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Mainland Greece Discovery

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.365,– p.P.

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  • Entdecke die Jahrtausende alte Zivilisation in Athen mit einem Besuch der weltberühmten Akropolis und der antiken Agora
  • Wie unzählige Pilger vor dir besuchst du die Heimat des Orakels von Delphi im Heiligtum des Apollo, eine der wichtigsten archäologischen Stätten Griechenlands.
  • Lass dich von den magischen Klöstern von Meteora verzaubern, einer außergewöhnlichen Stätte, die auf einer Reihe von uralten Felszacken thront
  • Entdecke die vielen Geschmacksrichtungen der griechischen Küche. Es gibt nichts Besseres als reichhaltige und herzhafte Moussaka oder gegrilltes Lamm und Tzatziki in einer traditionellen Taverne zu essen, während um dich herum Rembetika-Musik erklingt


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.365,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Kalimera! Welcome to Greece. Named after the goddess of wisdom, the birthplace of Western civilisation, Athens has an amazing array of historic sites to explore; a weighty history that spills out over the modern city, represented most dramatically by the ancient Acropolis. There's much to be seen in the ancient capital of Greece, vibrant and refreshed following the 2004 Olympics, yet still retaining so much visible history. After the welcome meeting, perhaps head out for some gyros and ouzo with your new travel companions.
  2. Tag 2

    Athens / Thessaloniki

    This morning head out to visit the famous Acropolis, one of the Western world's most important historical structures. Start with an ascent to the top of this sacred rock via the towering entrance, the Propylaia. Once inside, encounter the Parthenon – the greatest Doric temple in the ancient world. In the afternoon board a train to cosmopolitan Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece. This city especially comes alive in the evening, thanks in part to its large student population, so make sure you hunt down the perfect gyros or some live music.
  3. Tag 3


    Relax in the splendour of what is regarded as the cultural capital of the country. Walk along the waterfront to the White Tower, take in the Byzantine churches (like the beautifully frescoed Church of Saint Nicholas the Orphan), Ottoman sites and Roman ruins, and appreciate the wonderful views over the gulf. On a clear day you might even catch a glimpse of the home of the gods, Mount Olympus. If you’d like someone to show you the way, perhaps join an Urban Adventure for a local view. The city is undoubtedly the gastronomic capital of the Greece and its flavours are unique. For 2,000 years it’s been a melting pot of cultures, with eastern spices, French, Balkan and Mediterranean tastes. Seek out the eateries in the area around the agora, where age-old columns and arches brush up against modern apartments and the ancient Rotunda.
  4. Tag 4


    Travel by public bus or train to Kalambaka (approximately 3 hours). Upon arrival embark on on a short orientation walk of town, where your leader will point out amenities and help you get your bearings. The rest of the afternoon is free for you to explore the scenic area around Kalambaka and Meteora, where the views are stunning whichever way you look. Having two days here allows you to explore at your own pace, discover the history and legends, witness the incredible views of one of the few World Heritage sites listed under both nature and art at different times of the day, and avoid the crowds. Your leader will have suggestions on hand. In the evening, maybe head to a taverna for dinner and stroll the main square for a taste of Thessalian life.
  5. Tag 5

    Meteora / Kalambaka

    Climb into the heavens, just like monks have done for centuries, towards ancient monasteries precariously placed atop 400-metre-high rock formations. Meteora is home to 24 14th century monasteries that sit at the top of karst pinnacles, though only six are still occupied. They were once only accessed by rope ladders, but thankfully there are now steps. The cliff faces also feature caves where hermits lived an even simpler life than those in the teetering monasteries. The monasteries, which used to be supplied by rope and pulley systems, house woodcarvings, frescoes, paintings, and one even features the skulls of the first founders. You’ll enjoy some great views back over the town. The area makes for incredibly dramatic photos – multi-colour streaked rock, bright green forest, and the pale terracotta of the monastery roofs against the Grecian sky. The mists that can surround the pinnacles make the constructions seem like they’re floating in the air. Hawks drift on the valley thermals looking for prey, and black-frocked priests shuffle silently around.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (7 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Athen - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte Akropolis mit örtlichem Reiseführer
  • Athen - Akropolis Lokaler Führer
  • Thessaloniki - Besuch der ökumenischen NAOMI-Werkstatt für Flüchtlinge
  • Meteora - Klosterbesuche
  • Delphi - Archäologische Stätte & Museum Führung
  • Delphi - lokales Mittagessen & Olivenölverkostung mit Blick auf das Delphi-Tal


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Preise gelten ab/bis Athens, Greece
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