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Highlights of Turkey & the Greek Islands

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
15 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 4.520,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Probiere lokale Obstweine in einem der am besten erhaltenen griechisch-osmanischen Dörfer des Landes. Das kleine Dorf Sirince ist wie aus dem Bilderbuch.
  • Erlebe die Feenkamine von Kappadokien hautnah auf einer Talwanderung, bei der du die in den Fels gehauenen Behausungen im Liebestal oder die rosafarbenen Farbtöne des Roten Tals erkunden kannst.
  • Entdecke die Seitenstraßen und pulsierenden Märkte Istanbuls, wo der Osten auf den Westen trifft.
  • Schlafe an der Ägäisküste ein und wache in Zentralanatolien im Mavi Konya auf, einem Nachtzug von Izmir nach Konya.
  • Entdecke die Jahrtausende alte Zivilisation in Athen mit einem Besuch der weltberühmten Akropolis und der antiken Agora.
  • Wandere durch die charmanten Dörfer von Syros. Wenn die Nacht hereinbricht, kannst du in traditionellen Tavernen köstliche Meeresfrüchte essen, während um dich herum Rembetika-Musik erklingt.
  • Mit ihrer Boutiquenkultur, den traumhaften Stränden und dem pulsierenden Nachtleben lädt die schicke Insel Mykonos dazu ein, deine hedonistische Seite auszuleben.
  • Der Anblick eines Sonnenuntergangs auf Santorin kann selbst die härtesten Seelen in Romantiker verwandeln. Wandere entlang des vulkanischen Randes der Insel von Thira nach Oia, vorbei an malerischen weißen Dörfern, die sich an die steil abfallenden Klippen klammern.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 4.520,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Istanbul, the continent-straddling metropolis that the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans have called home. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 1 pm, followed by a guided tour of the Old City with your expert leader. Visit the scene of many a chariot race in the ancient hippodrome, check out the Blue Mosque, take a walk past the wares of the Grand Bazaar and marvel at the architectural masterpiece that is Suleymaniye Cami. If you're not too exhausted after all the exploring, join your new friends for dinner and bask in the beauty of a real Turkish kebab. While you might be familiar with the shaved meats and pita bread sensation that you may have come across at 2 am, nothing beats the kind they wrap up in Istanbul.
  2. Tag 2


    How blue is the Aegean? Find out for yourself today. After breakfast, board a local train and head to the airport before taking a 1-hour flight to Izmir, Turkey's third-largest city. From here, transfer 1.5 hours to the coastal gem of Kusadasi. This resort town lies on Turkey's western Aegean coast and is the perfect base for visiting the classical ruins at Ephesus. It's also a great spot to soak up the vibes along the seafront promenade, check out the local beaches or have a bit of a fun enjoying the vibrant nightlife. Despite being a resort town, Kusadasi isn't all new hotels and marinas – it has a long history and some phenomenal cuisine featuring fresh seafood and local olive oil.
  3. Tag 3

    Kusadasi - Ephesus

    Lace up your sensible shoes and charge your camera. Today starts with a visit to Ephesus, one of the best-preserved classical cities in the Eastern Mediterranean and arguably the greatest Greco-Roman site in the world. Once the capital city of Roman Asia Minor, the city has a fascinating history that really comes alive with a local guide to enhance the experience. The ruins are in incredible shape considering their age, and it’s not difficult to image them in their full glory 2000 years ago. This ancient city was extremely sophisticated with running water, public toilets, a renowned medical institute, a brothel and Roman baths. The theatre is well preserved and regularly hosts concerts, but it's the magnificent library that takes most people's breath away. From Ephesus, drive to Selcuk to feast on the popular gozleme (Turkish pancake) as it's made in front of you, then visit the Isa Bey Mosque, and the remains of the Artemis Temple This afternoon there is an opportunity to visit Sultankoy. This small village is dedicated to carpet weaving, and here you can discover all about this traditional art form, from dying the wool to traditional weaving on wooden looms. Regardless if you are in the market for a new rug or not this is an opportunity to support local weavers enjoy some Turkish hospitality, over a cup of tea of course, and discover the beauty of Turkish Rug Making. Late afternoon head to the small village of Sirince to taste the local fruit wine and enjoy sunset.
  4. Tag 4

    Kusadasi – Overnight train

    Enjoy a full day at leisure to do as much (or as little) as you like! You might like to take a day tour to the famous Pamukkale World Heritage Site, Turkey's 'Cotton Castle' thermal pools that have been used as a spa since the 2nd century BC. Though you won't be able to bathe in these pools, you can take a walk through them, visit the nearby ancient city of Hierapolis and take a dip in what used to be Cleopatra’s old pool. Alternatively, you could take to the Aegean and explore the coastline on a gulet, a traditional wooden Turkish vessel, and swim in the crystal-clear waters of Soguksu Bay, Claros Island and Baradan Beach while enjoying lunch on deck. If you'd rather have a low-key day, there are plenty of beaches in town to relax on. Whatever you do, make sure you're ready to head back to Izmir by 6 pm as the Mavi Konya, an overnight train, will be waiting to transport you through the night to the central Anatolian city of Konya.
  5. Tag 5


    Wake up in Konya, a traditional Turkish city that's closely linked with the whirling dervish sect of Islam developed in the 13th century by Celaleddin Rumi, considered one of Islam's greatest Sufi mystics. Take an opportunity to visit the Mevlana Museum and stretch your legs in town before hitting the road for a 3-hour journey to Cappadocia. Keep an eye out for the fairy chimneys, the hallmarks of Cappadocia's otherworldly landscape, as you drive across the Anatolian plains. Stop enroute at one of the underground cities that once provided a safe haven in times of war or persecution. Arrive in Goreme in the late afternoon and take a sunset valley walk before settling in for the evening.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    Cappadocia to Istanbul

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12

    Delos / Mykonos

  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (13 Nächte), Nachtzug (1 Nacht)
  • 9x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Istanbul - Altstadtrundgang (halber Tag)
  • Gallipoli - Vollständig geführte Gallipoli-Tour & Besuch der Commonwealth-Friedhöfe
  • Sirince - Dorfbesuch und Obstweinverkostung
  • Troja - Besuch einer archäologischen Stätte
  • Selcuk - Orientierungswanderung unter Anleitung
  • Ephesus - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte
  • Selcuk - Besuch des Artemis-Tempels
  • Selcuk - Gozleme-Vorführung und Mittagessen
  • Kappadokien - Kaymakli Unterirdische Stadt
  • Konya - Mevlana Museum
  • Kappadokien - Talwanderung
  • Kappadokien - Abendessen bei einer einheimischen Familie
  • Syros - Loukoumia Workshop Besuch
  • Syros - Ano Syros Wanderung
  • Syros - Abendessen bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Delos - Tagesausflug zur Insel Delos
  • Delos - Archäologische Stätte
  • Santorin - Caldera-Randwanderung nach Oia


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