest of the Cyclades islands, Naxos has something for everyone – from glittering beaches to an endearing Old Town and hundreds of years of Venetian history. Take some time to settle in on arrival, then regroup in the late afternoon to discover the wonders of the town with the guidance of your leader. Pay a visit to the Portara, a giant marble doorway and the only remaining part of an unfinished temple of Apollo from 530 BC. Naxos is unique in the fact it is the Cyclades’ only self-sufficient island, meaning all produce is grown and available on the island without imports. Because of this, the cuisine is hyperlocal and differs to the rest of the country. This evening you will enjoy an included dinner and learn about the wonderful regional specialties of the island.
  5. Tag 5


    This morning you will drive to Eggares, a small farming village set in the region that produces most of the island’s produce. Here you will tour an olive oil press museum to learn about the importance of olive oil to Greek culture and traditional extraction methods. After your visit, you’ll put your new knowledge to good use as you travel to the nearby village of Galini for a hands-on cooking class. Meet with a local who will share her in-depth culinary knowledge with the group, leaving you with wonderful recipes you can cook up at home to bring you back to the island. First you will collect fresh ingredients from your host’s organic garden and learn about cultivation and farming on Naxos, then you’ll be shown how to put the ingredients together to create a marvellous Naxian dish from scratch, enjoying the fruits of your labour for lunch. Continue to the village of Halki for a look at its magnificent ancient buildings, then pay a visit to the iconic Vallindras distillery for a kitron tasting. With a history stretching back to the 19th century and only produced on Naxos, a taste of this citron liqueur will take you straight to the heart of the island’s culture.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


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Leistungen 2024

  • Komfortables Hotel (6 Nächte), Feature Stay (2 Nächte)
  • 8x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Athen - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Paros - Highlights von Paros Halbtagestour mit lokalem Guide
  • Naxos - Altstadt-Spaziergang & Portara-Besuch
  • Naxos - Kochkurs in einem einheimischen Haus
  • Naxos - Eggares-Olivenölpresse
  • Santorin - Caldera-Wanderung
  • Santorin - Weingut-Ausflug & Weinprobe


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Athens, Greece
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