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Greece Sailing Adventure: Cyclades Islands

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 11
10 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.572,– p.P.

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  • Ein Sonnenuntergang auf Santorin rund um die Caldera ist ein unvergesslicher Anblick. Wandere am vulkanischen Rand der Insel entlang, vorbei an weißen Dörfern, die sich an die steil abfallenden Klippen klammern, und beobachte, wie der Tag auf atemberaubende Weise in die Nacht übergeht.
  • Segle mit deiner Kleingruppenyacht durch die Ägäis und hüpfe durch die Kykladen, halte regelmäßig an, um von der Seite deines Bootes zu schwimmen und lass dich nachts vom Rauschen des Meeres in den Schlaf wiegen.
  • Schlemme frische Meeresfrüchte in einer verschlafenen Taverne am Wasser auf den kleinen Kykladeninseln - weit weg von den Touristenmassen und mitten im Leben der Einheimischen. Das ist das Inselleben auf griechische Art.
  • Lass dich von der venezianischen Architektur auf Naxos in die Vergangenheit zurückversetzen und lerne das Landleben bei einem Tagesausflug in ein Dorf kennen - das sind nur einige der vielen Erlebnisse, die du auf den Kykladen haben kannst.
  • Kein griechisches Inselabenteuer ist komplett ohne einen Zwischenstopp in Mykonos. Lass dich von der Boutiquenkultur und dem Nachtleben verzaubern oder entspanne dich an einem der vielen Strände entlang der Küste.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.572,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Santorini – Ios

    Welcome to Greece! Meet your skipper and shipmates at Ammoudi Fish Tavern at 11 am at Oia Pier and take a private boat transfer over to the island of Thirasia where you will board your yacht. If you’ve got time, why not consider arriving a couple of days early to enjoy Santorini. Check out the range of restaurants, shops and bars in the island's capital, Thira. An absolute must is to take a walk along the caldera's rim to Firostefani, Imerovigli and Oia. This is a particularly memorable experience at sunset, but make sure you leave plenty of time so you aren't walking in darkness. Santorini's volcanic beaches are another must-see. After your welcome meeting, set sail (approximately 5 hours) through Santorini’s caldera, cruising across the Aegean Sea to drop anchor at the island of Ios via Manganari Beach. Check out Hora's shops, restaurants and bars – a short walk from the harbour in Ios – which all come alive in the evenings.
  2. Tag 2


    Sail to the rugged island of Amorgos (approximately 4 hours). This is the stunning location of Luc Bresson's film, 'The Big Blue'. Stop for a swim at Paradisi Beach before continuing along the coast to the port of Katapola. The restaurants, cafes and bars along the waterfront are an excellent place to relax and enjoy views of classic Cycladic windmills and an old Venetian castle. You might like to explore the ancient Minoan Settlement or drive up to the spectacular 11th-century monastery, Moni Hozoviotissis, for beautiful views of the Aegean Sea. Also worth a visit is the village of Hora, sitting high up in the rocky mountainside. Stroll through the labyrinth of stone laneways and Byzantine churches surrounding the town square. The Amorgos Archaeological Collection is housed nearby in Gavros Tower.
  3. Tag 3

    Small Cyclades

    Cast off and sail to the Small Cyclades this morning (approximately 4 hours). This group of islands boast quaint fishing villages, clear waters and beautiful beaches. While all of these islands once harboured communities in ancient times, the middle ages saw this reduced to just pirates and goats. Today, only Koufonisia, Iraklia, Schinoussa and Donousa have permanent residents, with the largest population said to be around 300. In the evening, perhaps sample fresh seafood in a waterfront taverna and sit back to enjoy the peace of the Mediterranean.
  4. Tag 4 - 5


    Today you'll make your way to the largest Cycladic island of Naxos. There’s the option of taking a day trip around the island, but you can always stay behind and relax. The island’s best beaches are to the south, where water sports are also on offer. Perhaps hike up to the old Roman Catholic neighbourhood of Kastro, where winding laneways, mansions and churches all retain a medieval feel. While here, stop by the Roman Catholic Cathedral in the square, and the nearby Archaeological Museum which is housed in the former Jesuit School of Commerce. Take an optional trip to the countryside to observe rural life, see one of the oldest temples in Greece and enjoy lunch in the hills at a family tavern. Get a taste of the local brew with a shot of Kitron (best described as a lemon liquor). In the evenings, indulge in the vibrant nightlife of Hora.
  5. Tag 6


    Sail to the island of Syros (approximately 4 hours), dropping by the Bay of Gaidharos along the way for a swim. Known for its relaxed atmosphere and neo-classical architecture, Syros’ neutral role during the Greek revolution made it a safe haven for the persecuted. Perhaps catch a bus up the hill to the fortress-like village of Ano Syros and explore the town’s stone archways and narrow alleyways (the views of the Aegean are stunning from up here). Sample authentic Greek food and culture in the capital of Syros and the Cyclades, Ermoupoli, and check out the magnificent town hall in the main square.
  6. Tag 7


  7. Tag 8


  8. Tag 9


  9. Tag 10


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Leistungen 2024

  • Boot mit Übernachtung (9 Nächte)


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Santorini, Greece
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