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Premium Turkey & The Cyclades Islands in Depth

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
25 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 7.451,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Bewundere die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Türkei und Griechenlands, von der Baumwollburg von Pamukkale bis zu den psychedelischen Felslandschaften von Kappadokien und der legendären Caldera von Santorin.
  • Gönne dir kultige Feature Stays in einem traumhaften Höhlenhotel in Kappadokien und einem weiß getünchten Hotel mit spektakulärer Aussicht in Santorin.
  • Bei exklusiven Erlebnissen lernst du die wahre Türkei kennen, z.B. bei einem Kochkurs mit einem renommierten Koch in Selcuk, beim Besuch einer Teppichwebe-Kooperative und bei einem traditionellen Abendessen bei einem Einheimischen in Kappadokien.
  • Bei exklusiven Erlebnissen wie einer Kitron-Verkostung in einer lokalen Brennerei, einer Weinverkostung auf Santorin und einem praktischen Kochkurs mit einem Einheimischen auf Naxos lernst du die erstaunliche Vielfalt griechischer Produkte kennen.
  • Schlendere zusammen mit erfahrenen lokalen Führern durch die antiken Straßen von Ephesus, lüfte die Geheimnisse von Sagalassos, erkunde die legendären Ruinen von Troja und entdecke die Geschichte und die charmanten Dörfer von Paros.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 7.451,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Istanbul, the continent-straddling metropolis that the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans have all once called home. Enjoy a complimentary transfer to your hotel from the airport. You’re never far from a great meal in Istanbul, so if you arrive early be sure to grab some lunch at one of the city’s many eateries. Your Intrepid Premium adventure then begins with a welcome meeting at 1 pm. After the meeting, head out with your Intrepid local leader and small group to explore the Old City of Istanbul. Your knowledgeable leader will introduce you to some of the historical treasures of the city, including the dazzling Blue Mosque, the ancient Hippodrome, and the Million - a stone road marker in use since the fourth century. This evening get to know your fellow travellers over dinner at a stylish restaurant where local delicacies are paired with panoramic views of the Bosphorus.
  2. Tag 2


    Rise and shine for an early breakfast, then begin the drive to Çanakkale, a port city located on the shores of the Dardanelles. Arrive in time to buy yourself some lunch, then head to the Gallipoli Peninsula. Thousands from across the world make the journey here each year to pay respect to those who lost their lives in the battles of 1915. Tour the former battlefields and find remnants of trenches used by the Turkish soldiers. Head up to the memorials of Lone Pine and Chunuk Bair while your leader explains the significance of the events that took place across the landscape. Look down upon the rough hills and gullies that became the graveyard for so many thousands of young men on both sides. After a day that will no doubt be full of sombre reflection, the evening is free for you to do as you wish in Canakkale.
  3. Tag 3


    Drive to Selcuk with a stop en route in Troy, where history and mythology sit side by side. Your leader will take you around the ancient city walls, and there will be time for a photo op with a replica Trojan horse. Learn how the site has confounded historians and archaeologists, then continue to Selcuk. This afternoon you’re in for an extraordinary treat - meet a local chef (who has appeared on the BBC!) for a Turkish cooking class, using olive oil grown and made on site as well as herbs and vegetables picked fresh from the garden. If you’re just eating Turkish food in restaurants, you’re only getting half the story. Learn how to make a range of small meze dishes using seasonal ingredients. Enjoy the fruits of your labour as this evening’s dinner will be the mouth-watering meze plates you’ve made together.
  4. Tag 4


    This morning join your leader for an orientation walk around Selcuk, a sprawling town lying at the base of the ancient Aysoluk Hill fortress. Visit the last remaining column of the Temple of Artemis, the ancient aqueducts and the 14th-century Isabey Mosque. In the afternoon, visit one of the best-preserved classical cities in the eastern Mediterranean and arguably the greatest Greco-Roman site in the world – Ephesus. Learn from your leader what life here was like as you tour the amphitheatre, stroll the marble streets once walked by Cleopatra and Mark Antony and marvel at the gymnasium, baths and restored Library of Celsus. Later, drive past apple and peach orchards to the quaint village of Sirence, where charming red-roofed houses clamber up the hillside. Drop by a local wine house where you’ll enjoy a tasting of the locally produced fruit wines. Try a sip of kiwi, pear, peach, quince or all of the above!
  5. Tag 5


    After breakfast this morning, travel to the town of Pamukkale. Named after its incredible travertine terraces, Pamukkale means “cotton castle” in Turkish. This magical and spectacular natural phenomenon was created by deposits from thermal waters that cascaded down the mountainside over hundreds of years, forming a collection of pools and terraces. As the water overflows, dazzling cream-coloured stalactites are formed that, from afar, resemble cotton or snow. The pools are filled with waters that many believe have healing properties for circulation and the digestive system. But that’s not all this site has to offer - head up to the ruins of Hierapolis, an important Roman bath centre founded by the King of Pergamon in 190 BC, where your leader will bring history to life and guide you through an ancient temple, holy area, monumental fountain, bath, basilica, necropolis and an impressive theatre. Enjoy a free evening in Pamukkale.
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Leistungen 2025

  • Komfortables Hotel (17 Nächte), Feature Stay (5 Nächte)
  • 22x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 5x Abendessen
  • Istanbul - Stadtrundfahrt
  • Istanbul - Besuch der Blauen Moschee
  • Istanbul - Willkommensessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Gallipoli - Anzac Cove, Lone Pine und Chunuk Bair
  • Troja - Besuch einer archäologischen Stätte
  • Selcuk - Orientierungswanderung unter Anleitung
  • Ephesus - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte
  • Sirince - Dorfbesuch und Obstweinverkostung
  • Selcuk - Kochkurs
  • Pamukkale - Hierapolis und Travertin-Nationalpark
  • Kayakoy - Dorfbesuch
  • Kas - Orientierungswanderung unter Leitung des Leiters
  • Kas - Segeltörn mit Meeresfrüchte-Mittagessen
  • Antalya - Orientierungswanderung unter Anleitung
  • Antalya - Antalya Museum
  • Sagalassos - Besuch der archäologischen Stätte
  • Konya - Mevlana Museum
  • Kappadokien - Orientierungswanderung mit Führer
  • Kappadokien - Getränke bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Kappadokien - Talwanderung
  • Kappadokien - Freilichtmuseum Goreme
  • Kappadokien - Teppichweberei-Kooperative
  • Kappadokien - Töpfervorführung
  • Kappadokien - Özkonak Unterirdische Stadt
  • Kappadokien - Kizilcukur-Tal
  • Kappadokien - Selbstgekochtes Abendessen
  • Athen - Willkommensessen in einem lokalen Restaurant
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Paros - Highlights von Paros Halbtagestour mit lokalem Guide
  • Naxos - Altstadt-Spaziergang & Portara-Besuch
  • Naxos - Kochkurs in einem einheimischen Haus
  • Naxos - Eggares-Olivenölpresse
  • Santorin - Caldera-Wanderung
  • Santorin - Weingut-Ausflug & Weinprobe


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Istanbul, Turkey
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